Harry Pendragon - BigJ0893 - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Chapter Text

AN: Hello and welcome to Harry Pendragon. I would like to thank anyone who reads this story in advance. It was fun to write. I would also like to thank my Beta and friend Alpha Flash for helping me to Keep motivated and helping me in planning and plotting this story. For all the formal bits and bobs Let it be known now that I do not own Harry Potter or the Harry Potter universe. That privilege and honor are reserved for J.K.R. With that all said then without further due I give you CHAPTER 1!

Harry watched as the world around him slowed down to nothing but a crawl as Sirius fell backwards into the odd archway in the center of the room. He saw the look on his godfather's face and noticed the look of resignation as he fell. It was the look of someone who had accepted that he was going to die. That the world was finished with him, and that he was ready to leave it.

But Harry was not ready for him to leave. He was not ready to be left alone again. He was tired of it all. Of the darkness that plagued his life day in and day out. The darkness that had started with the Dursleys from the day he was placed on their doorstep.

Sirius had been one of the only people that had brought light to his darkened living. He was the hope of a family that he had never met. He was a light at the end of a very dark tunnel that was the Dursley home. Harry knew it was odd to feel these things for someone that you had just met really. The longest time he had spent with Sirius was over the summer and even if that was only a month. But it had been one of the best months he had ever had.

Unlike so many people in his life Sirius had not treated him like a child. He understood that he had been through things that no child should ever have had to endure. He realized that those experiences had given him both a blessing and a curse. He was blessed in not having to see the world crash down around him at an older age due to having established world views of the controversy that life brought.

However, he was cursed for that same reason. No child should have to grow up as fast as he had. To be beaten for no reason other than existing. To be starved and hated by those that you are supposed to be able to call family. To have friends that would listen to an old man and ignore him for no good reason.

He was moving before his brain had registered what exactly he was doing. His feet just started carrying him away towards Sirius as he disappeared through the veil of death. His body was there one moment and then gone in the next. He heard Remus calling his name and felt fingers barely grazing at his robes, but it was too late. Before he could really get ahold of them though Harry was gone. Sprinting toward the veil in the center of the room. Both sides of the fight stopped what they were doing as they watched the boy run head long for certain death. But Harry paid them no mind as his friends called for him to stop.

They watched as Harry followed Sirius through the veil, his body disappearing just as his godfathers had. Both sides of the fighting were now in a stunned silence as they stood there. Those fighting for the ‘light’ were shocked at seeing their so-called Saviour disappear before their very eyes. Those of the dark were more concerned as to what their dark master would do to them when he found this out. For not only had the prophecy they were sent to retrieve destroyed but his trophy was now dead. His anger could go either way.

This was the scene that Albus Dumbledore stumbled upon as he made a well-timed entrance to save Harry and his friends. Well good timed on his part. Though he would never admit it aloud he had noticed that most of his plans for such fell rather short. He had been late to helping Harry in his first year only to come upon the boy lying covered in ash. His second year he could not get Fawkes to bring him to the chamber. And on it went, well lay plans falling short. However, it was not for naught as the boy still seemed to see him as his Saviour.

However, this time it did not mean anything at all. How could it be when the blasted boy was dead? Years of planning and this was how it would come down to. The only thing that utterly confused him however was the fact that he was dead at all. According to the prophecy only Voldemort could kill him. So, if that was true then how did he dead?

Dumbledore, however, wasted no time thinking about it all just yet as he quickly took advantage of the lull in the fighting. He captured the death eaters and secured the students. Unfortunately, though Voldemort had arrived to see what had been taking so long for his followers to return.

By the end of a spectacular fight between them, the ministry had found him to be alive. However, it meant little in the end as within a few years Voldemort had takin it over. Dumbledore had died at the hands of his own ego thinking himself above Voldemort. He took the secret of the horcruxes with him to the grave only to tell Severus Snape. The man however at seeing the way the dice was falling choose to side completely with Voldemort. In the end the dark lord won, taking over the wizarding world and sending it into a dark age that would last many centuries. Muggles and muggleborns alike would suffer travesties beyond the likes of any other in history as the dark lord swept over the land. One country after another slowly falling before his might. All this is due to Harry Potter trying to save his godfather.

Harry woke up lying on a black marble floor. A rug made from a black bear lay below him. He could also feel the heat of a fire heating his right side. He lay there for a long moment trying to understand what it was that he was feeling. The last thing he remembered was running into the veil after Sirius. How had he gotten here?

“Young man while I must say that my rug is rather comfortable, do you truly plan to lay about all day?” a cool voice sounded from above him.

Harry looked up and his green eyes met a pair of Pitch-black orbs. It was not just the pupil, but the man's entire eye was black. Yet Harry did not find himself panicking at the oddness. Rather, just calmness enveloped his mind. He took in the rest of the man's features. He had a longish nose and thin lips. His long black hair hung down to his shoulders limp against his head. It was not greasy as Snapes had been but like it was... dead. His cheeks were sunken to the point where they looked unhealthy. His pale skin was as white as milk. He wore a jet-black three-piece suit with a blood red tie and handkerchief in the breast pocket. His black oxford shoes shined in the light of the fire. A platinum ring adorned his right pinky finger with a large peril sitting within it. His long bony fingers grasped a tumbler of amber whiskey.

Harry slowly got to his feet and looked around the room. It was a dark room with its floors and walls made of black marble. A large fireplace sat before two large high back chairs made of deep brown leather with Mahogony feet. The studs in the leather a shiny brass. A side table made of the same mahogany sat between the two chairs a second glass sitting on it along with a decanter of the amber liquid.

He focused upon the man once more as he came fully to his feet. He could feel power rolling of the man and decided that it would be best to be as polite as possible. “I am so sorry sir, but it would seem I am a bit lost. I was looking for my godfather but somehow ended up here.”

The man looked at him for a long moment before he nodded. “Have a seat Mr. Potter you and I have much to discuss.” He told him to move to the other chair. He reached over and took up the decanter and poured the liquid into the glass. Ice cubes appeared under the liquid as he filled it up to what his uncle Vernon would call one finger. But for a normal man would be seen as two. He gently slid the glass towards him. “I suspect you may just need this. Besides, I do not get many coming here to drink with.”

Harry just took his seat wondering what was going on exactly. “Er thank you sir.”

“Do not say er Mr. Potter.” The man reprimanded him gently. “It passes one off to be a simpleton who is incapable of the most basic of thoughts. And we both know that you are no simpleton.” He said his black eyes bearing into his own.

“Yes sir, though many would have you believe otherwise.” Harry told the man sitting up a bit. He had put up a bit of a ruse over the years. While not a genius or having perfect memory and recall he was intelligent in his own right. However, after years of conditioning from the Dursleys he had done his best to hide that.

The man nodded in approval. He slowly raised his glass to his thin lips and took a sip. Harry looked down at his own cup and decided it would be rude not to. He had drunk fire whisky once or twice at parties in the tower. He took a sip while bracing for the severe burn he would experience with it. However, that burn never came. Instead, it had a nice woody taste. A hint of a smile came to the man's lips as he seen his face. “I detest the taste of Wizards fire whiskey. They have a desire to make everything magical and give them magical properties. However, whiskey was perfect from the word did not need their meddling. This is a fine batch of American bourbon aged fifty years.”

Harry nodded slowly. “It is better really. Its smooth with only a little bit of heat from the liquor compared to fire whiskey.”

The man nodded his head. The two sat in silence for a brief time as they sipped their drink and enjoyed the fire. Finally, the man decided to speak. “Tell me Harry do you know who I am?”

Harry sat and thought for a moment and stared into the fire. Finally, he spoke softly. “I believe I do.”

The man's hollow black eyes stared at him. “Then say it.” He commanded.

Harry looked over to meet the man's eyes. A sense of certainty coming to him. “You are the end. You are the white horse man... You are death.” He stated in a soft voice. He was not afraid of death. He felt that he was coming to meet an old friend despite his youthful age.

Death nodded his head not taking his eyes from him. “You are correct.” He stated simply. “I find myself intrigued though that you do not panic. Most who meet me are beside themselves in fear. Pleading to go back. Yet you do not.”

Harry looked down at his glass and swirled the ice around a bit as he thought about his words. “I suppose that I'm tired of living you could say. I'm tired of the pain.”

Death nodded absentmindedly. “I can understand that I suppose.” He sipped his drink. “You know you were not meant to go into my veil? You were meant to go on for at least a few years before entering my domain.”

Harry's brow scrunched a bit at his words. “I see, I am sorry for that then if it has caused you trouble.”

Death stared at him for a moment before waving his hand slightly in dismissal. “It makes no real difference in the end. One day everyone shall enter my domain. Though with you here now it does prevent one individual from entering here.” He motioned to the other corner of the room just behind Harry's chair. He looked back only to see a vile looking creature that looked oddly like Voldemort's homunculus form. Death watched him as he looked it over. “I see you have already come to recognize it.”

Harry nodded a bit. “Is... is that Voldemort?”

Death nodded slightly. “A piece of him, at least. You see that a rich fool has committed the most heinous of crimes a mortal could ever commit. He has split his soul through vile acts.”

“Like killing you mean?” Harry asked, trying to understand.

Death shook his head, his limp hair moving side to side. “Yes and no. While murder is a perverted act and is a part of this ritual, killing is not exactly a sin. You see murder is a sin as you do it out of malice and hate. You murder for the fun of it and just to do it. Killing however is not the same. Tell me Harry let us say that your father had killed Voldemort that day in nineteen eighty-one would that be murder, would it be a vile act done out of hate and the thrill of killing?”

Harry thought for a moment. “No, I suppose not. He would have been defending me and mum.”

Death nodded and looked back into the fire. “Killing someone to defend yourself or others is not in and of itself evil. It is when you go out of your way to kill someone or put yourself in a position that you may end up killing someone that is evil Harry. But we are getting into semantics here and away from our main topic. You see, with him splitting his soul, he has in effect become immortal. This disturbs the balance of the world.”

Harry nodded thoughtfully trying to put it all together. “So, in order to kill him one would need to have sought out and destroyed all of the fragments.” Death nodded his head, but then another thought came to Harry. “That was in my scar was not it... I would have had to have died in the end anyway to kill it.”

Death looked at him for a long moment. “And there are your brains coming back I see. Again, the answer is much more than a simple yes or no. Yes, that was a piece of his soul. But you would not necessarily have had to die. It is true that it is an effective way to destroy them if they are as a living creature. However, it is not the only way. You could have gone to the goblins for instance, and they could have taken care of it. Though I believe that your headmaster had planned on you dying to destroy it.”

Harry froze with his cup to his lips. He slowly looked over at Death. “Dumbledore wanted me to die?”

Death nodded his head absently. “Yes, it would appear as such. He seemed determined that he would be the one to kill Voldemort. And I suppose he could have if he were actually working on your behalf.”

Harry raised an eyebrow. “My behalf?”

“Yes, well there was a prophecy involving you and Voldemort that said that one could only die by the others hand. That you already know about. It has many ways to interpret it and that is why it is so dangerous to try and control the way a prophecy will play out. One way or another it will be fulfilled.” Death told him.

“Ah.” Harry nodded a bit. “Well, I suppose they are having a rather tough time of it without me then huh.”

Death nodded his head and leaned back in his chair. “Ah yes and you have brought us back to the main problem. How do we deal with this mess? While part of me wants to say it is your fault I also cannot. I can understand wishing to save your few tethers to the world. Reckless but understandable none the less.”

Harry nodded in appreciation, knowing full well that it was in fact his fault. “I suppose you will be sending me back then?”

Death nodded, obviously deep in thought. “I could do that yes. However, the question is when to send you back. I cannot just have you step through the other side of the veil it would be too odd and raise too many questions. Neither can I have you just appear amid battle just before as you would be disoriented. Hmmm quite the conundrum that we find ourselves in.”

Harry for his part just sat looking at the fire. He really did not want to go back to that hell whole of a life. “Just do not make it too far back please. I would rather not live through all of that a second time if you are to be giving my memories back or not.”

Death looked at him for a long moment before nodding a bit. He got to his feet with a surprising amount of dexterity for someone who looked so frail. “Wait here I must talk to someone.”

Before Harry could speak again, he was gone. Harry just shrugged and looked back into the fire. He could not help but wonder if they would at least let him see Sirius one more time before he went back. He had thought about speaking to his parents as he had in the graveyard but found he did not have as much of a desire. While he would have loved to have gotten to know them better would it really have mattered? He hardly knew them at all other than from stories of them. But Sirius was the closest thing to family had had outside of Remus. Even the Weasleys were not family to him. They seemed to not be inclined to help him over the wants and desires of Albus Dumbledore and that irked him.

After what felt like an hour Death returned a small smile on his lips. He took his seat once more and sipped his drink. “Well then Harry I believe we have come up with a very fine way to take care of everything.”

“We?” Harry asked curiously.

Death nodded. “Oh yes, my sister Fate and me. I had to go and discuss my thoughts with her, and she has agreed.”

“Okay...” Harry said now⁵ horribly confused.

“Now then here is what is going to happen. You see, while we can send you into the short-term past of your life as it is now that really would not allow for events to work out the way they should. After talking to her we have found that Dumbledore's influence on your life was too much to be rectified by such a short trip back. It would take you years to fight through the bureaucratic bull sh*t the man has formed around you. Thus, we have come to a different conclusion. Rather than send you back to a time in the last few years you will be going back much further and gaining a whole new life.” He told him with a hint of excitement. Harry really could not blame him. He supposed that it was boring if you had lived as long as him.

“A new life?” He asked.

“Yes, indeed a new life. You will be sent back to the time of your parents' childhood as a child yourself. Now some things must still happen to you, as it is for your own development as a person. Along with accommodating all the changes that fate has now planned for.” Death told him.


“Yes, you will not be the boy who lived. You shall be the boy who lives godfather and guardian at least for a few years.” He told him.

“So, I am going to be the godfather of what is in a roundabout way my own self... brother... yeah, we are going with that.” Harry asked.

Death shook his head. “No not at all. First you will not be a Potter in this timeline at all. In fact, you will not be related to either Lilly Evens or James Potter in any way. Also, not to give out any spoilers but they will not be the parents of the boy who lived.”

Harry nodded. “Well at least they will live.”

Death gave him a disconcerting smile. “Oh yes, they will live indeed. Though their lives shall be different than before.” He told him mysteriously. “Now then you shall be a pureblood in this life. This is needed so that you can have the respect of the old families not just with your family name but also due to your blood status. I understand that does not mean much to you, but it does others and it will help you in this world. As to your family your mother will be from a pureblood family but not from Britan. She shall be from America, her family not old enough to amount to much in the British world other than acknowledging her blood status. Your father on the other hand is from an extremely old and powerful family. You see you shall be the last heir of the Pendragon family.”

Harry sat their taking it all in. “Wait Pendragon, as in...?”

Death smiled a little more. “Yes indeed. As in Arthur Pendragon the King of Briton and the magical world. However, you do not need to really worry about being king. Moreover, you shall have a lot of votes within the Wizingamot. You see your family gave up the title of king when the government became more of a democracy. However, they still retain a powerful position within the government and could always take back the government if they see the need for it. However, you should not need to as if you study you should be able to make it work for you.”

Harry nodded. “Okay I can agree to it.”

Death nodded. “Then let it be done then. A final piece of advice though. Things will be different in this timeline. People may not be with people that they were in your original time and that is okay. If someone is to be there, then they will be. Just go with the flow of it all. Let things happen and let Fate take care of the rest.”

Harry nodded a bit at his words. “I'll keep it in mind.”

Death reached over his hand coming to rest over Harrys. “See that you do young man. Oh, and before I forget you shall retain your memories.”

And with a flash Harry Potter left the domain of death. Death leaned back in his chair and smiled as he took another sip of his drink. It would be rather interesting to see how the boy handled his new life. Part of him regretted that he would have to experience his presence in his life at such an early age once again. However, he understood it was meant to teach him the value of a life. It was in a way a punishment for causing all of this in the first place with dying the way he did though.

Chapter 2: Chapter 2


Harry Potter fell through the veil of death in his fifth year in a desperate attempt to catch Sirius. However, he is given a second chance upon meeting death and learning a few truths about his life. However, rather than returning to his time, he will be reborn in the time of his parents as the heir to King Arthur Pendragon.

Chapter Text

AN:/ As always I would like to let it be known that I do not own Harry Potter as that honor goes to J.R. Rowling. I would also like to thank my beta and friend AlphaFlash for his assistance in both running beta and for helping me come up with ideas for my writing. Something I forgot to mention last time was that this fic will be getting updated every Friday. So I hope I give you something else to anticipate other than the weekends!

Chapter 2

Harry's earliest memory from his new life was when he was four. It was the time when his parents had taken him to the Grand Canyon in Arizona. They had gone out on the skywalk to observe the canon. It was a beautiful sight and he had been pulled back from the edge by his mother who was afraid of heights.

It had taken both him and his father holding her hands to get her to come out with them. It had been his first trip he had ever been on that he could remember, and he knew it would always hold a place in his heart.

As the next few years went on, he found that he did not think of James and Lilly Potter as being his parents any longer. The image of them in that regard had faded.

To him the only two people that were his parents were Uther and Jessica Pendragon. He grew up on stories of his ancestor the king of Brittan and his wife Guinevere. He was taught how to read both English and Parseltongue seeing as it was a trait that passed along the Pendragon line. He was also told of how it could be used for healing magic making it more potent than normal spells.

The next significant event came when he was seven. When he found a very peculiar seven headed serpent in his family garden at the redwood forests of Washington. It was a quaint little estate they had for themselves, and Harry loved exploring the woods with his father. He would garden with his mother another favored activity of his.

But back to the serpent, it was a very odd serpent with Dark red scales that shimmered like blood across its three-foot-long body. Its heads were oddly familiar. It was not until he noticed the bright yellow eyes that seemed to glow on every head that he knew why it was familiar.

He froze as he stared into the eyes of a beast that he had faced once before a long time ago. The one he had faced back then though did not have seven heads. He knew this was it, that he was dead. He had already looked into its eyes. But nothing happened, he was completely fine. He even felt his muscle relax.

"Excuse me but are you not a Basilisk?" Harry asked it in a hiss.

He watched as all seven heads tilted to the right. "Yes, I am human! You speak our tongue?" It said in the voice of a young boy seeming extremely happy.

"Great now you will want to kill me for being a Basilisk." A second voice said in a dower tone.

"But what if he wants to be my friend?" a third voice said sleepily.

Harry just sat there getting rather confused. "Um excuse me are you talking to me?"

The seven heads turned back to him. Six of the seven shouted yes with the sixth shouting no. One raised its head. "Sorry about them I am just a bit confused sometimes. You see while I am a single snake each of my heads have a personality of their own, yet we all agree we are one."

Harry stared at it for a long moment. "Well... okay then. So, if you are a basilisk why didn't I die when I looked at you?"

"Why you want to die?" Asked an angry voice.

"Oh, hush you grumpy." Said the cheerful voice again.

"Well, no I would rather not die I was just curious is all." Harry told them... him.

"Oh well that is simple you see us basilisks..." Started an intelligent sounding voice.

"Just give him the basics you know it all!" grumbled the grumpy one.

"Fine, you see we have a second eye lid that prevents our gaze from killing without us wanting it." The voice returned.

"I see. So, what brings you here?" Harry asked after nodding.

"Oh, we felt a pull on my magic that led me here!" The cheerful voice said excitedly bobbing its head. Harry was starting to get a feeling of which head belonged to which voice.

"And that pull then led us straight to you." Said the head with its head lowered a bit bashfully.

"A pull on your magic you say?" A deep voice came from behind Harry causing both boy and snake to jump. Harry whirled around to find his father standing over him with his hands in his pockets and a soft look in his blue eyes.

"U-um yes sir." The bashful one spoke up softly.

"Hmmm how interesting this is. It seems that you have found a familiar bond with my son here. Very odd indeed that to that you are a Hydra Basilisk. Basilisks are rare enough, but a hydra is down right near impossible." Uther said as he pondered it. "Well then I don't see any harm in it."

Harry sat there looking at his father as if he were crazy. "Um dad you know what you are saying right. I highly doubt that MACUSA would let me keep it."

Uther looked down at his son and smiled softly. He was happy to see his son try and follow the law even at such an age. "Ah but if you bond with him, you won't have any worries. You see it is part of an ancient law that magical familial bonds can't be split up by any governing bodies. This is one law that all magical governments are to follow. Same goes for the fact that they cannot tell you, you can't take him anywhere."

Harry sat there and thought it through. It would be rather interesting to see how this would turn out. "How do I form the bond." He then turned to the snake remembering his manners. "If that's okay with you that is."

"Oh yes please, please, please." The happy head bobbed.

Uther chuckled. "Well then all you need to do Harry is place your hand on its... ah... heads and focus your magic to your hand. Nature will take over from there."

Harry nodded and did as his father told him. The creatures fourteen eyes glowed a moment as did Harrys and when it faded, he could feel a connection to the snake in the back of his mind. Uther clapped politely as he smiled down at his son. He was a laid-back parent but could not help but shutter at the sudden realization of what his wife was going to say to him.

Harry let the serpent slither up his arm and curl around his neck. Harry tickled the middle one on the nose causing it to sneeze. He smiled at it. "I think I will call you Larry." He announced proudly. That was when Uther lost it and fell against a tree laughing. It took a week to get all the papers signed to register Larry as his magically bound familiar. The snake would now ride everywhere with him under his shirt.

Another almost two years passed by with the happy little family enjoying their lives and living it to the fullest. They would go on picnics in the woods. Vacations to various places both magical and muggle. Harry had even started taking muggle karate classes so that he could defend himself without magic if he needed.

However, on one particular day Harry's world came crashing down once more. His mother and father were tragically ripped from his life in a car crash of all things. They had been crossing the street in Los Angelis when a drunk driver ran them over. Harry found it morbidly ironic that the lie the Dursleys had told him would come so close to what happened this time around. It left Harry alone with Larry and two-house elves Trixie and Kurt. The two elves did everything they could to keep Harry's life running the way it had before. Trixie would even put on a glamor to look somewhat like his mother so that she could pass as an aunt and take him to his karate lessons.

Honestly if it were not for those two and the seven heads of Larry, he would have most likely lost it. This had been so much worse than growing up just knowing that your parents were dead. He had them for nine years in his life and now they were just gone. He felt broken really, like it was all he could do to keep himself from breaking completely.

His parents' wills had been oddly specific in their directions for him. He was to be granted emancipation upon their deaths. He was also to be given the lordship of house pendragon immediately along with all its fortunes. He could not help but see deaths hand in all of this. He had, after all, mentioned that he would still suffer loss in this life. He also figured that it was a form of punishment. A reminder that if he did not remain vigilant for Voldemort that things were going to get much worse for many people. It also stated that he would be going to Hogwarts when he turned eleven. He was both happy and not happy about that. He had made friends here in America who would be going to Illvimorny.

He took to studying a lot more in the absence of his parents. Trixie would often find him holed up in the library reading about the British government and his role in it. He would also start studying the theory of magic trying to get ahead of it. He could always get the practical aspect of spells but never the theoretical parts.

He would also start learning potions from scratch during this time. He may be emancipated and technically able to wield a wand, but his magical core was still too unstable to do so properly. So, it was theory and potions that he would study. He would spend hours in the library or his father's potions lab every day, and every day Larry would be sat upon his shoulders or somewhere else with in the room keeping him company. Every now and then hissing out a comment about this or that.

This went on for two more years until just before his eleventh birthday. Trixie and Kurt had packed up the house into one undetectable expansion trunk and Kurt whisked it away to Briton. Apparently, The Pendragons while no longer owning a large and spectacular castle did own a large and magnificent manor home. It was placed atop the ruins of the onetime Camelot castle. The only remaining portion of said castle being the crypts away from the manor proper.

He was currently waiting in the now empty kitchen next to a length of rope. He stood a little taller than average for his age at about four foot ten inches. He could easily pass as a second year. He wore a good fitting black suit that was not fancy enough to stand out but was dapper than your average day wear. His mother had always insisted that he dress properly. He wore a large silver wrist wristwatch that had belonged to his father and was still slightly too big for him. He also wore a silver locket around his neck that had belonged to his mother. Inside was her favorite picture of them all when Harry was eight. He had shaggy straight blond hair with a section much longer than the rest on the left side that was braided down to his shoulder. A silver bead with Celtic knotwork was holding it together. A few strands of wild hair came from the opposite side of his head to the front of his face. His father always joked that it was a Pendragon trait that all men be cursed with. His dark blue eyes shined brightly behind half frame glasses.

Trixie would be traveling there shortly to help Kurt. However, for now she was to wait until Harry departed with his international port key. He was nervous. He had not exactly had pleasant experience with British port keys in his past life. The only thing keeping him happy currently was that an old friend of his fathers was the one to make this one. If it were not for that and his many times using them with his family, he would have chosen to fly or sail to Briton.

Harry was to take the portkey at midnight in Washington so he may be there bright and early on Monday morning. Harry took up the length of rope a moment before the clock struck midnight and he felt the familiar pull on his navel. His world suddenly went a whirl of color as everything started spinning. He could feel Larry tighten around him trying to hold on for dear life. Finally, he started kicking his legs like his father had taught him and straightened himself out. He landed perfectly on a marble floor in a large room.

He looked around, his back straight and his head held high. His father had always instilled upon him the importance of first meetings and how one carried themselves. If you wanted to be taken seriously you must present, yourself in a serious manner. Now that by no means said that you must act pridefully or as though you are better than others though. Always be polite whether you are talking to a janitor or to a king.

He looked around for a moment before he noticed a rather board looking fat man sitting behind a small desk. He approached the man keeping his composure as the man looked up with beady eyes. He reminded him of a skinner Vernon Dursley. He shook his head at that. It was not very nice to compare a man he did not know of to that whale of a man.

"Welcome to the British Ministry of Magic. Can I get your name and reason for arrival." The man drawled out in a board tone as he looked back down at his desk.

Harry spoke in a strong tone. "Harry Arthur Pendragon and I am here to immigrate to Briton."

The man looked back up at his last name. "Pendragon you say?" He asked.

"Indeed." Harry drawled in a tone that suggested that the man should move on.

The man got the hint and indeed moved on. "Um yes, well, do you have anything to announce?"

Harry nodded a little. "Yes, I do actually." He handed the man his papers for Larry and watched his face go white as a sheet as he read down the page.

"A...A... A B-b-basilisk?!" He shouted.

"Is that a problem sir?" Harry asked.

"I-I-I'm not sure I will need to look into this. Please follow me sir. I will need you to wait in a waiting room." The man quickly got up from his desk and almost ran out of the room.

Harry rolled his eyes as he followed him. He was led to a small room and left to stew. He had to deal with this even when his parents were alive. No matter where they went people would freak that he had a basilisk for a familiar. At least with Harrys magic Larry could stay small or grow to his full size for his age. Which as of now was about eight feet.

He sat there for an hour as the powers that be did their arguing. "How long are we going to wait here!" Angry Larry hissed.

"Can't you just be happy that it is quite." Larry replied to himself sadly.

"Oh, shut up." He snapped back.

"Look Larry it's not like we don't have to go through this anytime that we travel. I mean can you really blame them?" Harry asked.

Larry just grumbled from his place on Harry's shoulder while the other heads snickered. Finally, three people came bustling into the room. The only one Harry recognized from his last time through though was the now head of the DMLE Barty Crouch Sr. He groaned internally at seeing him, he just knew that it would end in a headache.

"Ah Mr. Pendragon it is such an honor to meet you." The heavy-set man said exuberantly.

Harry raised an eyebrow at her. This was obviously the minister of magic though for the life of him he could not remember his name. "And you are Sir?"

The man seemed a bit but out that he did not know him. "Ah well I am James Wilson the minister of magic." the man said puffing out his chest.

Harry decided that he should play a bit of the politician on this. He hated brown nosing the minister, but it also would not do to make an enemy of the man. "Ah well then it is an honor to meet you Minister Wilson. Though it is rather honoring to meet someone of your position I find myself wondering why I have been here for over an hour. It is, after all, a simple thing to handle seeing as it deals with my bonded familiar."

Que Barty Crouch. "That is exactly why you are here boy. You have brought a dark creature upon our soil and expect us just to..."

"Excuse me sir but according to the International Consortium of Wizards It is against international law and the law of magic to detain and try to separate a magically bonded familiar from their witch or wizard. The fact that you are ignoring an ICW law and the fact that you have legal documents within your grasp there that state that it is my familiar by magic is mind boggling. You are also miss identifying a creature sir. You see you cannot simply call a creature dark simply due to its nature of being able to kill. You yourself have the capability to kill and yet are you dark sir?" Harry told him off as the minister and the other man stood aside looking embarrassed as Crouches face started turning red.

"Why you little..." He started.

"On top of that you have come in here and virtually accused me of being dark before the minister of magic and someone I can only assume is the head of the control and regulation of magical creatures and have not even give me your name." Harry said making his face turn redder. He went to speak again but Harry held up his hand and turned to look at the minister. "Well now Minister perhaps you could tell me something. Is this something I should be expecting to endure here in Brittan should I stay."

The minister suddenly looked rather flummoxed. "Ah... should you stay?"

Harry leaned back in his chair still ignoring Crouch. "Yes, should I stay. If this is the kind of treatment that I shall be enduring by your administration or the administrations of the future I don't really see why I should come to Brittan. I mean I'm sure it would be pleasant knowing that the founding house of magical Briton and the house of the once king was back on its home soil. However, I am not sure it is worth being accused of being dark simply because I have a creature capable of killing with a look as my familiar. Not even to mention if the Ministry won't even be following the laws of the ICW. I mean I am sure that an intelligent man such as yourself can understand where it is I am coming from."

The minister was growing white at his words. It had been centuries since the Pendragon line was removed from Britain. If word got out that the Head of the most important family to their history was not only accused of being dark but also turned from Brittan before actually entering it would be a huge blow to them. Britain would become a laughingstock in no time. It would be a PR nightmare to boot and all because of Barty.

Harry decided to push it a little further. "Perhaps I shall go to France instead now that I think about it. I do have a rather lovely chateay there from what I have been told." He said as he started to stand up.

"N-now no need to be hasty Lord Pendragon." Wilson said quickly deciding to be even more formal seeing the situation. "I am sure that Barty here did not mean it. After all we here in Brittan follow the ICW perfectly. After all we have one of our very own in a top spot with in it. Albus Dumbledore, you know. The headmaster of Hogwarts is the chief mugwamp." He said with a huge smile. He then turned to Crouch. "Come now Barty apologize to Lord Pendragon."

Harry turned to look slightly down his noise at the taller man. His teeth were gritting together so tightly he was sure he would chip a tooth. "I apologies Lord Pendragon."

Harry took a moment to stare at him, another thing his father had taught him, to make your opponent sweat no matter the arena. The minister started to squirm a bit and he decided to answer. "Very well. I do hope that there is not a repeat of this in the future."

The minister seemed to sigh softly before putting on a smile. "Of course, Lord Pendragon it shan't be happening again I can assure you."

Harry nodded and stood up. "Then I presume that I am free to leave?"

"Ah yes though there is one more thing. I see here that you are emancipated is that correct?" The minister asked hopping not to offend the boy again. He was not sure why, but he seemed to understand that doing so would not be a good thing.

"Indeed I am. Is there an issue with that as well?" Harry asked his voice turning a tad cold. His emancipation was like a constant reminder of the family he had lost once again.

The minister waved it off frantically. "No, no I just wanted to be sure that it was correct so that I could make sure they don't put a trace on your wand. Here you go sir." He said handing Harry a sheet of paper. "Just give that to Olivander at the wand shop in the ally and he will take care of you. Just remember the statue of secrecy and all shall be good."

Harry nodded. "Very well thank you."

He made to leave before the third man finally spoke up. "Ah Mr. Pendragon, sir. Do you mind if I take a look at your familiar? I am simply curious is all. I'm Kyle lofty head of the department of magical creatures as you said."

Harry looked at the man for a moment making him sweat a bit. He was rather good at it apparently. Finally, he nodded and hissed softly shocking all three men. Parstltoung was not just a trait of Slytherin. Larry slowly stuck his heads out from the collar of his shirt causing all three men to look away quickly. "You can look, they have a second set of lids that prevents them from killing when they don't want to." He told them rolling his eyes a bit.

The three men turned back slowly. They each looked over the seven headed serpent in a mix of awe, fear, and anger. You could guess who was showing what emotion. Finally, the minister spoke up. "Ah so you are a Parstletougne?"

Harry really had to hold himself back from rolling his eyes again. "Yes, I am in fact. You see contrary to widespread belief here in Brittan Salazar Slytherin was not the only one who could speak the language. The Pendragon line was also blessed with the ability. As too was a good majority of India. It is not as rare as people would like to seem to think it is. It is also well known to be a much better use for medical spells the practitioners of it helping to cure many in India."

The minister seemed stunned by this so-called revelation. Crouch on the other hand seemed to be trying to swallow something bitter. After that Harry was quickly ushered out and up to the atrium. As he was walking along the halls, he got flashes from the last time he had been here. Of him and his friends running through here to find the prophecy. He gently shook the thought from his head as he came upon the large fountain and looked up at it.

As he looked up at it, he felt a presence come to stand next to him. He looked over to see a man with deep red hair and a square jaw standing next to him. The man's eyes were looking up at the statue just as his had been. Finally, he tilted his head in Harry's direction. "Interesting statue is it not?"

Harry eyed the man for a moment before he looked back at the statue. "If you believe that this is how we should view other magicals and them us then yes, I suppose that it is. Though I am sure that it is said to be a statue of equality among the races."

The man turned a curious eye toward him at his words before looking back at the statue and nodding. "Aye you are right. It was said to be made to show the equality of magical beings. Though I must say I agree with you that it does not appear to show that at all."

Harry nodded. "Yet most will believe in the false tale that was created for it. Seeing it as they want them to see it. The real question though is whether it is due to them genuinely believing that we are all equal or whether it is because that is what people think others want them to appear to believe."

The man turned his head to look at him properly. "You are rather mature for your age." He stated looking him up and down.

"I have had to grow up faster than most." Harry told him off handedly.

The man nodded a bit before offering his hand. "Edward Bones."

Harry looked at the proffered hand a moment before taking it. "Harry Pendragon."

If Edward was shocked by his name, then he was exceptionally good at hiding it. "So, I take it you are new to British soil?" Harry nodded. "Ah well then welcome to England then. If you don't mind, I would not mind talking to the parents who have raised such a smart young man as yourself."

Harry's face darkened a bit. "I am sorry sir but that would be quite impossible. My parents passed on three years ago."

Edward frowned a bit at that his eyes showing sorrow. "Ah I am sorry about that then. Are you here alone then?" He seen Harrys eyes narrow and nodded his head. "Don't worry lad I don't mean you any harm. Just a concerned parent trying to look after a young man on his own."

Harry stared at the man the way he did the minister and it broke Edwards heart a bit that one so young was able to look like a full-grown man. He looked like he was sizing up a political opposite or a dueling opponent. No one that young should be able to pull off such a look. Then again if he was a Pendragon perhaps it was just a part of the blood line. One doesn't become a king for nothing after all.

Finally, Harry spoke again. "I have my familiar with me, along with my house elves. I am also an emancipated minor ever since they passed."

Edward nodded again slightly. "Well, if you ever need anything look me up lad. I am always willing to help the younger generation. Perhaps you can come by for supper sometime over the summer. I have a son and daughter about your age."

Harry seemed to think over his proposal. If he remembered right this should be Susan Bones grandfather. Susan was a nice girl and loyal as any Hufflepuff. Her aunt Ameila was the head of the DMLE in his time so it may be good to get to know her if she ends up there again. He nodded slowly. "I do not see a reason to turn your offer down. I would be honored to join you and your family for dinner... Lord Bones." He decided to add the honorific to show that this isn't just an acceptance from a child to an adult. It would be one lord accepting the invitation of another. It would also show that he understood how the British magical society ran. He made sure that his head of house ring glinted a bit to draw the man's attention.

Edward for his part noticed the ring and the way his reply was worded. He nodded even though he had a bit of an internal struggle at seeing a child acting just as a lord should in such an instance. Also seeing a child know how to act in such an instance was a bit of a shock. "Well then if it is all the same, I shall send you an owl within the week to set something up." Harry nodded his acceptance. "Well then I must be off."

Harry said his farewells and watched as the older man moved away. He looked around to see that no one was really paying him any mind. He nodded to himself as he made his way to the floo. This had worked out well and would allow him to possibly make a few connections within the political ring as the years went by. He may not be able to take up his seat until he turned seventeen, but it never hurt to get allies. He got to the floo and quickly made a trip to Daigon ally. He would be eleven in a few days and needed to look into his finances before his letter came. He would not be able to once school started until the summer.

Chapter 3: Chapter 3


Harry Potter fell through the veil of death in his fifth year in a desperate attempt to catch Sirius. However, he is given a second chance upon meeting death and learning a few truths about his life. However, rather than returning to his time, he will be reborn in the time of his parents as the heir to King Arthur Pendragon.

Chapter Text

AN:/ Hello everyone, hello. To start things off, I would like to inform you that I unfortunately do not own HP; that privilege belongs to JR Rowling. I would also like to thank AlphaFlash for his help in editing coming up with ideas, and letting me bounce crazy ideas off him. If you would like to check out his own works please head to his page and through out some love. Speaking of love I would also like to thank all you that have commented here. You all mean the world to me and I thank you for your support. It helps me keep wanting to write! Now then on to chapter 3

Chapter 3

Harry flooed into Diagon alley and ended up coming out with in the floo of flourish and blots. He looked around to see it rather busy with students of all ages who had received their letters shopping. He moved off and headed towered the bank. The alley really hadn't changed in his time from what he could tell.

All the same stores lined the street with families bustling to and from. He got to the bank and pushed his way into a door. He looked around to see it crowded with people. He quickly found a teller who wasn't occupied and made his way to him. His father had drilled many things into him since he was young, and one was to treat all magical beings with respect.

He came to the teller and politely spoke. "Good morning, Master Teller." The goblin looked up as a few others looked over from the corner of their eyes. "I am here to speak with my account manager if he is available." He told the teller showing him his signet ring.

It was a rather good piece of jewelry. It was goblin forged, for king Arthur and his family thereafter. It was wrought in goblin silver with an intricate knot working on the sides. It was said to have been designed by Merlin himself who had also woven in the magical was enchanted to detect foreign substances within one's food and inform the wearer of what it was. It was also said to be able to detect when someone lied to its wearer and notify them of such as well. It had a large Sapphire placed in the center of the ring with a Hebridean Black wrought of obsidian. His father always joked that it was a fitting beast for their family seeing as it ruled over such large swathes of land and were fierce to those that attempted to take what was theirs.

The goblins eyes went slightly larger at the ring. The Pendragon family had long been one of the few families that were considered to be goblin friends. Even in other countries goblins respected the family, as the family showed them respect and trust. It was a rare thing in wizards as it was. "I shall see if he is available. Wait here." He commanded wanting to see how the boy would react.

Harry nodded slightly. "Very well if he is not available, I can come back if he would like to set a meeting time." He offered back politely.

The goblin almost fell out of his seat at his words. It was just too odd for a wizard in Britain specially to show such respect. A few nearby wizards and witches who heard him rolled their eyes. All but a girl with bright emerald eyes and her parents. They had been watching how others treated these creatures and were rather put off by them. To see this well-dressed child speak like he was to them was a pleasant surprise. The girl however didn't take her eyes off the boy tilting her head to the side in curiosity.

Soon the goblin returned. "If you will follow me your account manager shall see you now." He said stunning the other witches and wizards as he was almost polite about it.

Harry nodded and followed the goblin through the lobby. "Thank you."

He was lead through the building to a place he had never been before. Looking back, he probably should have been through seeing as it was his money. The Potters had an account manager as well and he suspected the headmaster had prevented him from going to him. He was eventually led to a large ornate door made of oak. Two guards were stood in front of it. They looked over him before they nodded and moved to open one of the doors. It swung in and Harry was led inside.

The office was decorated with armors and weapons all which withstood the test of time. A large Oak desk sat in the center with an old goblin sitting behind it. Harry instantly knew that this was no mere manager he was standing before. This was the manager of Gringotts... or better known as the king of the goblins in Britain. He inclined his head slightly in a show of equality and respect to the other. The king of the goblins watched as he did so with an unreadable expression on his face.

Finally, though he spoke. "So, you recognize me as the leader of the goblins then." He stated simply.

Harry nodded. "Yes, I do."

"Then you are smarter than any other who has been granted this honor of meeting me. Though I should have expected nothing less from a Pendragon. Your family has always treated us fairly." He said his voice rough with age.

"Treat those as you yourself wish to be treated, as my mother always told me." Harry said simply as the two stared at each other.

A faint smirk appeared on the grizzled face. "Well said." He looked down at his desk for the first time a stack of papers. "Have a seat, Lord Pendragon."

Harry moved to sit as he spoke. "Please, I am hoping that we can be friends as we shall be doing business with one another for years to come I hope, so call me Harry."

The old goblin looked up at him for a moment before he nodded. "Indeed, then call me Ragnock." He then looked back at his papers. "It seems here that the British accounts have been dormant for the most part since your ancestor a few centuries ago gave his final orders before leaving the isle with a good portion of the funds. His last order was to continue to make smart investments on the house of Pendragons behalf. As such I and my predecessors have been doing so. I hope that you do not mind that we have invested in the muggle world as well seeing as it is more profitable as of late."

Harry shook his head. "No problem at all actually. I find that the British magical society is rather stagnant as it seems."

Ragnock nodded his head grimly. "Indeed, it is. As such most of your magical portfolio comes from outside of the isles. As it stands you only own a majority in four companies. The Nimbus Broom company, a rather new company that came to us for startup investors. You own fifty five percent of that company. Then there is a cauldron company that you own fifty one percent of. Along with Madam Malkin's robes for all occasions here in the ally. You own fifty percent of that company split with the proprietor. The last company is the national newspaper the Daily Prophet. You own seventy five percent of it."

Harry was surprised by most of those but more so the Prophet. It was good though. With his influence over the paper, he could hopefully keep it on the straight and narrow in the future. "I see. Well, that is all rather good investments it would seem. How are my funds looking here?"

Ragnock shuffled his papers. "It would seem that you are still the wealthiest family within the isles. Your current balance after your parents ordered your manor brought back up to the modern era and your recent transfer, is one hundred and sixty billion galleons."

Harry felt like he was about to have a heart attack. That was a lot of money. He would never have to work, and neither would his descendance for the foreseeable future if he so chooses. However, his parents didn't raise a slacker. Instead, he just nodded not showing his internal surprise. "Very well then, I trust Gringotts to continue their excellent work in investing my funds then. How much do you receive for these services?"

Ragnock looked at him for a moment before looking back at his papers. "It seems that we currently receive fifteen percent of the profits."

Harry nodded. "Very well I believe with such good investments you deserve twenty five percent then."

Again, Ragnock looked at him as if gauging him as a person. Harry was fine with it though. The British goblins went used to being treated with no respect after all. Finally, he nodded and took out a new paper and jotted some things down. "If you will please sign this to agree to the new terms."

Harry internally flinched at the sight of the blood quill. However, he put those thoughts away and took it up. He read through the new documents before he nodded and signed them. Ragnock took it back, looked it over and nodded as well. "Well unless you have other business to discuss I believe that I should like to see my vaults before I leave."

Ragnock nodded. "That is all that I needed. I shall have my son Riptooth take you to your vaults if it is fine with you."

Harry nodded. "That is just fine with me." He stood up to leave as a younger version of Ragnock entered the room. He put his hand over his heart and bowed slightly. "May your Vaults ever flow."

Ragnock, shocking both his guards just as much as Harry's display, stood up and repeated the action. "May your enemies fall before your feet." He then took his seat once again as he watched the door close behind Harry. Finally, he glanced to a secretary that was sat to his left. "Make a note that Lord Pendragon shall receive the respect that he is due as a friend of the goblins. He does his family proud in his actions thus far." The secretary nodded and made a note.

Harry followed Riptooth back through the halls to the main lobby. They then took a very long and windy cart ride down to the vaults. The ride was much longer than his first timeline. They even went through a waterfall that Riptooth informed him would disable all magic and glammers. Finally they made it to the very bottom of the caverns to the oldest of vaults. A large albino Hebridean Black was curled up in front of two vault doors. Riptooth looked over at Harry as if to see what he would do. So rather than comment on animal cruelty he decided to speak instead using a form of Parstltoung only seen in the Pendragon line.

"Hello noble dragon." He spoke. If Riptooth was surprised he didn't show it as the beast lifted its head. Its blind eyes seeing nothing.

"You smell of human. No human has come here before... nor has one spoken our language." It said in a deep rumbling hissing and spitting noise.

"Indeed to all. I am a human and my family is blessed to speak the noble tongue of your species." The dragon looked down at him as he spoke and it raised to its feet.

"Then you are of those that own that which I protect then." He stated more than asked. "You shall go through then." And he moved aside.

Riptooth just gave a calculating look as he moved forward to the vault with his families seal on it. The other one was the seal of merlin. From what his family knew his vaults were emptied upon his death and turned over to the Pendragons. It remained however more out of an honor to the man. Harry followed Riptooth to the door where the goblin ran a finger along it effectively unlocking it. The door swung outward allowing them entry.

Harry stepped into the vault of his ancestors and looked around. It was filled with gold, armors, weopens and jewels. It was a magnificent sight really seeing all of this here. Books of all kinds lined one wall that would be needing to be moved to the library in the manor. However one book laying on a pedestal under the shelves caught his eye. He moved to it to see the Pendragon coat of arms on it. This was the Pendragon grimoire. He gently carressed its cover and at his touch the magic of the family ring restored its worn look to new. He smiled softly and picked it up. He willed it to shrink and the family magic obeyed and it shrunk. He then lifted it to his shoulder where Grumpy Larry lashed out and swallowed the tinny book. Something they had found out when he was eight was that Larry as his familiar could protect items he wished to keep safe within his own body.

He looked back to Riptooth who was staring at him. He walked over to the goblin. "Do not mind Larry he is my familiar." The goblin nodded a bit. "Does Gringotts offer Mokeskin pouches by chance?"

The goblin seemed to collect himself at the question. "We do for a hundred gallions." Harry nodded and went to the stack of coins. He picked out a hundred of the gold coins and went back placing them in the goblins hand. Riptooth took out a black pouch. "You must add blood to it in order to tie it to you."

Harry nodded and pulled out a small pocket knife. He pierced a small hole in his thumb and then wiped it over the back. The blood quickly soaked in and disappeared. In its place was the Pendragon Coat of arms. Harry nodded and proceeded to place gold into the bag. He then turned back to the goblin. "I would like my house elves to have access to the vault in order to retrieve the books and return them to the manor."

Riptooth nodded and raised his hand. With a snap of his fingers Harry glowed green for a second. "It is done. Any elf bonded to you shall have access to the vault."

Harry nodded his thanks and the two left the vault. After one extremely long ride back to the ground floor Harry bid his goodbye to the teller and left the bank. He squinted a bit as the mid afternoon sun shone brightly. He looked around and decided that he might as well get a few things while he was here to better gel in with the general society here.

Back in the states it was mandatory for wizards and witches to wear more mundane clothes. Here however you were looked down upon for wearing 'muggle' things.

He made his way over to Madam Malkins and pushed his way into the shop. Luckily most people had gotten their shopping done for robes at this point so there were only a few people here. A young black haired woman came up to him and he recognized her as a young Malkins. "Hello dear here for Hogwarts?" She asked kindly.

Harry nodded. "Yes and no ma'am. While I do need robes for school I also need robes for other such things as well. I recently moved here and where I am from we do not wear robes."

The woman's eyes lit up at the prospect of the sale that she was about to get. "Oh my yes we must get you fitted out then. I assume you will need a couple of everyday robes of course. You will also need some more formal robes. Do you belong to a house that you would like the crest to be placed upon them?" Harry lifted his ring to show her and her eyes almost bugged out. "Oh my..." She whispered before looking back up at Harry. "Oh sir if it wasn't for your family I would have never been able to open my shop you know. It means the world to me that you have chosen to come here to do you your business."

Harry just gave her a kind smile. "Well I couldn't rightly go anywhere else when I am invested in such a fine establishment madam. And along with those that you have mentioned I believe it would be prudent to get a dress robe as well. Given my statues I may just need them." He finished in a hushed voice making obvious that he didn't want to make to much of a thing of his name.

She nodded and quickly led him to a fitting stool. Harry was in and out in a matter of an hour with a whole new wardrobe. He called for Trixie who took his things back to the Manor. He then moved up the ally looking around. He picked up a few books on things like Occlumency and dueling. He also picked up a few books on British wizarding etiquette in case there was somethings he needed to know that his mother hadn't taught him yet. They had always planned on moving back to Brittan and this was just Harry fulfilling that desire. He then picked up a three compartment trunk with a password lock on it.

Finally he went into the owl emporium to look around. He wasn't sure he wanted another Owl having had to leave Hedwig behind in the last time line. However he knew that he would need one being the head of a house. He may not be able to meet with Ragnock during the year but they still needed to correspond.

He made his way through the jumble of cages looking for something that would catch his eye. It didn't help that Larry was hissing in his ear as seven heads peaked out. "OH THAT ONE THAT ONE. It looks so delicious!" Happy Larry said excitedly.

"What are you looking at you bloody bird. You want to fight." He then said angrily.

"I hope one doesn't poop on us." He said sadly.

"Duh that ones got no beak." One head said dopily.

"Now now Doppy Larry you should talk about other like that." Said the voice of reason.

"Shut it doc we don't want a lecture!" Snapped angry Larry again.


"I like that one... he likes napes it seems." Said a tired voice.

"A-a-a-ache!" One head sneezed.

"Damn it all Sneezy Larry you got your snot all over me!" Grumpy Larry hissed angrily.

"Oh that ones looking at us like he wants to eat me..." One voice said bashfully.

Harry proceeded to block them out. It was hard to keep track of which personality was talking when you were preoccupied with other things. Finally he noticed a large Eurasian eagle owl sitting in a cage. It was a beautiful bird with a white belly and golden brown specked feathers. The only thing a bit off putting about it was the orange-red eyes that gave it a slightly demonic look. The owl locked eyes with him as he came up to the care.

"Well hello there would you be interested in coming with me. I am in need of a owl you see." He told it softly.

The bird looked at him for a long moment. Finally it gave a short hoot. "OOOH SHE SAID YES!" Happy Larry exclaimed in excitement. That was one thing having Larry around was good for. He served as an excellent translator for Harry to other animals.

Harry shook his head at his familiars antics as he went up to the counter to inquire about the bird. The owner was more than pleased to be rid of the bird seeing as not many would take her given her appearance. Harry called for Trixie once more and had her take the owl back to the manor. He decided that he would go to one more shop before heading to the manor.

Harry walked up the alley for his most important item, his wand. He walked through the alley towards the old shop. He walked up to the door and gently pulled it open. He found himself face to face with a girl with red hair that was darker than the Weasleys and very familiar Emerald eyes. Looking around he noticed three other people looking at him. The woman had blonde hair similar to his once aunt Petunia and the man had the same red as the girl before him with the same emerald eyes. It was at that moment that Harry realized he was looking at his one time family.

He bowed his head and started to back out slowly. "Ah I am sorry it seems I have interrupted you. I shall just wait outside."

The woman shook her head. "Oh no dear its just fine you can come in. I'm Rose, this is my husband Richard and our daughter Lilly."

Harry looked hesitantly over at who could only be Lilly Evens. "Are you sure ma'am the selecting of a wand is a rather personal thing."

The father looked down at his daughter as Ollivander nodded in approval at Harrys words. "What do you think love? Mind if the young man waits inside or would you rather him wait outside?"

Lilly hadn't taken her eyes off the boy before here but finally looked up at her father. "I don't mind." Then she looked back at Harry. "Um if I could see you get matched that is?" She asked shyly. "I'm quite curious to see how it looks from the other end you see. I'm a muggleborn after all and this is all just so new."

Harry thought for a moment before he nodded. The chances of him getting the same wand were low. After all he didn't have any contact with Voldemort yet and he was a different person really as to when he had been here the first time. "I don't mind." He said causing her to smile. He had to admit that she had a nice smile. He walked over to corner to watch the proceedings.

It went similar to his first time here though with out going through so many wands. Finally Ollivander exclaimed when she shot red and gold sparks. "Excellent indeed! Willow ten and a quarter inches and rather swishy. A very good wand for charm work." He told her with a clap of his hands.

Lilly was looking down reverently at her wand and Harry couldn't help the small smile at seeing her face. It was nice seeing someone so happy about magic. He realized that muggleborns had an even more respect for the art than even the purebloods who lorded their magic over people. To them it was a new and most amazing thing. To the purebloods it was an everyday occurrence that simply was. The fact that their families had been practicing it for so long the only real boon they had.

Olivander smiled at the girl before turning to Harry. "Ah and you next then lad. Come, come and stand here and let's see what we can see." Harry definitely liked the younger Ollivander. He wasn't as spooky though he suspected it was due to the war not happening yet. He knew the man was old enough to see the Grindlewald war but seeing two must have really messed with the fellow.

Harry went to stand where directed and the measurements began. The Evens family watched on as he went through all the measurements. Suddenly the wands went flying in a flurry of motion. One after another was quickly placed in his hands only to be taken back quickly. Just like the last time Harry had a pile of wand boxes before him and still no wand. He was a little nervous that it would come to the Holly wand after all. However Ollivander pulled open a long box that held a beautiful marron colored wand. It was decorated with what looked to be a serpent running from the tip down to the handle. The handle however was infact in the shape of a serpents head.

"Hmmm perhaps this one then." The old man said excitedly.

He placed the wand in Harrys hand and the power rush he felt as his magic reached out and mingled with the wand was a true headrush. An eldritch wind blew through the shop tostring only his hair. Bright sapphire colored sparks flew from the tip and the wand almost seemed to hum in excitement.

"Fascinating..." 'Oh bloody hell what kind of story does this one have?' Harry thought as the old man stared at the wand. "That wand had been in my store for four centuries now. Cherry and dragon heart string, slightly flexible. A most powerful wand in deed. The heartstring was from a Hebridean Black if memory serves. Take good care of that wand please."

Harry sighed internally at not having another wand with an odd story. Then he remembered something. He fished in his pocket. "Oh yes sir I was told to give this to you upon finding my wand."

Ollivander took the document from him and read it over. "Ah I see... very well young man I shall take care of this no problem. Will that be all for you today?" He directed the question to both Harry and the Evens family.

"Actually I was hopping I could get a demiguese holster for it." Harry said.

Mr. Evens looked a bit startled. "A what?"

Harry turned and smiled while politely explaining. "A demiguese is a creature that can turn invisible. Its fur is used for things such as wand holsters and invisibility cloaks though it does need to be replaced every so often. The wand holster is a rather good investment from what my father used to tell me. You see people have had accidents in the past by sticking their wands in pockets. He said it could be rather unpleasant."

Both parents paled along with their daughter at this. They looked at each other then their daughter before Mr. Evens looked at Ollivander. "Ah she will take one of those dime things too please."

Olivander smiled and nodded. He rang both parties up and gave them their holsters along with a polish kit. Both Harry and the Evens family moved from the shop. "Well then it was nice meeting you all." Harry said with a slight bow of his head. He turned to leave when he felt a soft hand grip his arm. He turned to only for Blue eyes to meet emerald.

"Um what's your name?" Lilly asked shyly.

Harry gave her a kind smile. "Harry." He decided it was best to keep his last name quite for now. It wouldn't do to have everyone swarm him simply for a name.

Her face lit up. "I'm Lilly its nice to meet you." Then she got a bit shy again. "Maybe we can sit together on the train?"

Harry nodded. "If you like that sounds wonderful. Ill be there rather early so ill save us a compartment. If that is okay with you of course."

Lilly nodded her red locks bobbing around. "That sounds great!" she exclaimed with a bright smile. Harry nodded again before leaving not seeing the small smiles on her parents faces.

As Lilly ran off to the bookstore with her parents following the two decided to talk a bit. "He seemed like a rather pleasant young man."

"Oh and so polite to." Rose Evens cooed.

"Much better than that Snape boy." Richard said evenly.

Rose smacked his arm looking at Lilly as she browsed. "Richard that isn't very nice, you know that the boy is one of her only friends."

Richard sighed a bit. "I know, I'm sorry okay? Its just the boy sets off alarms for me okay. Every time he comes to the house Petunia runs off to her room and refuses to come out. He then glares at the both of us when Lily isn't looking as though we are the worst things he has ever seen. He then proceeds to drag Lilly off so they can talk in private. Its just odd you know?"

Rose sighed. "Yes I have to admit that it concerns me as well. However we must trust that we have raised Lily and Petunia to know right from wrong. We must also trust that we have taught them how to choose their friends well."

Richard just watched his daughter. "Well lets just hope that she doesn't marry that boy. Hopefully she will make more friends at this new school with more people who can use magic like she can."

Rose just nodded to his words as she watched Lilly excitedly brows through the rows of books. She hated to think about a child the way she does about Severus Snape but the boy really was odd. She was sure that his father beat him but could never prove it. To make matters worse she wasn't even sure she could blame beatings as to the reason he was the way he was. It did concern her though that Lilly was attached to the boy. She smiled as Lilly ran over to them with a large stack of books. Leave it to her daughter to want to learn as much as she could.

Chapter 4: Chapter 4


Harry Potter fell through the veil of death in his fifth year in a desperate attempt to catch Sirius. However, he is given a second chance upon meeting death and learning a few truths about his life. However, rather than returning to his time, he will be reborn in the time of his parents as the heir to King Arthur Pendragon.

Chapter Text

AN:/ Hello again. I would like to once again remind everyone that I do not own HP that right belongs to JK Rowling. I would like to thank as always my friend AlphaFlash for helping me with ideas and edits. Thank you as always for your comments and I hope you enjoy.

Harry woke up a few days before he was to depart for Hogwarts. He was in his large king size bed within the master bedroom of Camelot manor. He looked around the large room that was sparsely decorated. The walls were a bright white and the floors a beautiful redwood. The four-poster bed was larger than he would ever need and would sleep for comfortably.

It had magnificent red wood posts with Sapphires hanging around its bedding. The nightstands matched it sitting on either side of the bed. He got up and his feet hit the bear skin rug that lay below the bed. One on either side. He slid on his slippers and stretched. Today was the day he would be going over to Bones manor for dinner.

He rose from the bed and made his way to the large bathroom. It was a splendid bathroom that was reminiscent of a roman bath house but smaller. He went to the walk-in shower and took off his night clothes and threw them in the hamper. He stepped in and turned on the water. He stood there letting the warm water wash the remnants of sleep from him. He sighed as he went on to wash himself clean. After a fifteen-minute shower he got out and toweled dry. He then proceeded to brush his teeth.

Going into the bedroom once more he found the bed made and a set of clothes set out for him. He pulled them on and went over to the vanity mirror over the dresser. He quickly combed and bradded his hair with a practiced ease. He then went over to the large glass fish tank set off to the side of the room.

"You up Larry?" He asked looking in to see Larry coiled up. All seven heads resting splayed out over himself, with dopy Larry laying upside down no less.

One eye opened on one head. "No go away..." A sleepy voice replied.

Harry shook his head as he turned and left. "Lazy basilisk." He muttered.

He went down to the long hall lined with rooms. Overall, there were fifteen rooms not including the master bedroom within the manor set aside for family. All of them were pleasantly decorated in a similar fashion. One level below him was another ten rooms set aside for guests to the manor. Below that was the family section of the manor. This included the kitchens, family dining room, family sitting room, the library, and the head of house study. This was all contained within the west wing of the manor along with a small sunroom.

The east wing was the formal wing. This held the formal dining room, a formal parlor, along with a large ball room. One the south side of the ball room was on the southern wall of the manor and had large windows that looked out over a balcony. The balcony itself overlooked a large area of clear ground and a good-sized pond. Beyond this was a large forest that surrounded the manor on all sides. The boundaries of the forest lay three quarters of a mile in either direction. Below the balconies was a large garden with paths woven through it. It was Trixie's favorite place to be, and Harry would often find her working on it when other things did not need doing.

Harry went down to his study on the first floor and entered the room. The door to the study would only open to someone who wore either the ladies ring or the head of houses ring unless otherwise allowed in a special book that was designed for the wards of that room. It worked completely independently from the manor ward stone as a whole and had its own ward stone. The wards of the manor were something that boggled Harry's mind when he read about them in the family grimoire. Even after reading about them he did not understand half of they could do.

They were powered directly by three lay lines that lay below the estate. It mentioned that merlin himself could not break these wards with as much power was coursing through them.

He went to the desk to find the grimoire sat on it open to the last page he had been on. He had not started to work on any spells yet, but he had started reading it. The book was expansive with all kinds of information with in it. One of the most fascinating things to him was the things written by Merlin for the Pendragon families use. He wrote about how Magic was a muscle to be trained just as one might train with a sword. He also went on to tell how it was important to train the body as well as your magic as magic still. So, he had started working out again just as he had for his karate classes.

An hour later and he was deeply engrossed in his reading and only stopped by the time that Trixie had served breakfast at eight. He idly sat and picked at his food as he continued to read. Larry finally came slithering into the office and up the side of the desk. He moved so that his seven heads were splayed out above the books.

"Harry you really need to stop reading so much. While its not a bad thing to read a lot but its also not good for a boy your age to spend so much time holed up inside." The voice of Doc Larry reached his ears making him look up.

"Larry you know what's coming. You know I cant slack off." He replied as he went back to reading.

"But Harry you cant focus so much on all of that. It's still a ways off and you cant let your younger years worrying so much about it. You need to get out and have a little fun every now and then." Sad Larry said.

Harry waved off his familiars concerns. "Don't worry I will have plenty of time to worry about it latter." He said not taking his eyes off the book before him.

Larry sighed as he watched his friend go back to working on his studies. He got up and slithered off to go explore the estates grounds. Harry could be rather obstinate when he was studying. He had really doubled he's efforts to learn more when his parents died and Larry was sure it was due to grief more than anything. But he was the only person he had told as to why he studied so hard. Not even his parents knew that he was from a different timeline.

Hours went by with Harry reading in his study. A small lunch was delivered to him and the elves and snake popped in to check on him from time to time. Every time he would seem as though he never even noticed them being there. It wasn't until four when Trixie came to him and informed him that it was close to time for him to leave that he left the office. He went up to his room and took another shower. He then freshened up and put on a dark blue formal robe.

He walked down to the entrance hall where the floo was located. There he found Larry curled up on a chair waiting on him. One head rose up. "About time you got down here we are going to be late!" It said angrily.

"Oh hush he needed to look good in order to impress these people." Doc said.

"Come on now you lets get going." Harry said tiredly.

Larry just grumbled and slithered over to him. He worked his way around his leg and up under his robe. Harry moved over to the fire place and grabbed a pinch of floo powder off the mantle. He waved his wand in front of him and lit the fire with a quick word. Tossing the powder in the lit flames and turning the green he grabbed a little more as he stepped into the green flames.

"Bones Manor!" He said clearly and off he went. He was so glad that his parents had taught him how to better handle magical transport. As he felt himself start to slow he moved his right leg out slightly. The next instance he was stepping out of the fire into a rather pleasant looking entry hall.

He looked around to see a beautiful woman with black hair standing in front of him with a pleasant smile. She had Light blue eyes that seemed to sparkle in the light. She had a slight tan and her robes did little to hide her rather wonderful figure that hid beneath it. It was still odd as he remembered that he once knew her granddaughter.

"Hello you must be Lord Pendragon. I am Caroline Bones, wife of Edward, it is a pleasure to welcome you to our home." She told him.

Harry bowed slightly to the woman before him taking her hand and kissing the knuckles gently. "It is a pleasure to be here Lady Bones."

Caroline smiled a bit at him. "If you will follow me my family awaits in the parlor."

Harry nodded and followed her through the halls of the manor. It was much like Camelot manor was. It was beautiful but not overly extravagant. There were no large golden statues or anything of the sort but it was a beautiful manor. She led him to a beautiful oak door and pushed it open. In sided sat three people. Edward sat in a nice leather high back chair.

On a couch sat two young children around Harrys age. One was a taller boy with a square jaw and looked to be in his third year or at least about to be. He had The same black hair as his mother and the grey eyes of his father. He seemed as though he was rather fit and Harry could tell the boy liked to play quidditch. He sat with his head up and back straight but when he seen Harry he could tell that he was confused.

Sitting next to him was a girl his age with her mothers eyes and her fathers hair. She had sharper features than her brother and a button noise. She too sat with her back straight and head high just as her brother. Just like her brother she two held a curious and confused look in her sky blue eyes.

Edward stood up and his children followed. He took a few steps to stand before Harry. "Ah hello Lord Pendragon. It is a pleasure to welcome you to our home." He said to him as he offered his hand.

Harry reached out and shoot the offered hand. "It is a pleasure to be here lord Bones and I must thank you for the invitation." He said sounding beyond his years. If his way of speech wasn't a tell of what he had apparently been through his eyes were. However Edward didn't want to think about that. Harry reached into his robes and pulled out a bottle of twenty five year old Kentucky bourbon. It was tradition after all that upon a first time at a lords home you offer a gift. "I hope you accept this gift." He offered it to Edward.

Edward took the bottle from his young hands and looked it over. He then gained a curious look. "I am sorry lord Pendragon but I do not recognize this particular drink. Would you mind enlightening me?"

Harry smiled a bit. "Yes I apologies this is a twenty five year old Kentucky bourbon from the states. It was my fathers preferred drink. It is a Muggle made liquor but I hope that doesn't bother you. It was all I had that would be appropriate at the moment." It was a bit of a lie as he could have had Trixie go and get something. However he did this to see what Edwards reaction would be to a muggle item. If he was a more traditional wizard he would not be open to this and this dinner would most likely end early. If he was more pro muggle or at least muggle born he would accept it.

Edward looked over the bottle and nodded a bit a small smile creeping to his lips. He recognized instantly what Harry was doing and had to give the young lord his due on it. "Well I have no problem at all with this. Though I must admit that I hope that you have more of such a drink if it was your fathers. I could only imagine that you would wish to try it one day."

Harry smiled ever so slightly as he nodded. "I thank you for your concern and yes I do. As I said he was quite fond of it and bought many bottles."

Edward nodded before he turned to his children. "Lord Pendragon I would like to introduce you to my Heir and son Edgar Bones." He said and Edgar stepped forward.

The slightly older boy stuck out his hand. "It is an honor to meet you Lord Pendragon and welcome to our home."

Harry took the other boys hand and gave it a firm shake. "Thank you Heir Bones."

Edward nodded and moved on. "Finally I would like to introduce my daughter Amelia bones."

The girl his age stepped forward. "It is an honor to meet you Lord Pendragon." She said in a slightly stiff voice but not unkind.

She offered him her hand and he bowed slightly and kissed her knuckles. "It is an honor to meet you miss Bones." She gave him a very small smile as he stood back up.

Edward sighed softly. "Ah well if you don't mind could we toss all of this formal stuff now? You can simply call us by name we don't tend to fallow the old ways strictly you see."

Harry nodded with a small smile. "Yes perhaps that would be a good idea. You may all call me Harry."

Suddenly the atmosphere cheered and Edgar grew a large smile on his face. "Well I must say that I wasn't expecting a bloke about my age."

"Edgar!" Amelia reprimanded with a smack to his arm.

Harry chuckled a bit. "Yes well you should never let titles alone dictate as to what you may think of someone."

Edward nodded his head at his words. "Indeed that is a very good way to put it. You don't have to be old to be a lord."

Edgar rubbed the back of his head as his sister shook her head. "My bad."

Harry hung out with the Bones family for the rest of the night in light banter back and forth. While him and Edgar did in fact enjoy quidditch he didn't have as much in common with the boy. They did also enjoy dueling. They had been discussing the current championship matches for a bit.

The one that surprised him the most however was Amelia. They ended up having quite a bit in common much to his surprise. She also enjoyed quidditch and dueling but also poetry. She also enjoyed gardening and cooking much like he himself did. They talked for a few hours about these topics much to the amusem*nt of the Bones parents.

Finally it came time for Harry to go home as the family gathered in the entrance hall to bid him farewell. "Harry perhaps we can sit together on the train?" Amelia asked him.

Harry nodded. "That would be pleasant. I met a muggleborn the other day that seemed nice and wished to sit together. You are more than welcome to join us if you like. I will be there early so was planning on finding a compartment."

Amelia smiled at him. "That sounds like a plan then."

"Well Harry it was a pleasure to have you here today. When you get back for the summer holidays then we shall be having you again." Caroline told the boy with a kind smile.

Edward nodded. "Indeed I agree with my wife you shall have to come back."

Harry nodded as he got ready to floo away. "That sounds wonderful." With a few more words of farewell Harry flooed away from the manor.

Edward looked over at his children and smiled as he seen them talking happily. It was good to see that they had fun. "Well now you two I believe it is time for bed." The two nodded and said good night to their parents before they left to go to sleep.

Caroline and Edward made their way to their own bed. As they crawled beneath the sheets Caroline spoke. "He seems like a rather nice young man."

"Indeed though I wish he hadn't have had to grow up so quickly. A boy his age shouldn't have to deal with all these formalities." Edward said as he drew his wife closer.

"True but at least he seems to be handling it well." She replied as she lay her head on his chest.

"Yes, I just hope that he can make friends his age at school and learns to enjoy himself there." He told her.

Caroline smiled. "Oh I'm sure that with Edgar and Amelia that he will." Edward just nodded as they slowly started to fall asleep.

Chapter 5: Chapter 5


Harry Potter fell through the veil of death in his fifth year in a desperate attempt to catch Sirius. However, he is given a second chance upon meeting death and learning a few truths about his life. However, rather than returning to his time, he will be reborn in the time of his parents as the heir to King Arthur Pendragon.

Chapter Text

AN:/ Hello and welcome one and all to chapter 5 of Harry Pendragon. First off, I would like to state as always that I do not own Harry Potter or his wonderful world. That right and privilege belongs to J.K. Rowling. I would also like to thank AlphaFlash for his invaluable assistance in bringing this fic to you all. I would also like to apologize for not better proofreading last chapter using spell check and such. I wanted to make sure you all had the chapter on time and plan on going back to recheck it later. I found out my roof is leaking rather bad and had been preoccupied by that new discovery last Friday. I will try to be better in the future but please remember I am not a professional writer. I am simply a security guard who wanted to bring you something a little different. Just as anyone on this app does. I do this for fun and to share how I think something would go or change if something was a little different in this vast and fascinating world that is Harry Potter. However enough rambling on my part. Please, read, enjoy, and please leave a comment with your thoughts.

Chapter 5

Harry and Larry made it to the platform at nine forty-five on September the first. They were only two of the very few students that had arrived this early. He found himself a compartment at the very end of the train and stashed his trunk along with his owl Athena. He then made his way out of the train deciding that it would be a good idea to move around. He ended up back on the muggle side examining the architecture of the old station. He had just looked at his watch to see he had thirty minutes left and had decided to make his way back to the train.

That's when he heard a familiar voice. "Lily did Severus or McGonagall explain how exactly to get onto the platform?"

He looked around to see the Evens family standing between platforms nine and ten. He smiled, at least they had gotten closer than he had. "No mum I don't think they did. What if we can't find it. I don't want to miss out on this." She said sounding close to tears.

"Humph of course he wouldn't be helpful." He heard a very familiar voice say under her breath. He wasn't sure he wanted to deal with that can of worms.

Harry decided that he should help them out. "Excuse me but I can help you find the platform." He said from behind them.

The four of them whirled around only to come face to face with familiar sapphire eyes and blond hair. "Oh, Harry dear you almost gave me a heart attack." Rose said with a hand to her chest.

Harry smiled apologetically and gave a slight bow. "I apologize ma'am. I did not mean to scare you in anyway."

"It's fine dear I was just distracted is all." She said with a small smile.

"Harry! Oh, thank God you are here. We can't find the platform." Lily said in a hushed voice.

Harry smiled again. "No problem at all but I believe that I have yet to meet this young lady here." He said deciding that he should be nice to Petunia.

Petunia for her part looked a bit taken aback that he was speaking to her. She looked away a bit though before speaking. "I'm Petunia... Lily's sister."

Harry gave a short bow knowing that it was rather odd to be too formal in the muggle world. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Petunia."

She looked at him for a moment. 'Maybe not all of these wizards are mean.' She thought to herself. "It's nice to meet you to."

Lily smiled at them both along with her parents. It was nice seeing Petunia getting along with someone who may be Lilly's friend soon. Harry smiled again before speaking. "Okay this will sound rather strange, but you go to the second pillar and walk through it." They all looked at him for a moment. Petunia was starting to rethink her opinion of him. Harry just smiled a bit and started walking. "Come I'll show you."

They followed him over to the suggested barrier. "Now then its best to go at it at a bit of a run." and with that he started a light jog and before their eyes he disappeared.

They looked at one another. Lilly shrugged and before anyone could stop her, she was off at a trot and gone just as Harry was. The others looked at where she disappeared and quickly went after her. The sight that they came upon was a breathtaking sight at seeing the scarlet engine sitting before them. They spotted Lilly waving at them and followed her toward the end of the train. There they watched as Harry hefted her trunk onto the carriage.

"I could have helped you with that you know?" Robert said both impressed and amused as well.

"Nonsense sir it is my pleasure to help." He told the older man before lifting the trunk and moving into the compartment. Petunia's opinion of him was back to being more on the positive.

As they stood there saying their goodbyes, they heard a smooth voice speak behind them. "Ah there you are Lily. I can assume that you already have your things onboard."

They turned around to see a rather greasy looking boy. He had pale skin, and his long black hair was greasy as though he had stuck his head into a vat of the stuff. Petunia quickly crossed her arms over her chest and scooted behind her father. Lilly however smiled widely. "Hey Sev! Yeah, I already have my things in a compartment. It's the second from the last."

"Very well I shall go and store my own things then." He said as she turned back to her parents with a nod. When her back was turned the boy scowled a bit at her parents before lifting his things and boarding the train.

He walked down the length of the car and to the second from last compartment. What he found however was another boy lifting a trunk into the overhead storage. He growled lightly drawing the other boy's attention. The blond turned to look at him with sapphire eyes. "Ah hello there I would be correct in assuming that you are sharing a compartment with us. Well would you like a hand lifting your trunk."

"You are not welcome here." He growled again.

They boy just raised an eyebrow. "Well welcome or not this is where I shall be sitting as it was I who was here before anyone. Now then I have a friend that I was going to find so I shall be back shortly." Harry said gently pushing his way from the compartment.

Severus Snape stood there with his teeth gritted together. How dare another boy try and sit with his Lilly. He narrowed his eyes. It was no matter he would take care of it. He just needed to show her how it was he who was the best person for her. A small smirk came to his lips as he began to formulate a plan.

Back outside the train car the Evens family was finishing up their goodbyes. Harry stepped out of the car and looked around. He spotted the Bones family having just arrived. He stood away from the Evens and called out to them. "Amelia over here!"

Amelia turned her blue eyes in his direction and a small smile appeared on her face. She waved and pointed him out to her parents. The group of three made their way over to him as the Evans family watched. For some reason Lily felt a little twinge in her chest at seeing the other redhead coming toward Harry with a smile. But she ignored it.

"Ah hello Harry how are you this fine morning?" Edward said sticking his hand out.

"Hello Edward. I'm doing well actually thank you for asking. Hello Caroline, Amelia, how are you?" He replied.

"Good I'm excited to see Hogwarts though." Amelia said after Caroline said she was doing well.

"Me too. Hey, let me introduce you to someone." He said as he led them over to the Evens family. "I would like to introduce the four of you to three of my other new friends in the country the Bones family. This is Edward, Caroline, and Amelia. This is the Evens family. Richard, Ross, Petunia, and Lilly."

Richard stepped forward and offered his hand to Edward. "Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Ah and it's a pleasure to meet you as well. I haven't known Harry long, but he seems a good judge of character so I'm sure we shall get along splendidly." Edward said jovially.

"Petunia dear that is a lovely necklace where did you get that from?" Caroline asked the stunned girl who hadn't expected to be talked to. The cat lady hadn't talked to her when she came to see Lily. She had become to the conclusion that magical beings hated her and other none magicals. But these people and that boy were starting to make her question that.

"What subject are you most looking forward to?" Amelia asked Lilly as she came up to the other girl.

"Oh, I can't wait for charms it seems so fascinating. Though potions seem fun as well. It seems like cooking in a way." Lilly said.

"Oh, you like to cook to?" Amelia asked.

"Hey Edward, where did Edgar run off to?" Harry asked looking around.

"Ah he went on to find some of his friends." The man told him.

Harry nodded as he looked around the station to see if there was anyone else, he recognized. It wasn't until he heard a stern and exasperated voice that caught his attention. There was a woman standing with her hand on her face as another man laughed lightly. Before them was a round face boy that looked familiar. "Mum, I think I lost Terence."

"Oh Frank..." The woman sighed.

Harry smiled as he realized that this must be Frank Longbottom Nevil's father. He made a mental note that he should try and find the boy latter. Neville had been a good friend and he was sure his father would be to. Before he could get back into the conversations the train whistle blew. They all quickly said their goodbyes as Harry took up Amelia's trunk and carried it off.

Before he left though, he said goodbye. "Well, it was nice seeing you all again. And Petunia it was lovely meeting you and I hope that you have a pleasant school year."

"Thank you it was nice meeting you to Harry and have a good year." She said shyly. Her view of wizards changed slightly.

Harry for his part was pondering the girl's attitude. He couldn't help but wonder what it was that had happened to the girl in the last timeline or was going to happen to her in this timeline that would make her into what she was. He followed the girls as they made their way down to their compartment where the boy from before was waiting with a scowl on his face.

He looked up at them as he came in. "Lily where were you I've been waiting." He said in a smooth voice. Harry and Amelia could detect a hint of anger under the smoothness and glanced at one another.

Lily however didn't seem to notice anything. "Oh, Sev sorry I was just saying goodbye to my parents and Toony." She said brightly as she plopped down next to him.

That was when Harry realized that this must be Severus Snape. He remembered that his mother had been friends with him at one point. He wasn't sure how he felt about sharing a compartment with the man, however he had decided a while ago to not go into this with preconceived notions on people until they proved otherwise.

Severus watched as Harry heaved the other girl's heavy trunk into the overhead. He leaned over to whisper rather loudly into Lilly's ear. "Who are these two?"

Lilly whispered back though softer and feeling a bit embarrassed by her friends' words. "Oh, this is Harry, and this is Amelia Bones. I meet Harry in the ally when my parents took me to get my things. Amelia is a friend of his."

Snape stage whispered again and was starting to really irk Harry by his disrespect. Amelia was getting rather irritated as well but was interested in making a new friend in Lilly so kept her mouth closed for now. "I don't trust them, Lilly. Remember what I said about how people treat muggleborns."

Okay now Harry was getting angry. How dare he try and pass him off as some form of muggle hater. He could tell Snape was up to something. He was most likely stage whispering so that they heard him say that and hoping that they would be in that denomination of purebloods. He cleared his throat. "Ah well neither of us much care for one's blood status. I go more on one's strength of character and willingness to learn new things. I also believe that most muggleborns get slack for not being willing to learn about the wizarding world and our traditions and such. The way I see it knowledge is power, and learning is of your compatriots gives you power to sway the mind of obstinance."

While not fully understanding what he was getting at Amelia nodded. "My family doesn't really believe in blood superiority. We believe in the traditional values of our society but also are open to trying new things."

Lily's face had gone a bit sad at Severus's words but had lit back up after hearing Harry and Amelia's. "Wait what kind of traditions?" She said co*cking her head to the right a little.

Harry had to look away it was a cute gesture of curiosity. He stood up and got on the seat to rummage through his trunk. He pulled out a book that looked rather new. "My mother had taught me all the British traditions when I was younger. However, I wanted to know is she had left anything out and bought this. It appears though that she was rather thorough, so this is now useless to me. You can have it if you like." He said as he passed the book to her.

Lily's eyes lit up at the prospect of learning something new. "Oh, thank you so much I'll be sure to read it."

"I would just be sure to read it with an open mind. There are some things such as house elves that can come across as being something different than what it is. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me." He told her and she nodded eagerly.

"You can come to me if you want as well. I'm always willing to help." Amelia told her with a small smile.

Snape was now gritting his teeth as his plan had backfired. "Oh, thank you both so much."

Harry nodded before turning to Amelia. "You know with a drive to help people like that you may just be a shoe in for Hufflepuff from what I read."

Amelia blushed a bit and smile. "I hope so. Most of my family have gone into Hufflepuff and I hope to go there as well."

Harry leaned back and against the window. "Well, I'm sure you will then. If that's what you want of course."

"You're talking about the four houses, right?" Lilly asked. "I'm not sure where I want to go. Sev said that Slytherin was the best as that's where his mum went, and where he wants to go, but not a place for muggleborns."

Harry looked out the window as he spoke. "Well, I'm not sure really. From what I have read and heard I would say that it isn't a bad house to go to. However, I have heard that many of the more traditional people go into that house so I can see how it would be hard for a muggleborns to be in that house. However honestly with your apparent love of learning." She blushed a bit. "I could see you doing well in Ravenclaw. You are coming here willing to face the unknown of a new world like you could be considered bravery so I could also see you in Gryffindor."

"Really?" She asked softly. "You could see me in Ravenclaw?"

Harry smiled at her. "Of course. If that's what you want of course."

Amelia gave him a look. "What about you Harry where do you want to go?"

"Me?" Harry thought about it a moment after she nodded along with Lilly. "Well, I think all the houses are rather good houses. All having their goods and bads. However, I kind of want a house that will challenge me in a more mental fashion. I think Ravenclaw is the place for me."

"I could see it." Mumbled Amelia to where only Lilly could hear her. Lilly just nodded.

The rest of the train ride went by with three of the four occupants having a pleasant time. Harry and Amelia told Lilly all about the various wizarding games and taught her to play a few. Harry had been taught how to play chess by his father now rather enjoyed the game. He did his best not to show his lord's ring. He wasn't trying to hide things from Lilly, but he wanted to let her see him for him and not his lordship.

Finally, the train came into Hogsmeade station, and they piled out of the train. They spotted Hagrid waving his lantern around. "Firs' years! Firs' years over here!" He called. Harry smiled at seeing his old friend. Even if he wasn't sure that he could truly trust him.

The group of four headed to the boats where He got in behind Snape and Lilly. He looked over to see Amelia looking a bit nervously at the swaying boat. He held out his hand to her. She looked from his outstretched hand to his eyes. "Don't worry I won't let anything happen." He told her softly so others couldn't hear.

She stared into his sapphire eyes for a long moment before she reached out and gently took the hand. He helped her into the boat and get settled in. He expected her to let go once settled she didn't and kept a tight hold on his hand. He found he didn't mind though.

The sight of coming upon the castle from the lake was once again a breath taking one. The windows all glittering in the darkness. The reflection off the water a tranquil scene. He looked around to see the other's reaction when he noticed a group of four boys in a boat across from them. One boy that he instantly could tell was James Potter. The boy was looking over at Lily with a faraway look in his eye that made Harry a bit uneasy. Looking at the other boys he could easily tell who who was. Remus however was looking better than he had in his time. Not nearly as worn though. Sirius was a rather handsome boy when he hadn't gone through hell. Pettigrew however hadn't changed at all. He still looked rather rattish.

When the boats arrived at the cave entrance Amelia finally let go. They climbed out and were led into the same antechamber. McGonagall came out and gave the same spiel about the house being your family. He couldn't help but snort at that. How many times had his so-called family left him to suffer alone in his last life. Then the ghosts came bustling through talking about peeves.

Just like in his first go around people were whispering about what they thought was going to happen. Lilly stood there looking rather nervous. He reached out and placed his hand on her shoulder gaining her attention. He gave her a kind smile. "Don't worry Lily it won't be anything horrible, I am sure. They wouldn't put us into danger like that." He whispered loud enough for Amelia to hear him. Snap also heard having been glaring at him since he touched Lily's shoulder.

She relaxed a bit at his words and gave him a smile. Finally, McGonagall came back and led them into the hall. It still amazed him how the ceiling looked. He smiled as he looked at Amelia and Lilly staring up in awe. He glanced around when he heard a pssst. He noticed Edgar smiling and waving like a fool. He smiled and shook his head, tapping Amelia on her shoulder. She looked over at him and he motioned to her brother. By this time, he was making silly faces at them. She scowled at him making him smile more.

"I'm going to kill him." She hissed.

"Come on Amelia it isn't so bad. He could be hollering out your name or something." Harry tried to placate the girl. She just huffed and looked away from her brother.

Harry just chuckled as the sorting ceremony started. Name after name was called and he only recognized a few. Sirius was put into Gryffindor which wasn't a surprise. Amelia was none to shocking as she joined her brother at the Badger den, punching him in the arm as she sat down. This drew a laugh from the boy as he nudged her with his shoulder.

What was surprising though was Lily's sorting. After the hat was put on her head it took a total of six minutes for it to finally call out a house. The house that it called though was the surprise. Instead of calling Gryffindor it shouted Ravenclaw. He was confused as he watched her glance at him and then take up a seat at the blue and bronze table. He was concerned that this would prevent her from getting with James but then remembered deaths parting words. They may not be with the people that they were with before. He decided to just go with the flow on this and see what happened.

He watched as Alice Fortescue was placed into Gryffindor. So too was Frank Longbottom. Remus was put into Gryffindor high fiving Sirius as he sat down. Next up was Marlene McKinnon getting put into Gryffindor.

Finally, it was Harrys turn to be sorted. "Harry Pendragon!" McGonagall called out and the hall went silent. He rolled his eyes as he made his way to the front.

"Did she just say Pendragon?"

"As in Arthur Pendragon the Most Ancient and Most noble house?"

"Like King Arthur?"

And on it went as the word of his name spread like wildfire. Before the hat came down over his eyes, he spotted Snape looking rather sour and Lilly looking confused. Then he was plunged into darkness. He then felt the foreign presence enter his mind.

"Well if this isn't one of the oddest things, I have ever come across in one's mind. I have never met someone who has come to me through time and space itself to get here. Nor have I met a man who had died before. But that isn't really the important thing here I suppose. After all you simply being here has changed many things. So, the real question would be where to put you. Hmmm." The hat said as Harry felt him pilfering through his head. "Ah I see that you have found out not to trust the headmaster. The man has sat at the top for too long and has let it go to his head if you ask me."

Harry decided to reply to this. "Well, I'm sure it will be a thorn in his side with me being around."

The hat chuckled. "Oh, indeed it will. Your familiar alone will be a thorn in his bonnet. He had gone out of his way to make people think all things snake is evil. Speaking of snakes, I can see why I would have tried putting you there before. You would do good. However, I think it best to keep you away from them this time around. There are a few I think could help you, but you would kill the others. Hmmm. You are rather loyal and hard working. No, no Hufflepuff wouldn't be quite right for you. To many people look down on them and it wouldn't help you. You are exceptionally brave from your last life, but no Gryffindor isn't right either. Well then that only leaves one option now doesn't it. You should do wonderful in… RAVENCLAW!" He shouted.

The hate was taken off his head and he softly thanked the deputy headmistress as he walked down to the Ravenclaw table. He smiled over at the Bones who smiled back. He took a seat next to Lily who didn't look overly happy. "Why didn't you tell me your last name?" She asked softly sounding both a little angry and hurt.

Harry smiled a little sadly at her. "As I'm sure you heard most people treat me differently due to my name. I hate that. I just want to be Harry, my own person and want people to see me as such. I am proud of my family and my name, but I want people to see me for me and not my ancestor."

Lilly looked him in the eyes for a moment before she smiled a little. "Okay I guess I can forgive you for this one then. I can understand wanting people to see you for you."

Harry smiled gently at her. "Thanks Lily. Trust me I wouldn't have kept this from you simply to hurt you or anything."

She nodded at him and smiled as they turned back to the sorting. James was being sorted into Gryffindor and when he started to go to the lions table, he looked over at Lilly again. He also frowned when he seen her sitting next to Harry. The last person Harry really knew from his time was Snape who was very quickly put into Slytherin. The boy took his seat and the sorting quickly wrapped up after him.

Harry looked around only to find the headmaster watching him out of the corner of his eye. He shuddered a bit at the old man's gaze. It probably was more out of curiosity now but could turn to something more devious later. The old man gave a similarly odd speech as he had the last time.

"He's a bit off, isn't he?" Lilly whispered to him while looking at the old man.

"Hmm yes, he is really. However, it could be an act to help put people at ease." He said softly back only drawing the attention of a few older students around them.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Well, I'm not sure how much you know about him, but he is well known for being the most powerful man since Merlin supposedly. He is also known as being the defeated of Grindelwald a dark wizard in the forties who started a war on the wizarding war. He was also said to be just as powerful. Knowing this as most who were raised in our world and even those coming into it who may have read on him it makes sense to be cautious of him. However, he is also known as the leader of the light. Now the leader of the light can't be feared by children particularly those that are his students. So would it not make sense that he would act a little off his rocker to put them at ease?" He explained gaining many calculating nods. Many of the older students who heard were thinking the hat made a good choice in his placement. Lilly just smiled and nodded having realized he was most likely right. All and all it was already starting to shape up to being a good year.

Chapter 6: Chapter 6


Harry Potter fell through the veil of death in his fifth year in a desperate attempt to catch Sirius. However, he is given a second chance upon meeting death and learning a few truths about his life. However, rather than returning to his time, he will be reborn in the time of his parents as the heir to King Arthur Pendragon.

Chapter Text

AN:/ Hello, as always I do not own Harry Potter. I would also like to thank Alphaflash for his help in the creation of this fic. Thank you for all who review, like, and share this fic. It means the world to me.

Chapter 6

Harry sat the following day at the Ravenclaw table with Lily. It was officially the first day of school, and they were both waiting for their schedules. Finally, the little Charms Professor came bustling up the table towards them. When he reached them, he stopped for a moment to talk.

"Hello Mr. Pendragon. I was informed that you have a unique familiar magically bonded to you?" He asked with a bit of excitement showing. Harry subtly looked up at Dumbledore, who was watching them closely.

He smirked to himself. So, he did this on purpose. He most likely wanted people to see him in a bad light. His family was old and had always been seen as the leaders of the magical population in Britain by both the dark and light.

Everyone respected the name Pendragon, and that wouldn't be good for someone like Dumbledore. However, if he were to be seen as a dark wizard, it would chop his relations with light families off the bat. So, the real question was how to handle this situation.

He nodded and smiled. "Yes, sir, he is quite unique. However, I feel he is misunderstood, as many magical creatures can be."

Flitwick nodded. "Oh yes, indeed, I agree. Would you mind if I see him, however?"

"Here, sir?" Harry asked innocently.

"Oh yes, if you don't mind, that is, I am sure that the other claws would like to see him as well." He said, not really seeing that he had been played well into the headmaster's hands.

Harry nodded slowly. "Sir, as I said, many misunderstand these creatures. I feel that just having him come out will cause a bit of panic. Perhaps if it was okay with the other teachers, I could simply show the entire hall and even give some explanation on him and help them understand these creatures better."

Flitwick's eyes widened as he saw the problem and then started to gleam at the thought of learning something like this from someone with first-hand experience. "Oh my, let me finish, and I shall talk to the others." And with that, he was off passing out schedules like crazy. Then he was up at the staff table, asking all the other professors.

"Harry, what's going on?" Lilly asked.

Harry looked at her and smiled. "Well, you see, Lilly, I have a magically bonded familiar. That in itself is a very rare thing. These don't just happen and can not be forced. On top of that, my familiar is extremely rare. It is also a creature that is greatly misunderstood as being a dark creature. I wish to help dispel that view, however."

Lily nodded a bit, though he could see a bit of worry in her eyes. "Is it dangerous?"

"I won't lie to you, Lily. It is very dangerous, but not to anyone here. Any creature can be dangerous if not respected the way it should be. Even a dog can bite, and a cat can scratch." She nodded again and looked a little less worried.

After a moment, Dumbledore stood up and came to the front. The students went rather quiet, and Harry noticed the look on the old man's face was not pleased. "Students, today we shall be doing things a bit differently from our normal routine. You see, we have a student who has a very rare honor. He has been chosen by a magical creature for a familiar bond similar to my bond with my phoenix. After being asked to see this creature, he thought it best if he introduced all of us to it and helped explain things about it to dispel any misinformation. Now then, without any further delay, will Mr. Pendragon come up, please?"

Harry stood up from his table and walked to the front. Every eye watched him as he went. He noticed Snape's face sour even more than it had been as he had watched him and Lily. When he got to the front, he bowed ever so slightly to the teachers. It was a sign of respect but also a statement to the purebloods that showed that he was not going to submit himself to others either. "I would like to thank you all for agreeing to allow me to speak and teach my fellow students on such a subject." He said, his voice loud and clear to all those in the hall. The teachers all nodded to him with small smiles.

Harry then turned around to address the students. "Good morning, everyone. I would like to apologize to you for changing your routine today. However, I hope that this impromptu lesson will be worth it. Now then, to start things out, there are a few things that you must know. One of those things that is important to understand is the magical language known as Parsletongue." A few gasps were heard.

Harry, however, simply smiled. "Now, many of you here may know of the language of the snakes due to Salazar Slytherin being a speaker of the language. Many, however, wrongly think that the Slytherin family is the only family that can speak it. This is, in fact, a false statement. You see, many others can speak it within India. Another speaker of the language from here in Britain, however, will surprise you, I am sure. You see, my ancestor King Arthur Pendragon could speak the tongue of snakes." More gasps.

"Nowadays, many see this language as being dark; however, again, this is misinformation. It is actually just a language such as English or, for that matter, Latin. The language we use to cast spells. Parseltongue is capable of the most powerful healing spells, and a speaker is highly prized in other countries for this."

He then pulled out a pocket knife and, to the shock of all those watching, stabbed his own hand with it. Madam Pomphrey jumped to her feet and began to move around the table. However, she stopped when Harry drew his wand and pointed it at the bloody wound. They listened in a shocked silence as he hissed something. A small flash of yellow light emitted from his wand, and the wound healed before their eyes.

Harry raised his hand so all could see it was now good as new. "Now, this is only a small showing of what it could do. I am still new to magic, and this was the first spell that I learned. But as you can see, it works quite well. This is not a dark power but simply a misunderstood power." Many were nodding as their thoughts were being provoked. How could something that could heal like that be dark?

"Now then, I tell you this as my familiar is a serpent. He is a very rare serpent, and just like the language, he is greatly misunderstood. You see, my familiar is a creature known as a Hydra Basilisk." A sharp hiss was heard.

"Yes, many have heard of the Basilisk. A dark creature that can kill with its sight alone and has the most venomous poison in the world. However, this is a misunderstanding. You see, the Basilisk is not a dark creature by nature. It is simply a creature that hunts to eat, and the features that I spoke of are the best way to accomplish this. However, it has features that allow it to not kill on sight alone. It has a second eyelid that blocks its killing stare. It only wishes to use it when it is out hunting."

A fifth-year raised his hand, and Harry gave him the go to ask a question. "So you are saying that it isn't a dark creature just trying to survive?"

Harry nodded, "Yes, in fact I am. It only kills to eat and survive. It will also do so to protect itself and its young. Now, we come to the Hydra Basilisk. It is just as the Basilisk is described; however, it has seven heads rather than a single head. Just like the hydra, though, it can regrow its head if cut off. Like the Basilisk, though, this is a rather hard feat as its scales are extremely magic resistant."

Another student raised their hand. "So, is it a nice creature for the most part, or is it aggressive?" People's curiosity was now on his side rather than the side of fear. There were still a few die-hard light children, though, that were fearful.

Harry smiled. "No, not at all… well, okay, it can be a bit angry at times but more just in how he talks. You see, the hydra basilisk, as I said, has seven heads. While they share one body, each head has a brain. However, each brain makes him act a little different in personality. Now, he would never hurt anyone. He can get a bit snappy in his speech."

"So he has a split personality?" One person asked.

Harry nodded. "Yes, actually, he does. I can only describe it as Happy, Sad, Bashful, Grumpy, Sneezy, sleepy, and dopy. Each head has also agreed that while they are many, they are one. So I have only given him one name, and then we identify each head by adding their manner to the name."

Amelia raised her hand, and he smiled at her, making her smile back. "What's his name?"

Harry smiled. "Larry!"

There was utter silence at this. The hall was in a bit of a shock. "Wait, you are telling us that you named a seven-headed snake that can kill with a look… Larry?" Sirius asked from the Gryffindor table.

Harry rubbed the back of his head. "Well, you see, I was seven when I first met him, and it just seemed to fit. Anyway, would you all like to meet him?" There were many eager nods and words of agreement from students and staff. Dumbledore, however, was not too happy right now. He was hoping to use this against the boy and then come to his rescue to get him to start to trust him. Someone with his kind of political power could be good for Albus to have on his side.

Harry hissed softly, and they noticed his collar start to move. Then slowly, seven blood-red heads with bright yellow eyes poked out and rose up behind his head. Each head splayed out like seven fingers behind his head, each looking around at the students. Larry, for his part, was hissing to Harry all kinds of things.

"Larry, you need to slow down if you want me to translate," Harry told him in English. "No, I am not. It would be rude if we stood here and had a full conversation in Parstletougue … GRUMPY LARRY THAT IS NOT A NICE THING TO SAY… See, even sleepy Larry agrees." One head lay down on his head and promptly closed its eyes. "Well, he did agree."

The hall burst into laughter at watching the back and forth. No one was afraid of the creature now. How could you be when it was acting like this? Harry smiled a bit to himself at seeing people's thoughts change. He looked at Lily to see her eyes sparkling with interest. Amelia was laughing a little at watching him interact with Larry.

"Ah hem. Sorry about that. Anyway, this is Larry." He reached up and gave his head a pat. "He is a special guy."

A second-year girl raised her hand. "Um, aren't they supposed to be bigger?"

Grumpy Larry hmphed and looked away. Harry laughed a bit. "Sorry about him. I think you offended Grumpy Larry a bit. Anyway, he can change his size using my magic through our bond. He can go from three feet, as he is now, to his normal size as he grows. As of now, he is about Eight feet long at where he is now. Would you like to see it?" They all nodded. Harry held out his hand, and Larry slid down. He then started to grow until he was Eight feet long. He crawled back up Harry's leg and wrapped around his body. The students watched with fascination.

Harry smiled as Larry rested his heads over his shoulders and head. "I believe that no creature, human or beast, is inherently evil. These creatures can, in fact, kill with a look, but that doesn't mean that they do so for no reason at all. I believe that it is the reason that one kills that depicts if it is evil. If one kills to protect themselves and others or, in a creature's view, simply to survive, then it isn't truly evil. However, to kill for fun and take joy in the act, then that is evil." His words rang through the minds of those in the hall, causing all to think about what he said. Dumbledore was gritting his teeth. This boy was already changing things for him.

Harry stepped off the platform and made his way down the isle of students as they all watched. He walked down one and up another and back. This way, everyone would be able to see Larry then up the staff table.

He came back to the center and spoke again. "Now, you may be wondering how it is that I can legally own Larry. The reason is due to the ICW. It is an ancient law that no one governing body no can attempt to remove a magically bonded familiar from their witch or wizard. No matter what kind of creature it is. Now then, are there any questions?" He asked.

No hands went up, so Dumbledore decided that it was time to wrap this up. "Well, then, that was indeed a fascinating little lecture. Thank you, Mr. Pendragon, for that. Now then, you may all go off to your first class for the day."

And just like that, they were off out of the great hall. Many were quiet as they thought of what Harry had said. Some were whispering about it and the creature they had just seen. Still more were thinking that Harry was a dark wizard. Those thinking this included James Potter, who had taken his father's words on what was dark and what wasn't to heart. To him, Harry was now a dark wizard.

Severus Snape, on the other hand, was now thinking he could use this against the other boy to keep him away from Lily. To him, Lily was his, and no one would come between them. He would do what he had to in order to get her, even if he would end up having to kill Pendragon to do it.

Harry walked over to Lily and Amelia, who were waiting on him since the ravens and the puffs had transfiguration together first. "Harry, why didn't you tell us about Larry?" Amelia asked in a stern voice as Larry shrunk back down.

Harry rubbed the back of his head. "Sorry, girls just didn't think about it in the wake of making new friends and all the other things going on yesterday."

The two girls narrowed their eyes at him for a moment before nodding. "Alright, I suppose that it makes sense," Lily said. "Plus, I suppose everyone is entitled to their secrets."

Amelia nodded. "Yeah, but remember, Harry, we are your friends, so you don't have to keep things from us. It helps to share things sometimes."

And with that, they turned and started to leave. Harry stood there in stunned silence. He wasn't used to people not forcing him to talk about things and share his secrets with them. A small smile tugged at his lips. He quickly got his things together and followed the other two.

The day went by smoothly for the three new friends. The classes were similar to his old time. The only exception, though, was potions. Professor Slughorn was such a better teacher compared to Snape. He was kind to all the students and was more than willing to answer questions. He also didn't favor the snakes whom they shared the class with. It was a pleasant change, and Harry was sure he would love the class a lot better than the last time.

That evening, Lily convinced him and Amelia to go to the library with her and Snape. Harry really didn't want to but figured that if he wanted to be her friend, he would need to try and get along with the other boy. As they made their way to the library, they were stopped by four other boys in the same year. James Potter and his three friends stopped them in the hall.

"Hey Evans, you really shouldn't hang around this guy." He said without preamble, gesturing to Harry. "Don't you know that Parselmouths are dark wizards? You should hang around us instead. I'm James Potter you want to go on a date?"

Harry's brain froze. Was this really how the James of his time had tried to get Lily's attention? It was ridiculous. "I can tell who is a dark wizard or not thank you very much and I do not think Harry is Dark. He is to kind for that." She replied matter of factly.

James's face turned sour as though he wasn't used to being told no. "What its just a rues to make you think he is a good guy! He will turn on you one day once he has whatever it is he wants."

At this, Harry had enough. This wasn't his father anymore and hadn't been in years. Now, this was just a stranger insulting him. His training kicked in. "Heir Potter, am I to assume that you are making unfounded insinuations upon the lord of a most ancient and most noble house?" He said, flashing his lords' ring.

This drew Sirius' attention as he looked down at it. His face turned whiter. He nudged James and gestured at the ring. "How do you have that? Only an adult wizard can wear a lord ring. YOU STOLE THAT FROM YOUR FATHER DIDN'T YOU!" He accused loudly, drawing the attention of those around them. Others of old houses bulked at the insinuation. It was impossible to still a lord ring. The family magic had to accept you.

Harry's face darkened. "My parents are dead, you fool. I am an emancipated minor. As for your accusation, you, of all people, should know that it is impossible to steal a lord's ring. The family magic only accepts the one that it recognizes as the lord. I shall be informing your head of house about this incident, Heir Potter. You have just insulted my integrity twice in one conversation."

With that, Harry spun on his heel and marched away from a stunned Potter. His cloak billowed behind him as he walked quickly. He was both angry and saddened by this encounter. Snape had said that his father was an entitled prick, but he hadn't believed him. Now, though, it was hard not to.

Lilly went to go after him. She was confused but mainly wanted to comfort her friend. She was stopped, though, by Amelia, who put a hand on her shoulder. "Don't, he needs time to collect himself. Potter was way out of line with what he had just said. To accuse another of stealing a lordship is very frowned upon."

"What do you mean, lordship? I'm not sure what's going on." She said softly as she watched Lupin start to berate James a bit for what he had said.

"Here, come on, there is a book you need to read if you are going to be friends with Harry." She said, leading the other girl to the library.

Upon arriving, Amelia sits her down and goes searching. While she was away, Snape entered to find Lilly. He wasn't happy about studying with Pendragon and Bones, but he needed to be here to keep Lilly away from them. Amelia finally came back carrying a large book. She placed it before Lilly, who read the title. It read, 'Magical Brittan, her houses and what you need to know.'

"This explains everything you need to know about the noble houses of Britain and our politics concerning them. Harry is at the pinnacle of these houses, being from the Pendragon line. His family is the one that started it all, really." She told the other redhead.

Snape looked over at the book and scowled. "You don't need to read that, Lily. It is useless."

Amelia gave him a rather cold look. "It is not useless if she wishes to be friends with people in these houses." She tapped the book. "You can easily offend someone by not knowing some of these things. Doing that could be a very bad thing. Not just for you but the friends you have in these houses. Your actions could cause them a lot of trouble."

"See, that is why you should associate with that Pendragon boy. He is bad news, Lilly. He could easily get you into trouble. And that Serpent he has could kill you." Snape hissed to her.

Lily though rolled her eyes and pulled the book to her. "Oh hush, Sev, Harry wouldn't do anything like that. On top of that, I have spent the day with him and Larry, and I have no doubt that Larry wouldn't do that unless I was a threat to Harry or him."

Snape scowled once more at her, brushing him off. She used to take his word as gospel. However, ever since Pendragon came into the picture, she ignores his advice. Couldn't she see that she was his and no one else's? That she needed to listen only to him. He was starting to get frustrated already, but he wouldn't give up.

Amelia, on the other hand, was happy the girl was thinking for herself. She hated people who only listened to what other people wanted. She sat herself down, wondering if Harry was okay. He seemed rather upset by everything, and she couldn't blame him. To have to think about your deceased parents in that manner would be hard.

Chapter 7: Chapter 7


Harry Potter fell through the veil of death in his fifth year in a desperate attempt to catch Sirius. However, he is given a second chance upon meeting death and learning a few truths about his life. However, rather than returning to his time, he will be reborn in the time of his parents as the heir to King Arthur Pendragon.

Chapter Text

An/ I do not own hp

Months passed for the residents of Hogwarts. However, nothing happened within the castle to note. Harry had calmed down after the incident with James. After that, he returned to the library to spend time with his two friends. For the most part, no one treated him any differently for Larry. Most students just overlooked it.

It was nearing Christmas time, and he had been invited to join the Bones family for the holiday. At first, he was hesitant to do so, but after a lot of badgering from Edgar and Amelia, he agreed. He had also been invited to spend Boxing Day at the Evans house. Again, he decided after Lily badgered him.

They were currently on the train, and Harry was looking out the window as the two girls chatted. Snape was sitting next to Lily again and passing suspicious glares at Harry now and then. The boy hadn't been having a great year so far.

Slytherin wasn't as great as his mother's stories said it would. They didn't treat half-bloods any better than they did Muggleborn, and he cursed his mother for not telling him. If it weren't for his hatred toward muggles and an older student named Lucius Malfoy, his life would be hell. Malfoy had taken him under his wing within the house so that others wouldn't harass him. He said that he may be half-blood, but at least that one half was from the prince's family. It wasn't an ancient house, but it was noble, and Snape was the last of the line.

He had also been harassed by the blood traitor Potter and his gang of thugs. Well, that's how he saw them anyway. They had been pulling pranks on the school almost since they arrived. Their favorite targets were Slytherins, with him being one of the worst to get hit, along with Harry.

However, it seemed that any prank they tried on the other boy backfired. They had once wanted to hit him with color-changing charms, but they had quickly been sent back at them. It had caused their hair and clothes to turn Slytherin green for a week. The worst part of it all, though, was the fact that their pranks were only getting more advanced as the year went on. Harry had to give them props for utilizing the lessons within their pranks.

Snape was getting more and more fed up with the group of marauders. He even retaliated against them when he was sure no one was around. However, his attacks were not as mundane as theirs. His had quickly become more violent. He had even attacked them with a fire hex if rumors were to be believed.

Harry, for his part, did believe it. He had made a friend within the house of snakes recently. A boy a year older by the name of Cyrus Greengrass. The Greengrass family was grey, much like his own. While following the old ways, they didn't have anything against muggleborns. They felt they should try and track the old ways more but were willing to advance into the newer centuries.

They had started talking one day in the library, and things kicked off from there. They then started meeting up in an abandoned classroom once a week to catch up and play some chess. A game that both loved and respected. They would then discuss the goings within the castle, becoming better friends. Currently, Harry was thinking back to his last conversation with the other boy.


They were sat in the unused classroom that they always met up in. The chessboard was seated on top of the teacher's desk that had been left in the room. They had wheeled another chair from another room. Currently, neither was winning or losing the game.

"So, how are things in the pit?" Harry asked before moving his pawn.

Cyrus moved a pawn of his own before sitting back. "Not great. Those four Gryfs are stirring the pot within the house. Their pranks, while they can be funny at times, are starting to become too much. Last week, they managed to turn the black sisters' Hair Gryffindor red. Bellatrix was ready to kill them all. I'm honestly not sure how Robistan managed to keep her from it either."

Harry raised an eyebrow as he moved another piece. "Lestrange? What does he have to do with her?"

Cyrus moved a piece. "He's been courting her now for a year. I'm sure a contract will come about in another ear or two. I'm not sure what she sees in the big brute, but hey, to each their own."

Harry nodded, pondering his next move before he made it. "What else is going on?"

"Not much, though Malfoy had taken Snape under his wing. Nothing good can come from that in the long run. Honestly, Harry, I suggest you watch your Muggleborn friend around him. He has an odd obsession with the girl. I've seen him staring at her across the hall at meal times. He also glares at you when she isn't looking. I'm not sure what's happening with him, but he does not like you and is obsessed with her." He told him.

Harry sighed as he made another move. "Yeah, I've seen that too. However, I can't tell her who to be friends with and who not to be. I don't own her, and I don't control her actions. All I can do is be there if things happen."

Cyrus nodded. "Yeah, I suppose your right. So, speaking of the Gryfs, their pranks will get someone hurt one of these days. I'm afraid it will end up being Snape, which may cause a war between the two houses."

Harry moved another piece. "What do you mean?"

"Like I said, they are giving it to the snakes. It's like a non-stop prank, just one right after another. Their favorite target besides you is Snape, and they are going after him. However, unlike you, who redirects the prank back, Snape, with the help of Malfoy, retaliates. They aren't using pranks, though, and things will quickly get more violent. Right now, it is small fire charms aimed at clothes or books. Before long, it will end up being something worse." Cyrus told him, leaning back, the game forgotten.

Harry sighed. "Yeah, you're probably right. I imagine that it won't take long before curses are sent."

Cyrus nodded. "The real question though is whether or not we can prevent it from getting to that point. If it does innocent people would get dragged into it."

Harry shook his head. "I don't know Cyrus I really don't."

(End Flashback)

The train came to a stop in London and they all said their goodbyes before each went their own ways. Harry promised Caroline that he would be there on time for Christmas. However he had other things he needed to do. It had been a while since he had read his grimoire and he needed to catch back up. He would spend the next few days studying it.

(Christmas morning)

Harry woke up on Christmas morning not feeling up to celebrate. He hadn't celebrated the holiday since his parents death and he really didn't want to. However he was bound by a promise to celebrate with the Bones family. He got up and put his clothes on before making his way to the floo. He was to be over no later than nine in the morning.

He flooed into the manor at exactly eight fifty. He found Caroline smiling at him as he stepped out. "Ah good I was worried you wouldn't come."

Harry just gave a small smile. "Nonsense I wouldn't miss this."

The bones family was in full swing this morning. Each one in a great mood. He even received a hug from Amelia when she seen him. So far it wasn't to bad actually.

At dinner the conversations changed to more about school. "So how are you handling school Harry?" Caroline asked.

Harry swallowed his food. "It's not been to bad really."

"Not to bad? You are getting pranked almost every day by those four buffoons." Amelia fumed. She had been on a few of the Marauders pranks that miss Harry.

"Pranks?" Edward asked.

"Yes, four boys in Gryffindor who do nothing more than prank people all day. They seem to have a particular love of pranking Harry and the Slytherins." Amelia fumed on his behalf.

"Really I wonder why that is?" Caroline asked.

"I think it is due to me being a Parseltongue along with Larry." Harry told them.

"Ah yes your familiar. I suppose that makes sense. Not many would see that as being a light familiar." Edward said and Harry just shrugged.

"Yeah but Potter seems to have it out for him pretty bad." Edgar added.

"Potter you say? Hmm yes that makes even more sense. The Potter family are die hard light followers. The only ones not were Charlus Potter and his wife Dorea a few decades ago. But from them on the family follows the light only. Before that they were grey. Now they think Dumbledore has a light shining out of his a…" Edward was cut off.

"Finish that sentence dear and I will curse you to the couch for the remainder of the holiday." Edward wisely shut up.

The kids chuckled at his plight as the dinner subject changed. It went from school to other less boring things. They talked about their plans for the summer and again Harry was dragged into coming over. By the end of the night Harry was tired and ready to go home. He had received a gift of a new chess set from the Bones that was made of ivory and obsidian. He had gotten Amelia a very nice silver bracelet. He had also sent a gold one to Lilly. He had gotten a chuckle out of the fact that one girl liked gold and the other liked silver. He didn't know why it just seemed funny. The two were so much alike in their desire to do good in school but at the same time they were so different.

He went to bed feeling that it hadn't been nearly as bad as he had thought it would be. Though he felt a small pang in his heart the entire day. He went to bed early that night so that he could make it to the Evans family the next day and not be to tired.

The next day he had Trixie take him over to the muggle home. They arrived in the back yard so that no one else would see them. The house itself was a moderately sized home with a nice garden in the back yard. He made his way to the back door and gave a light tap on it. A moment latter he was takled over by a blur of red.

"Happy Christmas Harry!" Lily squealed.

Harry chuckled as he gave her a hug back. "Happy Christmas Lily."

He was quickly ushered inside and greeted the three remaining Evens. It didn't take long before they had taken out various board games and the five of them were playing. They played and talked for a few hours just enjoying the company. Harry was surprised at seeing Petunia laughing along with her family. Again this was a shock to him.

From what Sirius had said she hated Lily even while they were in school. This led him to wonder again what had happened to make her hate the magical world so much. He had even heard that she had written letters asking to go to Hogwarts but here she didn't seem as though she really desired to go. She even seemed to get along with Lily rather well too. It wasn't until dinner after dinner that he got some answers.

It was just him and Petunia in the living room as Lilly helped their mother and Richard was taking a nap. "Harry can I ask you something?" She asked softly.

Harry looked over at the blond girl. "Sure Petunia what's on your mind?"

She looked down at her hands that were folded in her lap. "Will I lose Lily to the magical world?"

Harry frowned a bit at her question. "I'm not sure what you mean. Why would you lose Lily to the magical world?"

She turned her head to look out the window. "Its just that that Snape boy said that when they were older he would take her from here and I wouldn't ever see her again. He said that people like me without magic were nothing but useless waste of space and that I would never amount to anything. That I would just weigh her down and that she deserves better. I love my sister Harry and I don't want to weigh her down but I also don't know if I can just leave her alone either. I don't want to lose her."

Harry listened to her carefully. Could it really be that Snape was the biggest reason his aunt was like she had been. "No, I don't think you will lose her Petunia. I think you mean just as much to her as she does to you. She talks about you even at school you know. But if you really want to. Be able to understand even a little of what its like in our world for her you could always learn how to use potions."

She looked down again. "But the headmaster said that I cant learn magic because I don't have any."

Harry was now internally frowning. So she had already messaged the headmaster. She must have been putting a mask on in front of her family. He wasn't sure why she was trusting him but he had to help her a little. "You know you don't need have magic to learn to brew potions. There isn't any magic done in it. All you need is to cut things and such. If you would like I can get you a Potions book and you could look it over. I can even get you a beginners potions book. Many people called squibs who have magical parents but no magic still make potions so I can't see why you couldn't. Then during the summer you could ask Lilly to help you learn and I can help you as well if you like."

When she looked back up at him her eyes were shinning with unshed tears. "You would really do that for me?"

Harry smiled a bit at her. "You're my friend now Petunia and I won't leave you behind simply because you can't use magic."

She reached over and took him into a hug. "Thank you Harry. Thank you for giving me hope that I wont loss her. Please take care of her over there where I can."

Harry hugged her back a little. "I will, you don't have to worry about her Petunia."

And just like that the life of one more person was changed by Harrys presence with in this time. The rest of the day was spent playing more games before Harry finally went home. He sent Trixie out immediately to retrieve a potions book for the oldest Evans child and take it to her. The rest of his holiday was spent once again in his office studying. Over the following summer he would start to practice the magic within this book. Magic that hasn't been seen in centuries.

(Hogwarts express)

Two weeks later found Harry once again on the Hogwarts express speeding off to Scotland. Snape once again sat next to Lily. Harry was again reminded of his conversation with Cyrus about his obsession with the girl. Just how far would he go to get what he wants. What was it exactly that he wanted from the girl as it was. All in all harry was growing concerned about it.

Their travels were interrupted by four visitors entering their compartment. "Hey Events we've been looking for you." James said excitedly.

"Go away Potter." She said distractedly as she continued to read.

"Ah come on don't be like that. Why don't you come join us in our compartment. It would be better than hanging around a Puff, a snake and a dark lord." He said sneering at both Harry and Snape. He was disappointed though that Harry paid him no mind as he continued to look out of the window. "What Pendragon aren't you going to say something to that?"

Harry glanced at the other boy. "Not really sure why I would. You are free to form your own opinion just like anyone. As to Lily going with you, that is completely up to her. I won't stop her if that's what she wants. She is a grown girl and can make her own decisions. However if she doesn't want to go with you then again she can handle herself and I trust her to come to me if she needs help."

Lily looked up at him with a beaming smile. That was something she, and Amelia, liked about Harry. He let them make their own decisions and supported them in whatever that decision is. However he was always willing to help them if need be.

She then turned to Potter to speak. "I do not wish to go with you so please leave us be. We are just trying to enjoy the ride."

"Oh come on Evans I'm so much better than these guys." James whined then he gained a look like a light went off in his head. "I know why don't you go out with me huh? Yeah that would be perfect."

Lily's face turned a bit pink from his words but the look in her eyes told harry it wasn't from embarrassment or being caught wanting to date the boy. No she was angry. "Potter I will not be going out with you! Now leave before I make you!" She growled pulling her wand.

Luckily it seemed that Sirius was the reasonable one of the two and quickly pulled the other boy out. Peter was following shortly after. The fat boy scurrying after the two. Lupin lingered at the door for a second. "Sorry about him. I'm not really sure why he was acting like that." And with that he was gone.

Harry though quickly stood up. "Excuse me I'm going to the restroom."

Harry quickly followed out the door. He quickly ran after lupin and snagged the boy as he was passing an empty compartment. "Huh!" He yelped as he was dragged into a compartment. He spun around to come face to face with Harry. He went pale at seeing the other boy staring at him. Harry was the best in their year right up there with Lily and himself in class. The only thing he did better though then them was his spell work. He always got it first out of them and his was always perfect the first time. He had heard that he was said to be as powerful as at least a fifth year student.

"We need to talk Lupin." He said plainly.

"A-a-about what?" He asked.

Harry just looked at him for a moment before he spoke. "We have a problem and you know it. You and your friends are getting out of hand with the pranks. They are getting to be more than pranks especially with the Slytherins and you know it. Do you four want a house war on your hands?"

Remus paled. "NO! No that's not what we want at all. Were just having a little fun."

Harrys face softened at his words. He could tell the boy didn't really believe his own words. "Remus small pranks on various people is one thing. Especially if they are okay with it like pranking a friend. What you lot are doing so far isn't a prank. Its more like targeted attacks on people you either don't like or see as being dark witches and wizards. For some reason you have also decided to target myself and Snape the most. I don't know why you are doing this and I rally don't care if you try to prank myself. However you have also hit Amelia with these pranks more often than not. You hit the girls with anything worse than a hair change and I will retaliate after that. You understand me?" He nodded. "Just get a handle on the others. I can tell that you don't agree with what they do and Pettigrew is like a tagalong on most of their ideas."

"Ill try." Lupin said looking down. "But you don't understand. They are the first real friends I have made. I don't want to loose them."

Harry looked at the other boy sadly. He remembered how that felt in his last life with Ron and Hermione. He reached out and put a hand on his shoulder. "You know if you want I can be your friend to Lupin. Do you like to play chess?"

Remus looked up at the other boy a bit stunned. "I-I do but I don't want pity you know."

Harry chuckled. "I don't give pity lupin. Pity is useless. If I didn't think we could be friends because we are similar or something then I wouldn't offer it. And you should know I don't mind that you're a werewolf."

Now the boy lost all color. "B-B-But how!"

"It doesn't take a genius to figure out you know. Not if you know what to look for. But don't worry I for one feel everyone deserves a chance to be happy and to learn. So your secret is safe with me. If you decide you want to have a game of chess I will be in the abandoned classroom on the third floor. Last room on the left down the right side." And with that Harry walked out leaving a stunned Lupin. Remus walked out five minutes later deep in thought.

Chapter 8: Chapter 8


Harry Potter fell through the veil of death in his fifth year in a desperate attempt to catch Sirius. However, he is given a second chance upon meeting death and learning a few truths about his life. However, rather than returning to his time, he will be reborn in the time of his parents as the heir to King Arthur Pendragon.

Chapter Text

AN/ I do not own HP that honor goes to JKR. I would like to thank Alphaflash for his help in coming up with ideas and the like. I would also like to thank you the readers for your support by reading and reviewing. It means so much to me.

It was a little after Valentine's Day, and Harry was sitting in a classroom on the third floor. He had taken it over and used it for his private studies. Since it was unused, no one noticed it having been taken over.

He would also meet Cyrus here on Fridays for a game of chess. He was currently sitting and smiling as he worked on his Transfiguration essay.

He was smiling as he thought back to his two best friends. For Valentine's Day, he had sent them each a rose he had transfigured in their favorite color. He thought it was cool that they both liked sapphire blue and a lovely little card with a poem he had found. He thought it was cute when their faces turned as red as their hair. They had each given him a hug for his efforts.

James Potter, on the other hand, went over the top. He had somehow managed to set up fireworks in the great hall. As breakfast started, they had gone off spelling out, 'Lily Evans, will you be mine?' This had mortified Lilly. She would have hurt him if it hadn't been for Harry and Amelia holding her back. Luckily, he only got detention when he stood up to receive Lily's affection.

A soft tap at the door frame pulled Harry from his thoughts. He looked over, surprised to see who was standing at the door. Remus Lupin stood there at the doorway, not meeting his eyes. He held one arm around his front and kept the other. He wasn't honestly sure why he was here now. He had been thinking of what Pendragon had said on the train about James pranks getting out of hand. He was also thinking about his offer.

"I was wondering if that offer was still there?" he asked tentatively.

Harry gave a small smile and nodded. He reached into his bag and pulled out an old chess set. As he got things together, Remus stepped forward and spoke. "It's good to see you, Remus. Are you doing alright?"

Remus was a bit caught off guard. "Um, yeah. I'm okay, I suppose." He said, taking a seat in front of him.

Harry gave him a small smile. "You don't have to be nervous, you know. I don't bite."

Remus just nodded a bit. He wasn't sure how this would go, but this wasn't exactly what he thought. He looked down a bit. "You different from how James describes you." He mumbled more to himself.

Harry looked up at him, and when he spoke, there was no anger at his words. "Yes, well, I'm not sure that James has given me a chance to show him I am not, in fact, dark."

Remus nodded a bit. Harry gave him the go to start the game, and he made his move. After each took two moves, he decided to talk again. "Why are you doing this… Being so nice to me, I mean. Especially when you know what I am."

Harry didn't look up at him. "My mother always told me to treat people how I want to be treated. My father always said to be kind no matter who you speak to. Whether it be a janitor or a king. To me, Remus, you are just an ordinary boy who wants to learn and have fun like the rest of us. So why would I treat you any differently."

Remus looked down at his hands. "Because I'm a monster…" he whispered.

Harry leaned back in his chair and looked at Remus. Larry exited his shirt and rested a few heads on his right shoulder. "A monster, huh? Remus, have you ever killed someone?"

Remus looked startled by the question. "What, no, of course not!"

"Have you wanted to kill someone?" he asked.

"No, I…"

"Then what makes you a monster?" Harry asked softly. Remus stared at him with wide eyes. "Just because you turn into a fuzzy dog once a month means little in the long run. What matters is how you handle it. If you allow yourself to feel hate because of the beast, then you will become that monster."

Remus looked down. "I bet if I told James, he would see me as a monster." He said softly.

Harry watched him a moment before speaking. "I won't lie. There is a strong chance that you are correct. However, in the future, he may mature and see things differently. But right now, he may see you like that."

"I see," Remus spoke in a broken tone.

Harry sighed. "Listen, Remus, don't let this prevent you from trying to be their friend. Who knows, they may just surprise you."

Remus nodded a bit. "Yeah, but I'm not sure if they would like me for who I am or not."

Harry raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

Remus looked out the window. "I've felt like they only have me around to pay attention in class. The only things they really talk to me about are the class work or what they need to pull off an idea. Take Valentine's Day, for instance. He didn't tell me what the plan was, just that he wanted to know what he needed to do." He put his head in his hands. "Don't even get me started on how he attacks that Slytherin boy."

Harry nodded a bit. "Why does he go after him so much?"

Remus sighed a bit. "Part of it is his house. James thinks everyone, not Gryffindor, can turn dark, and they are dark if they are in Slytherin. Combine that with his obsession with Lily Evans, and it's a recipe for disaster. Snape is usually always hanging around her the same as you. To James, that not only means you are evil due to his house and your family, but you are his rivals in love."

Harry's face went blank at that. "Rivals in love…" honestly, even with his older mind, he felt he was too young for such thoughts. Remus nodded his head as he made a move on the board. Harry shook his thoughts out. "I feel we are a bit young for that."

Remus snorted as he watched him make his own move. "You know you don't seem much of a pureblood… no offense. Most purebloods start thinking of this stuff by the age of nine. Not so much in a romantic way, though. They tend to think about it more about how they can gain something out of a match. James, for his part, does think she is cute but mainly sees that when they get older, she will be beautiful. It's more that she will be a god trophy for him, you could say. Add in the fact that she is brilliant, which makes it all the more alluring to him."

Harry hummed a bit as he thought about that. It did make sense, but it was hard to listen to. He wondered if James thought the same in his time, too. If so, he wondered if Remus and Sirius just hadn't told him to keep his thoughts on his father pure. "That's ridiculous. She's a person, not some trophy." He mumbled.

Remus looked at him for a moment before he nodded. "Yeah, that's what I tried saying. Sirius, too, doesn't really feel comfortable with it, but he also dispises pureblood tradition. However, he also understands where James is coming from. To James, it's the best match whether she is Muggleborn or not. I'm not sure how his parents will take it, though. From what he has said, they didn't mind."

"Still, that's just wrong. As I said, we are too young, and she has learned enough about those customs to agree to anything like that. With that, he is coming on too strong." He said.

Remus raised a brow. "You sound like you don't care if she dates him."

Harry shook his head. "Like I said on the train, Remus, she can make her own choices on who she hangs around, and I won't tell her different. If she eventually wants to date him or even more, that's up to her. If she doesn't, and he persists, and she comes to me for help… Well, all I'm going to say is that a boil hex will be the least of his worries." At this, angry Larry raised his head and hissed menacingly.

Remus shuttered a bit at that. If he was going to remain friends with the others, then he needed to try and keep them in line, or Harry may kill them. "Noted."

End of year

The rest of the school year went on without any significant events. Harry started meeting up with Remus twice a week to play chess and just hang out. The two boys had quickly become friends during these days of chess playing. The unfortunate side effect, though, was that Remus slowly started pulling away from James and the others. It didn't help, though, that James' pranks were getting even more elaborate and possibly dangerous.

Harry was currently sitting in a compartment looking out the window as the girls were talking about this and that. Snape was there as well, though it really wasn't unexpected. He wasn't really thinking about anything specific more, just generally pondering this and that. He was, however, thinking about what he should be learning about. He had been thinking this since he had returned to Britain, and the realization that he still had a lot to accomplish really came crashing down on him. Horcruxes that needed to be destroyed and such.

He was pulled from his thoughts by a sharp poke to the ribs courtesy of Amelia. He looked over at her with a slightly annoyed look. It seemed that a sharp poke was her favorite form of getting his attention. "What are you thinking about so hard over there?" She asked with an innocent grin.

Harry shook his head. "Nothing really, just pondering this and that."

Lily rolled her eyes with a playful smile. "Well, would this and that have anything to do with your plans this summer? My mum and dad wanted me to invite you over for the break if you like." She finished a bit shyly.

Snape's eyes flashed dangerously at the mention of Harry going over to Lily's. Amelia, on the other hand, felt slightly jealous at the thought. "Well, my parents also offered you to come stay with us for the holidays."

Harry smiled at both girls, feeling lucky that he had friends who wanted to spend time with him. "I appreciate the offer, girls; however, I plan on leaving the country for the summer to travel abroad for a bit. However, it will only be for a few months, and then I will owl you both when I return, and we can spend some time together."

The girls smiled and nodded. "That sounds fine to me. I'll let my parents know." Amelia told him with a smile.

"Me too!" Lily added with a large smile. They all ignored Snape's soft grunt of disapproval. "So where are you thinking of going?"

Harry leaned back a bit and toward the window. "Well, I'm thinking America for a bit. I want to learn some more about the Native American magics. Then, I was thinking of traveling to Japan and learning about dueling. I heard there is a great summer course on it there."

Lily's eyes lit up at the prospect of learning a new magic. "Oh, I wish I could go with you! That sounds so cool getting to learn new things about magic from other cultures like that!"

Harry smiled at her as he watched her excitement grow. "Well, I suppose I could pick you up a few books if you like while I am there."

Her eyes began to sparkle at the prospect, and she nodded her head rapidly. "Yes, please, that would be wonderful."

Harry laughed a bit and turned to Amelia. "Would you like me to pick you up some books on dueling while I am gone?"

Amelia turned a soft smile to him and nodded her head. "Only if that is okay with you."

"Of course it is. I would not have offered if not." He told her.

He noticed Snape's scowl had deepened while listening to them talk. He also noticed the boy scoot ever so closer to Lily. He frowned a bit before he turned back to the window and watched as they began to enter London. It didn't take long before they entered Kings Cross and started getting off the train.

After meeting with his friend's parents and saying a quick farewell to them all, Harry went off to the floo and traveled to Gringotts. He needed to convert some money for his trip. He quickly made his way down the ally and to the bank, where he exchanged a few hundred galleons for both American dollars and Japanese yen. After making his exchange, he flooed home to Camelot Manor, where he was greeted by Trixie and Kurt welcoming him home from school. He smiled at the two elves and thanked them.

The next day, I found Harry and Larry back at the Ministry of Magic for an early morning international portkey. Their first stop was America, where they would be going to New Mexico. Where he would be learning from a medicine man within the Navajo tribe. The medicine man is the people form of a medical wizard. He would also perform various religious ceremonies for the tribe. This particular medicine man was a close friend of his mother's and had agreed to teach him some things.

Harry made his way to the Department of International Transportation. He rather enjoyed strolling through the ministry in this timeline. No one gave him a second glance other than the wand checker. He couldn't help but wonder, though, how long that would last. It was only a matter of time before something came out to the public, and people would start to recognize him. It was also a good probability that the other Ancient houses would know about him by now from their children, and he wondered how they would react to his presence. He could theoretically turn their worlds upside down if he wanted to.

Upon arriving at the desired department, he was quickly led to a departure room. In the center of the room was a small table with a length of rope sat upon it. He was instructed to pick the rope up in five minutes, and it would take him to MACUSA, where he would receive his next portkey to an outpost office in New Mexico. America, being as big as it was and having so many people spread out over so much area, had to have governmental outposts in every state. MACUSA was based out of New York, and it would be highly inconvenient to travel that far by anything other than a port key, which had to be cleared by MACUSA officials. Traveling twenty-eight hundred miles by floo would just be one long ride of vomit by the time you reached your destination. So, the Magical Congress decided to create the outposts. It also helped with the reaction times of the American Auror office.

When five minutes passed, Harry grabbed hold of the rope and felt the familiar pull in his stomach. Larry grabbed ahold of him tighter as they were whisked away. Finally, the spinning stopped, and Harry found himself in a large room. A desk sat to one side of a door that read new arrivals over it. Harry walked up to the woman sitting at the desk and gave a polite bow of the head to her.

"Harry Pendragon, 9 A.M. From London?" The woman with mousy brown hair asked, looking at her notes.

"That is correct, madam," Harry replied politely.

The woman nodded and looked up. "Anything to declare?"

"Here we go again..." Angry Larry huffed.

Chapter 9: Chapter 9


Harry Potter fell through the veil of death in his fifth year in a desperate attempt to catch Sirius. However, he is given a second chance upon meeting death and learning a few truths about his life. However, rather than returning to his time, he will be reborn in the time of his parents as the heir to King Arthur Pendragon.

Chapter Text

AN/ Thank you for all those who have reviewed and read this story thus far. I seriously appreciate it. And thank you to all those who have read and continue to read. It makes me happy that so many seem to like this fic. With that said I do not own Harry Potter. That right goes to JKR. Also a thank you to Alphaflash for all his help.

Two months passed quickly for Harry Pendragon as he flooed back into his manor after a long travel from Tokyo to London. He stumbled his way up the stairs and fell onto his bed in the master bedroom. He quickly fell asleep, not thinking of anything but the land of Morpheus.

The following day, he stretched out in bed and looked around with tired eyes. He suddenly remembered he had come home and had gone straight to bed. He yawned, stood up from the bed, and went to the bathroom to get washed up. After a long bath, he got out and put on fresh clothes. Going downstairs, he found Trixie making breakfast.

"Good morning, Trixie." He greeted her.

"Good morning, Master Harry, sir. You have a letter there on the table for you." She said as she flipped a piece of bacon.

"Thank you." He said as he sat down at the table, taking up the letter. He was surprised to find that it was addressed to him by Remus. He pulled it open and unfurled the parchment it was on.

Dear Harry,

I hope this letter finds you well after your return from overseas. I am sorry if I am bothering you; I was wondering if you would like to come to my house for a few days. The summer has been rather dull without others to spend it with. Anyway, I won't keep you long. Please respond with a yes or no. Either is fine. I was just wondering."

Remus Lupin

Harry finished reading as Trixie placed a plate of food before him. "Would master like anything else?" She asked with a smile.

Harry smiled back and shook his head. "No, thank you, Trixie."

After breakfast, he went to his study, where he found Athena perched. He walked over to his desk and began to write three letters out. The first was to Remus thanking him for the invitation and asking if the following Monday was fine with him. The second and third letters were to Amelia and Lily, letting them know he was back in the country.

A few days later, I found Harry walking up to a non-discreet house in the middle of a large field. It wasn't a fancy house by any means. However, it wasn't too bad either. It reminded Harry of the Burrow if he thought about it. It was a single-story home with white paint on the outside that looked like it needed a new paint job. Its windows were a bit dusty, and the roof looked like it may have a few leaks in it. However, it had a beautiful garden in the front with various flowers that looked well cared for.

Harry walked up to the front door and gave it a gentle knock. He heard a woman's voice from the other side telling him to hold on. A moment later, a beautiful woman dressed in a purple sundress with long light brown hair and chocolate-colored eyes. She smiled upon seeing the young man with a smile that lit up her face.

"Oh, hello, young man, you must be Harry. Remus has told us so much about you. Come in, please, and let me call him." She said and turned in to let him in and called out. "Remus, your friend Harry is at the door!"

Harry bowed a bit to her as he entered the house. "Thank you, madam."

She smiled. "Oh, none of that madam nonsense, dear. You can call me Hope."

Harry gave her a smile of his own and nodded a bit. A moment later, Remus came into the foyer. He smiled a bit upon seeing Harry there. "Hiya Harry, how's your summer been?" He asked as he came up to shake his hand.

Harry smiled at him and gave his hand. "It's not been too bad, Remus. How about you?"

Remus's smile brightened a bit. "It's been pretty cool. My dad has been teaching me about different creatures. He showed me a Grindylow the other day."

Harry shuddered a bit at the mention of a Grindylow. "I hate those things. So hard to deal with while underwater."

Hope was watching the two with a smile. It was good to see Remus with friends. He hadn't had any since the attack, and she had been worried about him. When Lyle had heard that this Harry boy had found out he was a werewolf, they had both been apprehensive. With that information, it could ruin poor Remus's life. However, after hearing that the boy didn't care and had even started to spend time with him playing chess, their fears were abated.

Remus laughed a bit at that. "Yeah, they can be quite the little buggers. That's what makes them so dangerous." He said as he scratched the back of his head. "Any way you want to play a game of chess?"

Harry's smile grew. "of course, I would. That sounds great."

Hope's smile widened as she watched the two walk to the sitting room to play chess. She went to the kitchen to the sounds of their conversation to start dinner. It would be good if these two became better friends. She wanted her son's best childhood and prayed that this new friend could give him that.

In the sitting room, Harry and Remus had already started their game. "So, how have your studies been going? I am pretty sure I have completed all of the assignments."

Remus didn't respond right away as he contemplated his next move. "Not bad. I think I have everything done as well. My summer has been boring, so I didn't have much else to do."

Harry raised a brow as he watched him move his piece. "No big and exciting places this summer?"

Remus sighed as he waited for his next turn and watched the board. "No, not really. I have tried to write to the guys but haven't gotten any response. I'm glad you replied. I was starting to worry that maybe my time at Hogwarts was all a dream."

Harry sympathized with him on that. He remembered the summer after his first year when Dobby had taken his letters. He had felt the same way after not hearing from his friends for so long. Like it had all been a dream, and he had woken up back in his hell hole that was life with the Dursleys. He sighed a bit and nodded. "I can see how one could feel that way given your past. I am sorry that they haven't returned your letters, Remus."

Remus shrugged his shoulders a bit at that but nodded. "I appreciate it, but it's okay. Maybe they are just busy, is all."

Harry nodded. he could tell that Remus didn't believe his words and his doubts about his friends were growing, but he wouldn't say anything to the other boy. It wasn't his place, and he didn't want to break up the friendship he knew the four had in the last timeline. Well, he wouldn't mind breaking off the friendship between them and Pettigrew. He was still a little rat at this timeline, and he wasn't happy about it. However, he couldn't come up with a good reason to. What could he say? I'm from the future, and this kid that is your friend will get you and the girl you are married to killed by a madman. It just didn't work like that.

Their game went on for a while, and their conversation turned to less depressing topics. They talked about various things, from magical creatures to their classes. Harry told him about his time in Japan and learning to duel from a small magical dojo there. It had been a wonderful experience, and he had honestly learned more than he thought he ever would while there. Granted, it had taken him some time to get through magical customs, what with Larry.

A few hours later, they had moved on to a game of exploding snap. Each of them was covered in soot, and eyebrows singed. They laughed heartily at one another. They were stopped when they heard a soft giggling from the doorway. They turned to see Hope standing there with a smile on her face. "Well, don't you two seem to be having fun?"

Remus smiled at seeing his mother smile. She always smiled around him, but it seemed to be more forced. He knew she worried about him and that he hadn't any friends growing up. "Yeah, we are sorry about the mess, though, Mom."

"Oh, let me," Harry said and pulled out his wand. With a flick, the soot from around the room and on the two of them disappeared.

"Oh my... I thought you couldn't do magic out of school, dear." Hope asked, looking concerned.

Harry waved her off. "Normally, you would be correct; however, when my parents passed, I was emancipated. I now have all the rights of an adult within the wizarding world."

Hope's hand went to her mouth, and she sent a slightly sharp look to a sheepish Remus. Remus then mumbled. "Sorry, I guess I forgot to mention that bit."

Harry gave him a confused look. "What bit?"

Remus was about to answer when the front door opened. A tall man with a thinning hairline and salt-and-pepper hair pushed his way into the home. Harry could tell his clothes, while nice, were neither new nor expensive. He could see the family resemblance between the father and son, having seen Remus as an adult in his timeline.

The man stopped when he turned from putting up his coat and saw three sets of eyes staring at him. His wife was a bit watery, and that concerned him. He knew the Harry boy Remus had told them about was coming over and assumed the blond boy was him. "Ah... hello?"

"Hello, honey, welcome home," Hope replied softly.

"Ah, hey, Dad," Remus said.

"Hello, sir, it's a pleasure to meet you." The Harry boy said with a slight bow.

Lyle raised an eyebrow at that. The only people he knew who bowed were purebloods, but most didn't take to werewolves. "So what's going on?"

Remus rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Well, you see, I may have forgotten to mention a few things when I talked to you and Mom about him."

Lyle raised an eyebrow at his son and then at his son's friends. "Like what exactly?"

"Well, you see, um, well, he is an orphan, you see... and he also has a familiar that is a Hydra Basilisk. He is also emancipated, you see." Remus said awkwardly as he glanced over at Harry. "He ah is also the head of the Pendragon family due to being the last of his line."

Silence took over the room as Lyle stared between his son and his friend. Hope, for her part, was utterly confused. She didn't understand most of what that meant. Finally, Lyle spoke up again. "Oh... well then, I am sorry for your loss, my lord." He said with a bow of his head.

Harry's turn was to rub the back of his head in discomfort. "No need to bow. I would much rather us to be friends, and I would much prefer no one bow to me."

"Wait, Pendragon as it King Arthur?" Hope asked in confusion.

"Yes, King Arthur was my ancestor on my father's side," Harry told her as he turned to her with a kind smile.

"Oh my, so the stories are true then? King Arthur did exist! Does that mean that you are the real king of Britain?" She asked enthusiastically.

Lyle turned pale at her question. It wasn't that she had asked it, just that he was worried that Harry might take some offense to it. The Pendragons were a significant family in the wizarding world, and the boy could make life hard for them. He was surprised, however, when the boy chuckled.

"Well, yes and no. You see, Arthur was only the king of magical Britain in his time. It is often confused that he was the king of Britain as the non-magical and magical worlds were much more intertwined at the time. This then became a myth of sorts to the non-magical community. It is one of the only true stories that has made it to the non-magical world outside of Merlin. The only real change to it is that Arthur was a wizard." Harry told them as they all took a seat in the sitting room.

Hope's eyes sparkled with delight and interest that Lyle hadn't seen in a while, and he was happy to see it. He was also pleased to see the boy was rather down to earth. "So, do you know what he was like? Was he as noble as the stories used to tell?"

Remus turned a bit pink at hearing his mother gush about this. He had learned that Harry was relatively humble, which was part of why he hadn't told his parents about this. He was happy, though, that Harry seemed to indulge his mother. "Oh, I'm not too sure. Not much is left regarding written documentation on the man himself, even in my family. However, from what my father had told me and the family grimoire, he does seem to be a rather noble man. He encouraged the magical people to be friendly to non-magical and magical creatures, especially those with intelligence, such as goblins and centaurs. He was taught by Merlin himself to use magic and would often use it to help the non-magical kingdom. Eventually, after his death, the non-magical community started to turn against magic with the advent of Christianity. They started to see us as unnatural and blasphemous in the eyes of the lord. Soon, Arthur's vision for the future turned sour, and his descendants decided to withdraw the magical community into hiding, as many others had done worldwide. As time continued, my ancestors decided to hand over the regens to democracy and gave up our kingship. However, we still hold power in the wizarding world and, if we feel that the democratic state is not doing what is best for the people, take over the kingship once more."

The Lupins were stunned and silenced, as even Lyle didn't know some of that. "Wow, that is such a rich history for your family," Hope exclaimed.

Harry nodded, "It is, and I am proud of my family and try to live by Arthurs's example of treating everyone equally."

Lyle then had a thought strike him about something his son had said. "If you don't mind, but Remus had mentioned something about a basilisk?"

Harry smiled a bit. "Oh yes. I found him when I was seven, or perhaps I should say he found me. You see, I have a familiar bond with him. Magic had decided that he and I should go through this life together, and it has been that way since."

Lyle's eyes now flashed with curiosity and fascination. "A familiar bond, you say? My that is rare and with such a rare creature as well. But how does it not kill? As far as I know, the basilisk can kill with a look."

"Um honey, what is a basilisk?" Hope asked her husband, now fully enthralled with this topic.

"A basilisk is a magical snake labeled as the king of snakes. It can kill with a look and is the most poisonous creature. Not much is known about them other than they are born from a chicken egg incubated under a toad." Lyle told her.

Hope scrunched up her nose cutely in thought. "Under a toad, how does a snake come from a chicken egg?"

Harry chuckled. "That is just the mystery of life, I suppose. Would you like to meet him?"

The two older Lupins nodded enthusiastically, and Remus just smiled at them. It was good to see his parents in so good of spirits. Harry made a hissing noise, and Larry crawled out from the collar of his shirt. Hope gasped at the beautiful crimson scales. Lyle was fascinated by the fact it had seven heads.

"To answer your earlier question, Mr. Lupin has a second set of lids that prevents him from killing with his stare. Now, I would like to introduce you all to Larry the Basilisk." Harry said as he scratched the middle one's head.

Hope giggled a bit at the name. "Can I touch him?" She asked.

Harry nodded and just advised not to scratch the far left head as he was a rather angry head and didn't like getting scratched by anyone but Harry. He said he wouldn't hurt her, but he would hear about it for months. She giggled and scratched the far right head that seemed rather sleepy. Lyle two scratched the head of the one that looked a bit dopey.

After they talked some more and everyone had a turn scratching Larry, they went into the kitchen for the lovely meal Hope had prepared. Harry left a few hours later after he and Remus played more games. He found he rather liked Remus's family, and they liked him immensely. He had been invited back after that summer as well, and he had gladly accepted.

A few days later, I found Harry sitting with Amelia in the garden of Bones Manor. It was just the two of them as Edgar had gone off to a friend's house, and Edward was off at the ministry at a meeting. They were sitting on a bench and looking over the garden.

"I've missed hanging out with you, Harry. How was your trip to America?" Amelia asked.

Harry smiled at her. "I've missed hanging out with you too, Amelia. America was fine. It was good to be back in a way. I learned a lot from the medicine man I was learning from."

She tilted her head in question. "What is a medicine man?"

Harry chuckled a bit. "Well, a median man practices healing magic within a native American tribe. They are a witch or wizard who helps the people. Non magical or magical."

She frowned at that a bit. "But doesn't that break the secrecy statute by helping muggles?"

"Yes and no. You see, it does break it by any other standards, but you see, it is part of the Native American culture to use a medicine man. They don't perform spells outright using a wand, you see. Most of their work is done with more potions. They use potions or tonics created with plants to heal the sick. America is also proficient as a whole in the use of wandless magic, as the natives didn't have wands before the European settlers arrived. The European magical community was much more open to the natives, and they traded spells and techniques. Learning things like potions and wandless magic from the natives. We taught them things like apparition and our potions and such." He explained.

She scrunched up her nose in thought. "I suppose that makes sense then. It's just a bit odd to think that there are people out there that benefit from magic but know nothing about it or suspect it."

"Well, they call it magic still; it's kind of like hiding in plain sight. Magic was ingrained in their religion and just continued on today." He explained.

Amelia nodded her head a bit at that. "That is pretty cool."

Harry nodded. "So, what have you been doing this summer?"

She leaned over and against his shoulder, wanting to be more comfortable. "Well, Dad took us on a vacation to France as a surprise. We visited the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre. It was interesting to see and hard to believe the muggles created something like the tower with out magic."

"I bet that would be cool to visit. Perhaps I'll go there soon." He said, not minding the contact with her.

"You should. It was fascinating." She told him with a smile.

A few days after visiting, Amelia found him co*keworth in the Evans's backyard. He made his way to the back door and gave it a nock. He hadn't been prepared to be knocked to the ground by a red missile with emerald eyes. "Harry, you're here!"

He chuckled as he stood up and helped Lily to her feet. "Well, hello to you as well, Lily. How is your summer going?"

"Oh, Harry, it's been wonderful. I've been helping Toony with learning potions, and it has been just so much fun!" Lilly told him excitedly. "Oh, and she is a natural at it, to you know."

Harry chuckled as he was led into the house. "Good morning, Rose, Robert, and Petunia. I hope you all are having a pleasant Summer."

"Hello, Harry." They all called back to him from their place at the kitchen table.

"Harry dear, have you eaten? I can make you up something if you like." Rose offered as the two youngest sat down.

"Thank you for the offer, ma'am, but I ate before coming over." He told her with a smile. He then turned to Petunia. "How was your school year, Petunia? I hope it was good."

Petunia took a moment to swallow her food to think about his question. While she felt he was different from other wizards she had met, she was still cautious and wanted to ensure he wasn't making fun of her. Finally deciding he wasn't, she smiled a bit. "It was okay. Boring, though."

Harry nodded almost sagely. "Yeah, I can understand that. The homework is the most boring thing, in my opinion, but lectures from the teachers are too."

The Evans parents chuckled at seeing the scandalized look on Lily's face at his words. They knew their daughter loved those things a lot. Patina, on the other hand, was surprised that he made Hogwarts out to be like any other school. To hear Lily or especially Snape talk about it, it was the most beautiful place in the world, and nothing there was boring.

"How can you say lectures are boring, Harry? they are so fascinating to hear about the magic we can perform!" Lily asked.

"Ah, yes, but performing the actual magic to me is much more interesting. But that is beside the point; we shouldn't discuss school. It's summer holiday, and we should focus on having fun." He told the two girls with a smile.

Lily rolled her eyes and smiled. "Well, okay, I guess we could do that." Her voice dripped with mock sarcasm.

Harry waited for the Evans to finish their breakfast as he sat and talked to them about his holiday travels. "Harry, may I ask why you traveled to learn more magic? Why not just learn here in Britain?" Petunia surprised him by asking.

Harry gave her a kind smile. "Well, you see, different places have different magic. For instance, Japan, where I went last on my trip, is well known for its duelists. Many professional duelists from Japan end up in the top ten highest-ranking duelists in the world. I could learn from any duelist, sure, but I figured I had the means to learn from the best, so that is what I wanted to do. The medicine men and women of the Native American tribes boast some of the world's best healers, so I went to them."

Petunia nodded. "Oh, I see. That makes more sense than why you would want to travel for that."

Harry nodded his head with a broader smile. He was glad to see Petunia having opened up more to him. She seems happier since the last time he has seen her. They continued talking until the kids were sent outside to play. Before they got too far from the house, however, to go to the park, Petunia stopped him and slowed down so Lily was in front of them.

"Harry, I would like to thank you for the potion books you gave me." She said quietly. "It's nice to have something in common with Lily now and something I can talk to her about in her world. I also really like the subject too. It's almost like cooking in a way, just with odd ingredients. It also makes me feel that I won't hold her back not knowing magic."

Harry gave her a sizeable, lopsided grin. "Don't worry about it, Petunia. I am just glad I can help. As I told you before, I doubt Lily would ever feel you are holding her back and will love you even if you didn't learn any form of magic. If you want more things to learn, I can send you a few books on magical creatures. A few you would need spells to handle, but it would give you two something else to talk about."

Her smile grew even more at his words, and she nodded. "I would like that very much, Harry, thank you. And thank you for being a good friend... to both of us."

Harry just nodded his head with a smile. "Any time, Petunia."

Chapter 10: Chapter 10


Harry Potter fell through the veil of death in his fifth year in a desperate attempt to catch Sirius. However, he is given a second chance upon meeting death and learning a few truths about his life. However, rather than returning to his time, he will be reborn in the time of his parents as the heir to King Arthur Pendragon.

Chapter Text

AN/ thank you for your patience. Thank you all again for reading. As usual I own nothing but plot.

Harry sat in his compartment, waiting for Amelia and Lilly to arrive at the train station. The end of the summer holidays had come faster than he had thought it would. It was strange because he found himself not minding if the summer would last longer or not. He chalked it up to the fact that he was now happy with his living arrangements, even if he did miss his parents still. He absentmindedly started to rub Sleepy Larry's head, causing the head to fall asleep as he lay on his lap. He watched the different people moving around the platform as they dropped off their children.

His attention was brought to a small family of three that looked somewhat familiar. He recognized Lucius Malfoy almost immediately, as he had seen him around school here and there. The boy was just like his son when he was this age, a pompous little prick with a daddy complex. He tended to prance around as if he owned the school and, from what Cygnus had told him, was the unofficial king of Slytherin. He threw his money around just as his son had, buying support to get his way within the house. He had also managed to gain a small following that included the young Crabbe and Goyle. The one that held a concern for Harry was that he already seemed to have his claws into Snape.

He shook his head as he looked elsewhere within the station. He spied Remus, standing next to the other three boys and their parents. He chuckled a bit as he watched Peter Pettigrew's mother rubbing dirt from his nose. He heard the compartment door open and turned his head to see who it was. He was a bit surprised to see Cygnus entering his compartment and got up.

"Cygnus, how are you, my friend?" He asked, sticking out his hand and shaking the other boy's.

"I'm alright, Harry. How are you?" He returned.

"I'm good. It was a bit of a full holiday, but I'm not complaining. How was yours?" He said as they sat down.

Cygnus sighed a bit and looked out the window. "It was fine. We went to Greenland for a time to try and gather some new plants. Other than that, it was a bit boring."

Harry nodded his head in understanding. "Not that I don't enjoy seeing you, my friend, but what brings you here? I know we aren't keeping this friendship secret, but we were planning on keeping a low profile for a time yet still."

Cygnus nodded his head. "Yeah, I won't be here long. I just figured I would catch up with you for now. You need to keep an eye on Malfoy this year, Harry, along with that Snape boy, as I have said before. I was at the summer gala a few weeks ago and overheard Malfoy talking with Nott and a few others about upping the ante on Potter and his gang. I'm not sure what they mean by that, but things could get ugly and fast, especially since it is likely that Potter and his crew will up their attacks as well. We could be seeing a bloodbath in a year or two if I would guess. It could be sooner if Snape loses his cool over that girl of yours."

Harry sighed and looked out the window. "This isn't good, Cygnus. It most certainly is not cool at all. The worst part about it is that it doesn't seem that the professors will do anything about it either. He hadn't liked to think that James had gotten special treatment in his last timeline when Snape told him, but he was starting to see it now. Even McGonagall would treat him differently, not being as harsh on her punishments. Looking back on it, she had carried that over to him when he entered school. Sure, she had given him a few harsh punishments, but she even rewarded him a few times for his recklessness.

"Yeah, it's almost like Dumbledore is setting up lines, and Slytherin is on the losing end of this little war. The Slytherins aren't afraid of causing real harm if attacked, and it shows. This makes people fear the house as a whole a lot more when you have one side throwing pranks that could be dangerous and the other throwing regular dangerous spells. If he would stop Potter and them to begin with, it wouldn't reach this point," he said softly.

"Are you suggesting that Dumbledore is using this to influence the way the other three houses look at Slytherin, that he is playing the two houses against each other? Perhaps he is telling Potter that all Slytherins are evil, so he takes it upon himself to punish them by using pranks. They respond in a manner that is predictable for children, like violence and proves him to be right in Potter's mind. Thus, he ups his attacks, causing them to do the same and making others' views on them go down?" Harry asked.

Cygnus blinked a few times. "Well... yeah, pretty much. Though I guess I shouldn't be surprised, you figured that out so quickly. I really don't see how you didn't end up in Slytherin sometimes."

Harry chuckled. "Oh, I could have, but the hat was afraid I would kill the lot of them." Cygnus paled a bit at that.

He finally stood to his feet and prepared to leave. "Well, either way, I figured I would give you a warning. You good to meet up next week?"

"Sure, same time as usual?" Harry asked.

"Yup, sure enough. Well, I'll see you then," Cygnus said with a wave.

Harry waved back before going back to staring out the window. When he noticed both the Evans and the Bones families enter the station, he got up and went out to meet them. After a short talk with the two families and wishing Petunia a good school year, they all boarded the train. A short while later, Snape entered the compartment. He threw a dirty look at Harry and Amelia before he sat down next to Lily.

The train ride to Hogwarts was, as usual, a fun one. The only downside was Snape constantly glaring at Harry or muttering things under his breath. Harry noticed that Lily had a hint of embarrassment on her cheeks from his behavior and raised an eyebrow at it. He shook it off, though, as a figment of his imagination and continued to talk to his friends.

Before long, they arrived at Hogsmeade and up to the castle. It was strange how mundane it all was in this timeline. Nothing had happened so far in the way of life-or-death situations as it had in his timeline. There are no barrier blockages preventing him from coming to school. He sat next to Lily at the Ravenclaw table, listened to the Sorting Hat's song, and watched the sorting. He only recognized a few names that were called, including Rita Skeeter, and he groaned upon hearing her name.

(A week later)

Harry was sitting in the classroom where he usually met up with Cygnus and Remus on alternating days. He was setting up the chessboard when Cygnus came through the door. "Hey, Cygnus, how's it going?"

"We may have a problem," he said, drawing his friend's attention.

Harry looked up, raising an eyebrow. "Oh, and may I

Ask what that might be?"

Cygnus dropped into his chair. "We've been found out."

Harry chuckled as he continued his work. "You make it sound as though we are having some sort of sorted affair, Cygnus." His friend scrunched up his nose. "Now then, who has found out, and why is it a problem?"

Cygnus sighed and looked out the window. "Okay, maybe I was being a bit dramatic. Out of anyone finding out that we hang out, it could have been worse. It's Andromeda Black that found me out. She saw me heading up here after watching you come in here as well."

Harry raised his other brow. "Is she following me?"

Cygnus shrugged his shoulders. "Honestly, I don't know. She said she would like to meet you, though. She said that she thought you were interesting and would like to get to know you as well."

Harry vaguely remembered her as being Tonks's mom in his timeline. He shrugged his shoulders a bit and said. "Why not? Have her meet me here on Sunday then."

Cygnus looked at him as though he was bonkers. "Have you gone around the bend, mate? Don't you know about the Blacks? Those three are the ice queens of Slytherin. Bellatrix is bat-sh*t insane, and Andromeda is a fierce girl who froze a bloke's bollocks right off last year."

Harry did inwardly cringe a bit at that description. It really didn't sound pleasant. "Don't worry, Cygnus, I can handle my own, you know?"

"Yeah, sure. I'll let her know then. It was nice knowing you," he muttered the last part under his breath.

Harry just shook his head, and they began to play their game. "It's been pretty quiet the last few weeks," he mentioned offhandedly.

"Too quiet, if you ask me. I feel it's just a matter of time now before all hell breaks loose," he said, getting back on the topic of their usual affairs of talking about the state of the school politics.

"Any news in the Slytherin common room?" Harry asked, making the first move.

Cygnus shook his head. "No, not really. The most I have heard is that Malfoy wants news on the movements of Potter's little club throughout the school. The only problem there is that they seem to be exceptionally good at sneaking around unnoticed."

Harry had to suppress a snort of laughter at the reminder of the Invisibility Cloak of James. "Well, at least we are getting one week of silence, I suppose. From what I have heard, those four don't have anything concrete planned yet, but you are right in that it is only a matter of time. By the way, I have heard that Potter is planning on trying out for the Gryffindor Quidditch team, along with Black. That is not going to be a good thing if they get in when it comes to the Slytherin games."

"Bloody hell, I should just resign my position now, then," Cygnus winced, causing Harry to chuckle. He was on the Slytherin team as a Chaser and was pretty good at it as well.

"Hey, that's up to you. All I'm going to say is I would watch out. I have a feeling they wouldn't be against pranking the team either to stop someone from playing or for revenge if they lose," Harry told him.

Cygnus nodded his head and mumbled, "Yeah, thanks."


Harry was sitting in the classroom, waiting for Andromeda Black to arrive. Curled up next to him upon the large desk was Larry, who decided to join him for this meeting. Usually, he would explore the castle, having long since become bored of watching chess. Plus, he could go unnoticed by many and gain important information for Harry on the various houses.

He was thinking about his encounter with Frank Longbottom the day before. He had run into the other boy while walking down the fourth-floor corridor. They had struck up a conversation when he noticed the other boy had a Remembrall. He had to suppress a snort at hearing how it had immediately lit up red when he got it and still couldn't remember what it was he had forgotten. He couldn't help but think "like father, like son" when hearing this.

The two of them had then gone off to lunch together, talking about their classes and what they thought about them. It had been a fast friendship, as both boys loved Transfiguration and Defense a lot and had a lot to talk about. Harry had even invited him to join their study group, which had now grown already to include Alice Fortescue, a friend of Lily's she had met last year.

He was brought out of his musings as the door to the classroom opened enough to let a very pretty girl with long brown hair and violet eyes in. Harry had to admit, as he stood to greet her, that she was just as pretty as both Lily and Amelia and found her eyes to be mesmerizing. She closed the door and turned to him properly.

Harry gave her a slight bow of his head, figuring he would go into this as a pureblood rather than speaking in an informal tone. He still wasn't sure what it was that she wanted and figured it would be best to play it safe. "Ms. Black, I presume."

Andromeda felt her eyes widen a fraction at his tone of voice. She had been watching him for a while now, since last year, in fact, and found him interesting. He seemed friendly and kind, and she liked how he treated everyone fairly despite her cousin trying to prank him with his friends. However, right now, he sounded like her grandfather. She looked up to Arcturus Black. He was a fair man, and while he didn't openly support Muggleborns and half-bloods, he was okay with them. However, the Slytherin part of her quickly realized what Pendragon was doing. They didn't know each other, and their contact between them wasn't here for introductions. Thus, he was setting up for the conversation ahead and feeling how she wanted to proceed.

"Please call me Andromeda. I was hoping that we could be friends," she said in a musical voice.

Harry stared at her for a few moments before he nodded a bit and gestured for her to take the seat in front of the table. He held it for her as she took her seat before moving to his own. She was pleased to see that he had manners. "Very well, Andromeda, then please call me Harry."

She nodded her head as they watched each other. She couldn't help but find his sapphire eyes a bit mesmerizing. "Thank you, Harry."

A moment of silence passed between them. "So, Andromeda, may I ask why it is that you wished to meet me?"

She nodded a bit. "Well, I was just wanting to get to know you. You seem like a nice guy and someone I could get along with. I don't have many friends here and am looking for more."

Harry raised a brow. "I'm sorry if I offend you, but you are a rather pretty girl, and I find it hard to believe that you do not have many friends," he said bluntly.

Andie felt her cheeks heat up a bit at his compliment but quickly shut down her emotions. 'None taken; however, that is part of the reason I don't have many friends. I would rather people want to be my friend for me and not my looks. I also do not follow the pureblood ways as strictly as most of my housemates, so that has limited my friends within the house.'

Harry was a bit stunned that she was being so straightforward with him. He had expected her to be more withdrawn about this rather than tell him. He was fully prepared to play the game. He gave her a smile. 'I see. Well, as you may have come to know, I do not hold to the pureblood ways strictly myself. So, as long as you do not show any blood superiority, then we should be fine, and I would like to be your friend. You seem like an alright person.'

Andie felt her heart rise at his words and the excitement of making a new friend within the school. The two of them soon broke into a discussion of their favorite classes. They talked for a few hours about various things, like their likes and dislikes. They talked about what it was like growing up in America compared to Britain. Andie found it strange how much the two varied in their views of blood statuses but found she rather liked the American view. It was quick to determine that they had a lot in common, and they both enjoyed each other's company a lot.

Chapter 11: Chapter 11


Harry Potter fell through the veil of death in his fifth year in a desperate attempt to catch Sirius. However, he is given a second chance upon meeting death and learning a few truths about his life. However, rather than returning to his time, he will be reborn in the time of his parents as the heir to King Arthur Pendragon.

Chapter Text

AN/ thank you for your patience. Thank you all again for reading. As usual I own nothing but plot.

Time flew by for the denizens of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Over the course of the last few months, Harry had become rather close to Andromeda, almost as close as he had to the other two girls, and he rather enjoyed their time together. He had also become closer to Frank Longbottom and often hung out with him. Granted, Frank had taken a bit of a hit socially within the lion's den, as some still saw Harry as dark, but for the most part, it was overlooked. The ones that took it the hardest were James and his crew, except Remus, of course, whom Harry still met up with once a week to play chess with or do homework.

It was now October thirty-first, and he was waiting in the classroom he used for Andromeda. He was looking out the window, thinking of the past two months. James and the others had indeed ramped up their efforts against the Slytherins. It had reached the point now that people were having to watch their backs. The tension within the school was high, waiting for the next prank and retaliation.

He shook his head as he remembered Remus getting upset that their last prank had sent Snape to the hospital wing. The boy had a severe allergic reaction to something in their prank, and he had puffed up like a balloon. From what he had heard from Cygnus, it was shellfish that had done it to him. It had taken Harry an hour to calm his friend down as he had felt so bad.

Snape had retaliated by setting Pettigrew's pants on fire as he walked by an alcove with a statue in it. The little rat-like boy had suffered second-degree burns on his backside. It was starting to turn into a "send one of ours to the hospital, and we send one of you to the morgue" kind of thing. He was worried about Lily the most, though, as she would always try to defend Snape, and he feared she would get caught in the middle of it all.

His thoughts were interrupted by the door opening and Andie sneaking in. He smiled up at her as she smiled back and came to sit in front of him. "Hi, Harry, how are you today?"

"I'm fine, Andie. How about you?" he asked.

"I'm good. It's just been getting hard in Slytherin, you know. I just..." She was interrupted by the door slamming open.

Harry jumped to his feet and had his wand out in a flash, pointing at the intruders. However, he froze when he saw Amelia and Lily standing side by side, looking panicked. He raised an eyebrow as he lowered his wand. "Girls, what's the matter? Is everything okay?"

"We saw a Slytherin girl coming in here and thought that she might be attacking you," Amelia said with a light glare at Andie, who huffed and folded her arms over her chest.

"You know not all of us are evil, you know," she said, almost sadly, looking away from them. She was hoping this wouldn't ruin her and Harry's friendship; she was really starting to like hanging out with him.

"Now, girls, that wasn't very nice at all. You shouldn't just assume someone is going to attack people based on their house," he said, causing them both to look down. "Also, how did you know I was up here?"

Their cheeks turned slightly pink, and neither one would look him in the eye. "Well, it's just you disappear a lot, and we got curious... so we... we followed you," Lily admitted, looking down.

"You could have just asked, you know?" Harry said with a raised eyebrow. "Now, I think you should both apologize to Andie here. I think you three would really get along, you know, and she is my friend just as much as the two of you are."

They both looked at the Slytherin girl and then at each other and nodded a bit. "We're sorry we made assumptions. It's just with what has been going on between Gryffindor and Slytherin, we jumped to conclusions that we shouldn't have," Amelia told her, much to Andie's surprise.

Honestly, she could understand that, with as much animosity going around lately. "It's fine. I understand and can appreciate you being concerned for Harry."

The girls looked shocked but smiled. Then they turned to look at Harry. "So this is where you run off to all the time, huh? Having secret meetings with other girls?" Amelia asked in a slightly heated tone that told Harry he better have a good explanation for this.

Harry rubbed the back of his head. "It's not really like that. Some of my friends, like Andie here, can't really move around in the open or don't want to until our friendship is more stable. Plus, I haven't exactly hidden the fact that I come up here; it's just that you two are the only ones who have noticed or at least taken an interest in what it is I'm doing."

"What other friends?" Lily asked, tilting her head in that cute manner he loved.

Harry sighed; it wouldn't be good to lie to them or keep this away from them. After all, it really wasn't that big of a deal. "Well, there is Andie here," he gestured to her, and she had to turn her face away to hide the small blush at the other two girls' looks. "Then there is Cygnus Greengrass and Remus Lupin as well."

Amelia gave him an incredulous look. "You became friends with Lupin? What about how his other friends treat you? He had helped with those pranks, you know?"

Harry chuckled as he could hear the concern in her voice, along with the slight condescension. "Yes, I am quite aware, my dear Amelia." She went slightly pink and looked away. "However, he has apologized and hasn't been helping them with their pranks, especially since the incident with Snape. Potter has taken his little war on evil too far, and he has withdrawn from them some."

The girls nodded and then looked at each other for a moment as if having a silent conversation. Harry hated it when they did this, as it usually didn't mean something good for him. "Well, either way, we know now, and we want more friends, too, you know," Amelia said with a smile.

Andie interrupted them at this point, her face showing just a hint of shock. "Wait, you would want to be my friend?"

The girls turned to her, giving their own smiles. "Well, if Harry trusts you, then so will we," Lilly told her. "Besides, we can always use another girl in the group to keep Harry in line."

Harry rolled his eyes at her but smiled. "Oh, hardy har har."

The rest of the afternoon was spent with the girls getting to know Andie more. They found that they had at least one thing in common with the new girl in the group, if not more, and they were rather happy about it. Andie, for her part, felt her mask slowly slipping away around these three, but she found she didn't mind in the least. In fact, it felt rather freeing. Before now, the only ones she could really be herself

With were her two sisters and her cousin Sirius. Harry just smiled as he watched the three girls talking and giggling with each other. It was rather nice to see them all having fun and that he didn't have to hide his friendships from each of them.


Harry had opted to stay in the castle this year for Christmas as he wanted to do some studying, and the girls' families were each going out of the country. Lily and her family were going to France for the holiday to visit her grandmother. Amelia had to go to Switzerland as her father had some things to do business-wise.

He was currently sitting in an alcove and watching as snow flittered down over the grounds outside. It was quiet in the castle, with only a handful of students staying behind. He held a book on enchanted artifacts through the ages, propped on his knees. It was the holiday season that made him truly miss his parents being alive. He had thought it lonely before, but now it was almost unbearable. He experienced the love of family for the first time in his life, only to have it ripped from him after only seven years. His mother always loved to watch the snow with him. She would make the best hot chocolate he had ever tasted, which they would sip on while she softly hummed a carol.

He looked down as he felt Larry come up to him and crawl up onto the ledge. "Harry, Harry, you'll never guess what I found today! It's so amazing!"

Harry smiled a bit at Happy Larry's excitement. "And what did you find today, Larry?"

Larry crawled up him until his head was splayed around him. The middle one, Happy Larry, was in front of his face, looking at him upside down. "We found this really HUGE room, and you won't believe what we found in it! We found another basilisk, but she is HUGE, like a thousand times bigger than me!"

Harry suddenly paled. He had forgotten about the Basilisk under the school. "Larry, did you... speak to this other Basilisk?"

Happy Larry nodded enthusiastically. "Oh yes, she was so nice to me. I told her all about our life and you and America and our travels. She wants to meet you, Harry. Will you meet her, please, please, please!?"

Harry blinked a few times. The Basilisk wanted to… meet him. "Ah, Larry, are you sure that is a good idea? I mean, you know that not all magical creatures are as nice as you and Faux, correct?"

Again, Larry nodded his head. "Oh yes, she has promised that you won't be hurt. She is just curious about you. She said she has only had one other visitor since her bond mate passed on."

Harry hesitated for a moment before he slowly nodded. "Very well, Larry, I shall trust you on this."

"Oh, yay!" He exclaimed before he slid off Harry and started down the hall. Harry quickly got up and ran after him.

Larry led him down to the second-floor girls' bathroom, where he quickly looked around to make sure no one saw him. They went in, and not even Myrtle was there. He sighed at that; he really didn't want to deal with her this time around. She was nice but also a bit of a pervert. Larry told the sink to open and then asked for the stairs. Harry facepalmed himself for his past stupidity, even knowing that he was in a hurry; it was rather stupid to think that Salazar Slytherin would just jump down a tube.

They made their way down the dark tunnel, and he heard the sink above them close again. Down and down they went until, finally, they made it to the bottom. It was just as disgusting as he had remembered it. He tried not to think of all the rat skeletons he was stepping on as they made their way through the cavern. Finally, they made it to the round door with the emerald-eyed serpents along its edge. Larry opened the door, and in they went.

The chamber was just as he had left it, and flashes of the last time he was here flashed through his mind. The feeling of helplessness. The idea that he was going to die down here bubbled into his mind as fresh as the day it happened. He stopped in the spot where he had collapsed after being bitten by the same serpent that he was about to face once more. He shuddered a bit at that thought before he heard Larry calling out to the stone head above the pool in the center of the room.

He watched as he heard the noises of a giant beast moving around in the dark crevasse. He could see the poison-green scales of the beast writhing inside. He did his best to resist his urge to turn and run as fast as he could. He looked down at the floor before him as the great beast fell out onto the floor.

"Larry… come back… Laura… Pleased," she said in a rumbling female voice with broken English.

"Hi, Laura. I brought my bond mate with me. Look, look, this is Harry," he said, slithering quickly to Harry and up his body.

Harry could feel the great serpent, now named Laura, come near him and sniff at him. He had to resist the urge to run again. "Bond mate… Harry… can look… Laura, no hurt… Larry bond mate."

Harry hesitantly looked up at the large green body. He got to the largemouth and spotted a few sharp fangs protruding from its scaly lips. He finally reached the large bulbous yellow eyes. All in all, he found her to be a gorgeous creature when he wasn't running for his life trying to fight it with a sword. "Hello, I assume that you are Laura," he said, his voice sounding more confident than he felt.

The giant head nodded a bit. "Yes… Laura me. You are Larry… bond mate."

Harry couldn't help but smile at her way of speaking. It seemed so innocent for such a large creature. "Yes, I am, and it is a pleasure to meet you, Laura."

"Bond mate… Harry… nicer… than last guest… Last guest… made Laura… do bad things," Laura said, looking away a bit. "Bond mate Harry… remind Laura… Bond mate Salazar… such good man."

Harry tilted his head a bit, curious about her old bond mate and the other guest. "Other guest?"

"Yes… made Laura hurt… made Laura kill. Laura no like kill. Kill against… bond mate's words… to protect. But Laura has no bond, mate… susceptible to speaker's words. Speaker makes Laura hurt students. Speaker scared school close… told Laura he would be back… use Laura again to kill. Laura doesn't want… but Laura cannot leave… Laura has no place to go," she said, looking as depressed as a snake could be.

Now Harry was confused. Was she really saying what he thought she was? "Laura, are you saying that Salazar didn't want to kill Muggleborns?"

Laura shook her great head. "No! Not Muggleborn… kill Muggle who may attack… not Muggleborn. Muggle may attack students… Laura to protect."

Harry took on a thoughtful pose at her words. "I see…"

After a moment of him thinking, Laura spoke again. "Bond mate Harry… Laura… ask question."

Harry looked up at her. "Of course, Laura."

"Laura, ask bond mate Harry… kill Laura… Laura doesn't want to be used again," she asked, shocking both Larry and Harry.

"Laura, no! You can't die, Laura; you're my friend!" Larry's heads exclaimed together.

She looked down sadly at the little snake. "Laura's sorry… Laura doesn't want to be used again… Laura has no bond mate… can be used by the speaker."

"But… but… what about Harry? You could bond with him! He is strong and he can do it," he said urgently. "Right, Harry?"

The two turned to him. "Well…" He was trying to think of where he could even keep Laura. Could she even use his magic like Larry to shrink? "Could I even have two bonded familiars?"

Laura nodded. "Bond mate Salazar… friend Godric… two bond mates… Phoenix and Gryphon."

Harry thought about it for a few moments before he nodded. "Well, I suppose I could if you would like that, Laura."

Laura got an excited gleam in her eyes. "Oh yes… Laura's very happy with the idea, friend Larry has."

Harry nodded and stepped forward as Laura lowered her snout to him. He lay his hand upon it, and both of their eyes began to glow. After a long moment, the glow died down. Harry smiled up at the large beast before him as he felt the connection to her at the back of his mind. "Welcome to the family, Laura."

"Laura's happy… best day… since first bond," Laura said. Then she glowed and shrank down to fifteen feet long and curled up Harry's leg, giving him a gentle squeeze as if giving him a hug.

Harry scratched her head and smiled a bit. "Now, Laura, I can't have you here at the school with me all the time. It would raise too many questions. Would you like to go to my manor so you don't have to be down here all the time? Larry and I will be there during the summers and holidays."

Laura nodded her head. "Yes, Laura would like that."

Harry smiled and called out to Trixie. The small house-elf popped in, and her eyes widened at the sight of the new snake. "Trixie, this is Laura, my new familiar. Would you please take her to the manor for me? We will need to get a new tank set up for her in my room by Larry's tank."

Trixie just nodded. "Of course, Master Harry, I shall have it all set up by tomorrow."

"Good, thank you, Trixie." He turned to Laura. "Okay, Laura, this is Trixie, my elf. She and my other elf, Kurt, will take care of you until I return, okay?"

"Yes, bond mate Harry. Laura… excited… to be in a new home," she said and slithered to Trixie.

Harry and Larry said goodbye to Laura and watched as they disappeared. Harry then turned to Larry. "Do you know if there are any other secret rooms in here, Larry?"

Larry shook his head. "No, but I can come back and look around more later. I'm getting tired."

Harry looked at his watch and nodded. "Yeah, you're right. We should head back up. It's getting late anyway."

Chapter 12: Chapter 12


Harry Potter fell through the veil of death in his fifth year in a desperate attempt to catch Sirius. However, he is given a second chance upon meeting death and learning a few truths about his life. However, rather than returning to his time, he will be reborn in the time of his parents as the heir to King Arthur Pendragon.

Chapter Text

AN/ thank you all for your reads and reviews. As always I own nothing but the idea. All Harry Potter characters belong to JKR.

Harry walked into the classroom a few days after Christmas to find Andie with her knees to her chest, staring out the window over the still-frozen grounds from the last snowfall. She rested her chin upon her knees, and her long brown hair hung in soft curls over her shoulder. Harry approached her quietly, not taking his eyes off of her. There was just something about how she looked with the light of the evening sun behind her from this view that struck something in him.

He shook off the odd thoughts as he approached her and noticed small tear tracks running down her cheeks. He could see that her beautiful violet eyes, which usually sparkled with joy, were dull and bloodshot. He could see some lingering pain in them... hate even. He very gently placed his hand upon her shoulder, and she jolted. She wildly looked around before her eyes landed upon sapphire, and she relaxed for but a moment. Then she quickly looked away and wiped the tear stains from her face.

When she looked back at him, she had a small, fake smile on her lips. "Oh, hi, Harry. I didn't expect you to be up here today," she greeted him as if nothing was wrong despite her bloodshot eyes.

Harry stared into her eyes for a long moment before he just reached out and pulled her into a gentle but tight embrace. He felt her stiffen in his arms for a moment but then relaxed. He leaned down and whispered in her ear. "You don't have to do that for me, Andie. You don't have to be strong all the time. I can be strong for both of us and if you ever need or want to talk about ANYTHING, you can come to me. Even if it's just for a shoulder to cry on, I will be here for you."

Andie didn't say anything as she just sat there and listened to him. No one had ever shown her this kind of care before. Sure, her sisters cared for her, and so did Sirius, but they weren't willing to be the strong ones. That role had always been laid at her feet. Bellatrix had never really cared for touchy-feely things, always preferring to beat problems into submission rather than talk about them or simply listen to others talk about their issues. Cissy found it too hard to support others emotionally, having been discouraged from showing emotion by her father for so long. So it was up to Andie to support them as they couldn't support their emotions, and no one else would be there for the times when it all became too much and either one of them broke down.

However, no one was ever there for Andie when she broke. No one cared when she was vulnerable and had no one else to turn to. Over the holidays, her father had verbally berated her for hours. He had been told by other Slytherin parents that their children had suggested that she was not very Slytherin-like and would even talk to the occasional half-blood. It took everything she had not to snort at that. If only he had known about the friendship she had started with Lily.

He had ended his rant by accusing her of being a disappointment and backhanding her across the face. She had held out for the remainder of the holiday, refusing to allow herself to shed a tear. It wasn't until she was here and could get away from her sisters and housemates that she finally let it all go. She truly hadn't thought anyone would come here today. She figured that she could be alone but at least in a spot where she felt truly accepted and could be herself.

But Harry had come up here today. She couldn't help but wonder what had caused the sapphire-eyed boy to come up here. In the end, though, she didn't care. For one of the few times in her life, she felt safe here... in his arms, like nothing could hurt her. Like her father couldn't hurt her. She didn't need to be strong anymore and could instead let it all go.

She raised her hands shook just a bit and wrapped them around his neck. Before she knew what was happening, she let out a muffled sob into his shoulder. They sat there for nearly an hour as she let out all the pain that she had been holding in for so long now. Harry didn't say anything as he simply held her in his arms and let her cry it out. After a time, she finally stopped crying and simply let out dry hiccups, still not letting him go.

When this died down, she just laid her head on his shoulder before she whispered softly, "Thank you, Harry... for being here."

"Always, Andie," he whispered back. Neither one of them realized that something between them had changed that day. They had become closer than ever before, but neither wanted to ruin it with words.

(A month later)

Harry was sitting at the edge of the lake, watching as the giant squid rolled around at the top of the water. It was an okay day, if a bit cold. However, with warming charms, it wasn't too bad at all. The sun, while not casting too much warmth, shone brightly overhead and glittered off the surface of the lake.

He felt a presence come and sit next to him and smelled the now-familiar scent of lavender and cinnamon. He smiled a tad as he looked over. "Hey, Amelia. How are you today?"

"Cold..." She grumbled.

Harry chuckled and took out his wand. He cast the warming charm on her and put it away. However, he didn't stop there and reached over put his arm around her and pulled her closer into him. He didn't notice the blush that crept up her face as he looked back out over the water. "Better?"

Amelia fought down the blush and nodded a bit, not pulling away. "Yes," she replied and cuddled a little closer to him without realizing it. She placed her head on his shoulder and watched the squid with him.

"Amelia, I have a question for you," Harry asked.

"Oh, and what is that?" She asked, not pulling away. It felt too good to move. It simply felt right to her to be in his arms. Any other boy that had tried this would have been visiting Madam Pomfrey.

"What is it that you want to be when you graduate? Like, what are your plans for the future?" He asked.

Amelia didn't reply right away as she thought it over. "I don't really know. I haven't given it much thought, really. Whatever it is, I want to help people. Try and make our world a better place."

Harry nodded his head a bit as he thought over her words. "Well, I believe you can definitely be that person that does that one day. You are an amazing person, and I am sure that one day you can make that a reality."

Amelia looked up at him a bit as he spoke. Sure, other people had told her that they believed she could before. Her parents for one and her grandmother when she was still alive a few years ago. But coming from Harry, it felt different somehow. Maybe it was due to the conviction in his voice that it seemed so much more sincere, like he knew without a shadow of a doubt that she would manage to do just that.

She smiled a bit as she returned her head to her previous position. "Thanks, Harry... What about

You? What do you plan on doing?"

Harry seemed to think about this for a moment before she felt him shrug. "I don't know yet, really. Perhaps I'll put my name and vote to good use and help you with your dream within the political sphere. You know, help make the laws that will help turn your dream into a reality."

She felt her cheeks heat up a bit but forced it back. "You would really do that? Help me with my dream like that?"

Harry turned to her with a smile that caused his sapphire eyes to sparkle in the midday sun. "Of course I would, Amelia. You mean the world to me, and I want to see your dreams come true."

She stared into his eyes for a long time, looking for any lies or ulterior motives. Finally, she smiled back at him and put her head back down. "Thank you, Harry."

Harry just nodded his head, and they went back to watching the lake. However, their silent moment was interrupted by a snowball hitting the back of their heads. Amelia shrieked and jumped to her feet to see who threw it. Harry turned around as well, only to see Edgar rolling on the ground, laughing with a few of his buddies. Amelia pulled her wand in fury to send a hex at her brother, but Harry reached out and lowered her arm.

She looked over at him angrily, but he shook his head. He pulled out his own wand and quickly made a large stack of snowballs of their own while the other boys still laughed. Amelia got a large and wicked grin on her face as she saw the fresh ammunition at her feet.

Edgar seemed to sense danger and quickly stopped laughing to look up. His face went white as he watched Harry lift up about ten snowballs in front of his sister, and her wand slashed forward, banishing them in their direction. He let out a shriek, drawing his friends' attention as the frozen water struck him in the face. The others quickly went down with their leader. Amelia smirked and didn't let up as Harry levitated more snowballs for her to banish. Soon, they were chasing the group of fourth-years around the grounds, pelting them with snowballs and laughing. Harry smiled over at Amelia's red face, her eyes shining with amusem*nt. He was glad that she was lightening up a bit.

(Two weeks later)

Harry was setting up the chessboard for him and Remus in the classroom. Last week, Potter had played a pretty mean joke on Snape. He had hit him with a Body-Bind and banished his clothes down to his underpants. He had then floated him up and stuck him to the wall of a busy corridor. Harry had felt sorry for the scrawny Slytherin a bit. He may have been an ass to him as an adult and wasn't kind now, but no one really deserved what had happened.

He had heard that Lupin had been trying his best to get them to stop, but none of them would listen. They said that it was actually Remus who had quickly got him off the wall as soon as his friends had left the corridor, laughing at what they had done. He had apparently tried to apologize, but Snape had nothing of it and stormed off.

Harry heard the door open and noticed Angry Larry lift his head before putting it back down on top of Dopey Larry. He glanced back and noticed Lupin shuffling into the room. His face was downcast to the floor. Harry could tell he was depressed by something but walked around the table and sat in his usual chair. Remus didn't even look up as he took his seat.

Harry watched him over the desk for a long while as the other boy simply stared at the chessboard in front of him. Finally, after some time, Remus spoke up. "I guess you're my only friend now, Harry..." He said softly, his eyes starting to brim with tears. He still didn't look up.

"What do you mean, Remus?" Harry asked softly, getting up and moving around the table to sit before him.

Remus still wouldn't look up at him. "They ditched me, Harry. Said that I was too soft on dirty rotten dark wizards like you and the Slytherins to be their friend... Well, James did anyway. Peter just agreed with him. Sirius, on the other hand, didn't say anything. He came up to me the next day and told me that he still wanted to be my friend. I told him that we should probably not be seen together often, or Potter would probably see him as being dark too or something."

Harry sat back in his chair a bit. He was stunned that his father would stop being friends with Lupin for something as simple as telling him he was going too far. "He really did that, huh?"

Lupin nodded his head. "Yeah, said that I wasn't a real Gryffindor or friend if I defended those that would turn Lily against the light and against him."

Harry sighed. "I'm so sorry that this happened," he said sincerely.

Remus nodded again, still not looking up, as small tears started rolling. "I just... I had hoped that they would be different, you know. That they would accept me for me, that we would be the four musketeers from now until the end... like Sirius would say. But James and Peter turned on me for something so stupid. I just couldn't sit around anymore and watch as James humiliated Snape over and over again. And they just keep getting more humiliating and even dangerous, you know."

Harry nodded his head and put his hand on his shoulder. "Yeah, I understand, Remus, but hey, you have me, you know. If you are comfortable with it, I can even introduce you to my other friends. I'm sure you would love them."

Remus looked up into his eyes and seemed to search them for a while as if looking for lies. "You mean it?"

Harry smiled at him. "Of course I mean it, Remus. You're my friend, and I'll stick with you no matter what."

Remus smiled at his blond friend before he reached out and took him into a brotherly hug. "Thank you, Harry."

"Anytime, Remus," Harry said. "Now, come on, we have a game to play."

Remus chuckled lightly at that, and the two started to play. It wasn't long before they were talking about summer plans and schoolwork. Before long, it was almost as if nothing had happened. Remus couldn't help the small smile that came to his face. Maybe things would be alright after all.

(Two weeks before summer)

Harry walked through the library in search of red hair and emerald eyes. Exams were over, and yet he hadn't seen Lily in almost a day. She had apparently secluded herself in the library shortly after exams. Finally, he found her deep within the huge dusty shelves. She was bent over a large tome and reading intently.

Harry smirked to himself and snuck over to her. When he reached her side, she had still not noticed his presence. He reached out and gave her side a soft prod. She jumped with a squeak and whirled around wide-eyed. When her eyes met him, she relaxed.

"Harry, don't do that," she hissed while smacking his arm.

Harry chuckled softly. "Come on, put away the book, and let's go for a walk. It's beautiful outside."

She shook her crimson hair. "No, I'm going to hang out here and study some more. I won't have access to this stuff over the summer."

"Come on, Lilly. You have five more years to comb through these shelves. For now, let's just enjoy each other's company and this fine day," he told her.

"No, I need to learn as much as I possibly can," she said, going back to her book.

Harry raised an eyebrow. "Why is that, Lilly? It almost sounds like you have a reason for wanting to learn so much." She didn't say anything, but he could tell that she wasn't paying attention to her book again. "Come on, Lils. You can tell me, you know."

She started to bite her lower lip. Finally, she mumbled something he couldn't hear. "What was that?"

"I want to prove that I belong here. That I deserve to be here and be friends with you..." She said softly.

Harry scrunched up his brow. "Lilly, what do you mean? Of course, you belong here, and why wouldn't you deserve to be my friend?"

Lilly still didn't look up from her book, but he noticed a few small drops of water hitting the table below. "They said that a Mudblood like me shouldn't be here... that I didn't deserve to be here. They said that they didn't understand why you would want to be around someone as filthy as me and taint your Pureblood." She whispered.

Harry gritted his teeth, anger filling him. "Who told you this, Lilly?"

"It doesn't matter... I'll show them that I do deserve to be here..." she whispered.

Harry sighed and took a breath. Now wasn't the time to allow his anger to get the better of him. "Lilly, I don't think anyone deserves to be here more than you do. You don't need to prove anything to anyone, not to me, not to Amelia or Andie, and certainly not to those bigoted assholes. You are smart, clever, and prettier than just about any Pureblood. The only ones that could match you are Amelia and Andie. Screw them, Lils. They're just jealous of your obvious superiority in a field they were raised to believe themselves the masters of and don't bother to study."

Lilly looked up at him, her emerald eyes red from the tears that slowly crawled down her cheeks. "So you wouldn't leave me if I wasn't the smartest?"

Harry dawned a look of hurt. "Lilly Evans, I would not leave you if you were the dumbest person in the world. You are my friend, and that's all that matters to me. You don't have to get top marks on everything and know it all. I just want you to be you. The pretty redhead who has a love of books and learning, who is kind and caring, who loves her family and friends and would protect them with her life. I really don't care how smart you are, Lilly, or how powerful you are. I don't care about how you were born or what family you come from. All I care about is you. Just because you are Muggle-born does not mean I care for you any less than I care for Andie or Amelia."

A small smile came to her face at his words, and more tears spilled from her eyes. She had been concerned for a while now that Harry would one day leave her behind because she wasn't a Pureblood. She launched herself at him and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Thank you, Harry," she whispered in his ear.

He just smiled and hugged her back. After a few moments, he spoke again. "Now come on, Lils, let's go outside and enjoy the day."

She nodded her head against his neck. She reluctantly pulled away and dried her eyes. Harry helped her put back the book she had been reading, and they both left the library side by side. She looked over at him from the corner of her eye and couldn't help the smile that came to her lips. She was so happy she had met him that day in the alley. He had become so important in her life, just as important as her family to her. He had even helped her make more friends with Amelia, Andie, and now even Remus.

Remus had started hanging around Harry in public a few weeks ago, and he had apologized for his role in his old friend's pranks. He seemed so genuine that she couldn't help but accept it. Since then, they have found a common interest in Potions and Charms.

She let him lead her down to the Black Lake, where they sat down by a large rock to watch the giant squid. She sat rather close to him and laid her head against his shoulder. He didn't seem to mind, as he didn't say anything, so she just allowed herself to get comfortable. "You were right; this is beautiful," she said softly after some time. Harry just nodded and continued to look out over the lake.

Chapter 13: Chapter 13


Harry Potter fell through the veil of death in his fifth year in a desperate attempt to catch Sirius. However, he is given a second chance upon meeting death and learning a few truths about his life. However, rather than returning to his time, he will be reborn in the time of his parents as the heir to King Arthur Pendragon

Chapter Text

AN:/ Hello all and thank you so much once again for all the reviews and comments. This story has been a blast to create and I'm glad you all seem to like it. Normally I don't answer comments directly due to how hard it can be on this site to do so and for not wanting to give out any spoilers for anything as the story develops. However Daemoniorum asked about the Black sisters ages and i will go ahead and clear that up a bit. Bella in this is about fourteen when Harry enters school. Andie is in second year and a year older than Harry. Cissy on the other hand is a year younger and in Regulus year. I know a lot of you have mentioned spelling and i am sorry if I butcher a lot of words. Spelling is and has never been my strong suit. I do have Alpha going over things along with using Grammarly to try and fix any mistakes so I am sorry if things are missed. I work forty eight Plus hours most weeks and do a lot of other things. Writing is more of a hobby and something i do to try and relax and bring what i would like to see in a fandom to others. So please try and bare with me on that I am trying to make it not so cringe. Other than that I hope you continue to read and enjoy. As always i do not own Harry Potter that honor belongs to JKR. Also this will now be cross posted on both Ao3 and when I can Wattpad. Fanfiction is just starting to get on my nerves with their lack of fixing issues such as notifications.

Harry sat in his compartment on the Hogwarts Express with his friends all around him. Their compartment was now rather full with the addition of Remus, Alice Fortescue, and a girl named Marline McKinnon. Frank Longbottom had also joined them. He noticed that Snape was glaring hard at the different guys in the compartment. He shook his head and went to look out the window. It was a nice day out with bright blue skies.

"Harry, mate, what are your plans for this summer?" Frank asked from beside Remus.

"Hmm, well, I plan on traveling to China for a bit to learn more about Parseltongue magic. Asia has a strong connection to serpents, similar to India. I'll be there for a month or so, but after that, I'm not sure. I may go to a place I know near Tibet for a time," he said with a thoughtful look.

Remus shook his head. "Only you would be planning a learning trip to different countries, Harry."

"Why are you going abroad to learn things?" Alice asked him, tilting her head a bit.

"Well, mainly because it's fun to learn new things. The other reason is to see how others do things. Every country, nation, and even tribes or clans do things differently from others. If you have the opportunity to learn from them, you should take it. I have been talking to a few Healers and such in China who can teach me Parseltongue magic," he told them.

"Well, it sounds cool at any rate," Marline said.

"Yeah, it is," he said, looking back out the window.

When they finally arrived back in London, it didn't take long for him to say goodbye to his friends and their families and head off to Camelot Manor. He greeted Trixie and Kurt before he made his way to the study. Kurt had taken his trunk up to his room where Trixie would empty the clothes and things and reorganize it for him.

He stepped into the large office and found a huge glass tank that had now taken up the entire wall on the right side of the door as soon as he entered. "What the..."

"Bond mate, Harry... Laura happy... see you," he heard the feminine voice of his newest bondmate.

"Oh hey, Laura, I figured you would be set up in my room as Larry is," he told her as she snaked her way out of the tank. She came up to him and wrapped around his body and around Larry, giving both a gentle squeeze like a hug.

"Laura thought it better... be here... Bondmate... turn man soon... Man... have needs... Laura don't want to hear," Laura hissed, resting her head on top of his neck, next to Larry's.

It took Harry a few minutes to realize what it was that Laura had just said and started to blush hard. "L-Laura, I am not ready for that!"

"Laura knows... Laura smell many females. It's a matter of time... before bond mate finds mate... just like last bond mate," she said with a chuckle.

Harry rolled his eyes and went to the desk to have a seat. "So how are you settling in, Laura?"

"Manor warm... comfortable. Laura loves it," she said as she watched Larry go over to her tank and look around.

"Hey Harry, can I get a tank like this? This is so cool!" He called as he crawled over different things.

Harry chuckled. "Yeah, I think we can look into it. Trixie!"

Trixie popped in. "Yes, Master Harry."

He gave her a smile. "You and Kurt did a fantastic job with Laura's habitat. Larry was wondering if you could do the same for him on the other side of the door."

Trixie smiled widely at the praise. "Oh, of course, Master Harry. Trixie and Kurt would be more than happy to do so, sir. We can have it built by the time you return from your trip, sir."

Harry gave her another smile. "Thank you, Trixie, that would be wonderful."

He spent the remainder of the afternoon reading from his family grimoire and talking to Laura. It was fascinating to talk to her about the founders. She had known each of them rather well. It was also interesting to find out that Slytherin and Gryffindor did not, in fact, hate each other. The two founders just disagreed on how to handle the Muggleborns. Slytherin wanted to house them all in the castle from the time they showed magic until they graduated. Gryffindor didn't want to tear apart a family, though. Apparently, Slytherin had a sister who had died by Muggles for her magic and didn't want the same to happen to other children.

The next morning found Harry traveling to China from the Ministry of Magic. He would then travel to Shanghai from Beijing to learn from a temple there. He was interested to see what it was he would be learning. The monk he had corresponded with hadn't really specified.

(Three weeks later, Andie's POV)

Andie was over at her grandparents' home, Black Moor Manor, for a few weeks. She was the only one, as Bella had decided to spend some time with her friends, and Cissy was with her mother in France for a shopping trip. Sirius and Regulus, who was in the year below Harry, weren't allowed to go by their mother. Andy was convinced that Walburga simply wanted them there so she could torture poor Siri. She was currently sitting in a bay window looking out over the garden.

She was thinking about Harry and how much she would like to see him right now. She had started to realize that she was in love with the boy over the last few months since January. She didn't care that he was a year younger than she was. He was so much more mature than even the guys that she knew that were older than him by a few years. He was also sweet, kind, and caring.

She was pulled away from her thoughts by the voice of her grandfather calling to her. "Ah, there you are, my dear Andromeda. What are you doing holed up in here when it is such a fine day out, love?" He asked her as he came over and placed a small kiss upon her forehead.

Arcturus Black was not like most Blacks in that when it was just him and family he didn't act like a total snob or an asshole all the time. He loved his family and wasn't afraid to show them when it was just them. He knew when to be a lord and when to be a grandfather. The only time he really pulled out the lord act was around her father or aunt.

She looked up at him with a small smile on her face. Arcturus stood an impressive six foot two. He usually wore dark black or grey robes and had a short salt and pepper beard. His salt and pepper hair was slicked back yet didn't look greasy like Malfoy's or Snape's always did. He was fit but not overly so but good enough for his age.

"Hello, grandfather, I was just thinking is all," she said, not noticing the small blush that came to her cheeks.

"Oh ho, now I must know who it

is that I must kill that has stolen my little princess's heart," he said with a grin as he took a seat in front of her.

Her cheeks reddened even more. "I-I don't know what you mean," she stammered and turned to look out the window.

Arcturus chuckled a bit at her. "Come now, child, and don't think I am so naïve not to recognize that look of yours. Your great Aunt Dorea always got the same look on her face when she was looking at old Potter, you know, rest her soul. Always looking out the window in a dreamy fashion like you were. So tell me who is the lucky boy."

Andy looked over at him for a moment. "Promise you won't hurt him?"

Arcturus smiled at her gently. "Well now I can't really do that, princess. If he hurts you, then I will hurt him... that's the best I can do."

She pondered his words and knew she wouldn't get any better than that. She looked down before looking back out the window. A small smile came across her lips. "His name is Harry Pendragon." She didn't see Arcturs's eyebrow raise. "I started talking to him at the start of the year. It started in secret because I didn't want Slytherin to ruin it for me. He is kind, caring, and sweet. He cares about me and my happiness, and I feel I can be myself around him, that I don't always have to be strong around him. He is smart and powerful too, but doesn't brag about it."

"You seem to really like this boy," he asked slowly to feel out what her thoughts were.

She smiled over at him. "I really do, grandfather. I think I am in love with him. That he will be the only boy I ever love. The only one I ever want to marry. Even if he has other girls that are interested in him. I don't mind if I wouldn't even be his main wife. I would be his mistress if it meant I could be with him."

"That is a bold claim, my sweet. Don't you feel you are a bit young for such thoughts?" He asked her softly.

She shook her brown hair. "No, I know what my heart is telling me. That and it's hard to be considered too young when your father is trying to marry you off," she finished in a whisper, more to herself.

Arcturus nodded his head a bit but didn't like the last comment. He knew that Cygnus had approached him about a contract between them and Lestrange for Bellatrix. He wasn't happy about it but at the same time Bellatrix had approached him for the same. He had always been a sucker for love even if others didn't know about it. "I'll tell you what, my little princess, why don't you take the year to get to know the boy better, huh? Maybe after that, we can see where it goes."

Her face lit up with that smile he loved to see on her face, and she bounded off afterward when his wife called out to her. He was sad that she was already thinking about marriage or even being a mistress. He also hated his son for making her think about that. Cygnus was a little sh*t who only thought about power, money, and influence. He had been trying for years now to show that he was a better head of the house candidate than his nephew Sirius.

Arcturus sighed and looked out the window. Maybe this was for the best. He knew that Narcissa was already allowing that Malfoy spawn to court her. Cygnus had already corrupted two of his children, and Walburga was in the process of doing the same to his youngest grandson. He could at least perhaps protect Andromeda.

An alliance with Pendragon would be a very good one even from a political standpoint. From what he had heard from other lords with children in school, the boy showed that he was raised properly, even if he was seen with a Muggle-born girl a lot. According to them, the girl was smart and had even been learning their ways. That helped in his eyes. He mainly didn't like Muggleborns for trying to change their ways too much and make them more Muggle. He would have to ponder this more.

Remus was sitting in the living room, rather bored today. His parents had just come back from shopping and were putting the groceries away. He was thinking over the last few months of the term and losing his first friends, well all but Sirius. However, even that was more just an acquaintance it seemed now.

He let out a sigh as he looked down at his book he was holding. Harry had sent him a book on magical creatures of Asia last week for his birthday. It was one of the first gifts he had ever gotten that wasn't from his parents. "What's wrong, sweetie?" He heard his mother's musical voice ask him.

He looked over to see her and his father looking at him in concern from the couch. "Oh, it's nothing, Mom."

"Come now, son, there is no reason to lie. You can talk to us, you know?" His father told him.

He looked down at that. "It's just that I lost a few friends this last term. People I thought would like me for me and would always be my friends."

Hope raised her hand to her mouth. "Oh, sweetie, what happened?"

Remus looked out the window. "They were 'pranking' this one kid from Slytherin. I say that, but it was more like bullying. I overlooked it for a while, but a few months ago, James took it too far. He banished the guy's clothes to his underwear and then stuck him to a wall that was well-traveled. I let him down and tried to apologize after the others left, but he wouldn't have any of it. I can't blame him. I should have tried to stop them sooner. I confronted James after, and he accused me of being a Dark sympathizer for defending a Slytherin. He said that he wouldn't be friends with someone who will turn out Dark one day and that I should be lucky they let me sleep in the dorm."

A few tears leaked from his mother's eyes, and he couldn't look at her. He knew that she was just sad for him and worried, but he couldn't bear to see her cry. "Well, son, it doesn't sound like they are very good friends then," his father called to him, and he looked over at him. "Last summer they didn't even write to you, and then this. It sounds like they are also rather mean boys if they are bullying someone simply because they are in Slytherin. I have known a few good snakes over the years."

Hope smiled a bit at his father's words, trying to encourage him too. "And you are still friends with that Harry boy, right? He seemed like a nice boy. He also invited you to come over when he returns."

Remus couldn't help the small smile that came to his lips at the mention of his friend. "Yeah, he also introduced me to a few other people that he is friends with. I have gotten along with them really well too, actually."

Hope's smile widened, and Lyle smiled as well now. "See, son, when one door closes, another opens. Forget those other boys; you don't need them anyway, my boy."

Remus smiled at his parents and got up to give them a hug. It was nice having parents to support him no matter what. He didn't even want to think about what he would do without them. He also couldn't wait to hang out with Harry this summer. Lily had even invited him over with Harry at some point.

Petunia was sitting in the little garden behind their house, reading a new potions book that Harry had sent her. She found potions making fun and exciting and couldn't wait to see what else she could do with it. She no longer cared that she didn't have magic. She could still do something related to Lily's world, and it made her happy. She and Lily would now spend hours either brewing a potion together or just talking about different potions and their ingredients. Harry had even sent her a herbology book that she loved since she liked to garden. The different plants and their uses for potions amazed her. Just as some normal plants could be used as well.

She looked up as she heard someone shuffling around toward her. Her soft smile that she had been wearing had faded somewhat upon seeing Snape striding toward her. He gave her a glare that made her feel uncomfortable, like she was nothing but a bug at the bottom of his shoe. But she held strong; Harry believed in her, and so did her parents and sister. She didn't need him and didn't care what he thought of her.

He stopped in front of her and sneered down at the book in her hands. His sneer turned into a look of anger as he looked back up at her. "What are you doing with Lily's book?" He growled at her.

"This isn't her book; this is my book, thank you very much. Harry sent it to me," she replied.

"Why would that pathetic loser give you anything? All you are is a filthy muggle," he sneered. "That book is wasted on you."

Petunia stood up and closed her book. "I don't need to sit here and listen to you. I have people who believe in me, and that's all that matters."

Snape stood there stunned for a moment as he watched her walk away calmly. He was a little irked that he couldn't get a rise out of her. It was usually so easy too. Then she would storm away crying, making the muggle cry was one of his favorite pastimes, so he was at a bit of a loss. He stormed off to find Lily.

What he didn't know, however, was that Lily was watching him from behind a tree. She had been coming over to Toony to see if she wanted to practice their potions together. However, she wasn't expecting to see Sev come over to her. She didn't really like the look on his face when he saw her reading the book Harry had sent to her. She couldn't believe that Sev could say something so mean to Toony. But maybe he was having a bad day or something. She figured with a shrug and went to find him.

Chapter 14: Chapter 14


Harry Potter fell through the veil of death in his fifth year in a desperate attempt to catch Sirius. However, he is given a second chance upon meeting death and learning a few truths about his life. However, rather than returning to his time, he will be reborn in the time of his parents as the heir to King Arthur Pendragon.

Chapter Text

AN:/ I do know own Harry Potter that right goes to JKR. I would like to make just a quick note that the last update was infact an update for any that were confused about the chapter count. I went ahead and removed the AN chapter from when i missed an update. I am sorry for any confusion. As always thank you to AlphaFlash for his assistince and thank you all for your comments and reads. It means the world folks it really does.

Harry had finally returned home two months after leaving Britain. He was tired, not really physically, but mentally. His time in Tibet had been a stressful one, to say the least. The teachers there had worked him hard in learning runes and even how to use them in wards. He sighed and stretched as he stepped from the fireplace. He breathed in deeply, taking in the familiar scent of Camelot Manor as he did so. He released it with another sigh and a slight smile as he heard Larry doing the same.

It was good to finally be home. He started making his way out of the entry hall and towards the kitchen. He heard a soft pop in front of him and noticed Trixie standing there with a large smile. "Hello Trixie, and how are you today?"

"Hello, Master Harry, sir. It is good to have you home!" She squeaked out, causing him to smile. Trixie and Kurt always did their best to make him not feel alone now that his parents had passed on. In a way, it was as if Trixie had done her best to fill the role of his missing mother, and it made him feel loved. "How was Master's trip?"

Harry smiled even more. "It was fantastic, Trixie, thank you for asking."

"Oh, that is good to hear. I also have Larry's new habitat made for him in the office. I have taken the liberty to move the old habitat from Master's room," she said.

Suddenly, Larry popped out of his shirt and slithered quickly down his arm. "I'm going to have a look!" He called behind him.

Harry just chuckled. "I guess he is excited to see what you have created for him, Trixie. Thank you from the both of us for doing that for him."

Trixie blushed a bit before saying, "Oh, it is nothing, sirs. Trixie is happy to be doing it." Then she popped out of the front hall.

Harry smiled and shook his head a bit. He walked off to the library on the second floor of the west wing. There he took out his trunk and his wand. After resizing it, he opened it and waved his wand about. Thirty books flew out of the trunk and spread themselves throughout the large library. Each shelf was dedicated to a different branch of magic. The introductory books went to the bottom of a row, and then they got harder the higher up you went.

His job there being done, Trixie popped in and removed the trunk up to his room. From there, she would usually remove everything and place it in its proper place before scrubbing the trunk clean to keep it in good condition. Harry smiled as he left the library through a side door that led to his study. There he found Larry and Laura lying around in their habitats, enjoying the warming charms that were placed upon the rocks and logs within. He smiled as he went to sit behind his large mahogany desk.

"Hello, Laura, it's great to see you again," he greeted the ancient serpent who raised her head.

"Bondmate Harry!" She hissed excitedly and rushed from her rock to give him a squeeze. She rubbed her head against his cheek lightly. "Laura... missed you."

Harry reached up and scratched the top of her head. "Well, I missed you too, Laura. How have you been?"

"Laura has been good. Laura is learning... to talk better," she said. "Trixie comes to talk to Laura. Even though she... doesn't understand me."

Harry smiled at his elf's kindness. "Well, I am glad to hear that, Laura. Don't worry; both myself and Larry will help you learn as well."

"Thank you," she hissed sincerely as Harry took his seat behind his desk and took out the Pendragon grimoire. Laura didn't remove herself from his shoulders as he sat there and read into his family magic. He didn't tell her to stop either, figuring she was in need of human contact after being alone for so long.

A week later found him heading to the Lupin house once more to pick up Remus for their day over at the Evans household. When he reached the door and gave it a knock, Hope soon answered. "Oh, hello there, Harry, dear! How is your summer going?"

"Hello, Hope, it's nice to see you again as well. And my summer is going great, thank you for asking," he said with a smile.

"That's wonderful, dear. Let me just call Remus for you," she said, turning back into the house. "REMUS, HARRY IS HERE!"

"Coming!" came the muffled reply.

Hope turned back to him with her beautiful smile well in place. "Harry, I want to thank you." He tilted his head in question. "Well, it's just Remus doesn't have many friends, and after what happened this school year, he now has even fewer. But you are helping him to find more, and that means so much to us. It's good to see my little boy being happy again."

Harry just nodded a bit. "There is no need to thank me, Hope. Remus is a great guy and a good friend, and I help my friends."

She just smiled as Remus ran to the door. "Hey, Harry, ready to go?"

"Yup, sure am. Are you?" Remus nodded. "Good, then let's head out. Goodbye, Hope; it was good seeing you."

"You too, Harry, dear, and please come by for dinner sometime before school," she called after them.

"I will," he said with a wave.

Trixie popped them over to co*keworth shortly after, and the two friends made their way to the back door of the Evans home. Harry was about to knock upon the door when it flew open, and he was tackled to the ground by a red missile that was quickly becoming a tradition it would seem. He laughed as he hugged Lilly back. "Harry, it's so good to see you!"

"It's good to see you too, Lilly. How's your summer?" He asked.

"It's so good, thank you so much for the book on charms. It was just so fascinating," she said as he helped her up. "Oh, hey, Remus, it's good to see you too. I hope your summer is going well."

Remus chuckled at the interaction between the two of them. "Hey, Lilly, it's going pretty good."

"That's good; well, come on in." The two boys followed her into the house, where her parents were sitting along with Patunia.

"Hello, Rose, Robert, and Patunia," Harry said as they entered the living room.

"Hi, Harry," they called back.

"Thank you for inviting us over today," Harry said. "This is Lilly and my friend, Remus Lupin. Remus, this is Rose, Robert, and Patunia Evans."

"Hello," he waved a bit shyly.

Patunia was watching the new boy with interest. She couldn't help but wonder where he had gotten the scars from but dared not ask. He also seemed like he was like Harry in that he didn't hate her or her parents for not having magic.

The Evans all returned his greeting before sending the four children out to play. They

went to the back garden and sat in the small gazebo that Robert had built for Rose for their last anniversary. "So, Patunia, how are your potions studies going?" Harry asked.

Patunia blushed as Lilly gave her a huge smile. "Oh, it's going really well, actually. I'm keeping up with Lilly for her year. I study the book, and then when she returns, we brew the potion."

Harry nodded his head, and Lupin looked shocked. "You're learning potions?" Patunia hesitantly nodded, not sure if he would make fun of her. She was shocked, though, by what he said next. "That's so cool! I love potions; it's one of my favorite classes. You know I should teach my mum how to brew; I bet she would like that."

"Wait, your mum can't do magic either?" She asked, confused. Didn't other magicals only marry magical people?

"Naw, she can't. My mum is a muggle. My dad helped her from a boggart in a forest a long time ago and fell in love with her. She didn't care that he was a wizard, and they got married a little while later," he said with a smile.

"Wait, aren't boggarts those things that can show your deepest fear?" She asked, intrigued.

Remus was even more shocked now. "Yeah, they are! Do you study magical creatures as well?"

She nodded her head rapidly, loving that she had more to talk about now with other magical people besides Harry and Lilly. "Yeah, Harry sent me a few books on them. So far, I really like Nifflers; they seem so cute."

Harry and Lilly smiled at them as the two devolved into a long discussion about various magical creatures. They slowly moved away from the two to let them talk. Lilly reached over and gave Harry a big hug. "It's so good to see you again, Harry. I missed you so much."

Harry chuckled and hugged her back. "I missed you too, Lilly."

Neither one noticed the pair of onyx eyes glowering at them from behind a bush. How dare Pendragon touch what was rightfully his. He would make sure he pays for this, that was for sure. Perhaps Lucius would help him. He thought with a smirk coming across his face.

A few weeks later found Lilly, Amelia, and Andie going to Camelot Manor for the first time. Harry had invited them over a week ago, but they were just now being able to go. He had invited Remus and Patunia as well, but they had things to do. Patunia was going to hang out with a muggle friend of hers named Yvona, and Remus was going with his father somewhere. So that just left them alone with Harry. Amelia and Andie were coming through the Floo, while Trixie went to pick up Lilly. Andie was still at her grandparents after her father had told her to leave as he didn't want to see her for the rest of the summer. Arcturus had given his permission for her to spend the day with Harry.

They stepped out into a large entry hall with a white marble floor. The fire that they stepped from was large, by at least eight feet by eight feet. Amelia was the first to arrive, followed closely by Andie. Trixie popped Lilly in almost at the same time Andie had shown up. The girls looked around in awe at the opulent room they found themselves in at the moment. There were large tapestries showing twelve knights in shining armor. Each one moved and would nod to each of the girls that looked at them. Under their boots were various names of each one. Names that were very familiar to the Arthurian legends like Gawain and Lancelot.

The Pendragon coat of arms was emblazoned upon the floor at their feet. They were taken from their wonder as they noticed the knights all bowing to someone behind them. They looked back to see Harry climbing down the grand staircase that led up to the upper floors of the west wing. He gave them all a lopsided grin that made them all blush a bit.

"Hello, girls, I am so glad that you have made it. Welcome to Camelot Manor," he said, gesturing around him.

They each returned his smile with one of their own. "Thank you for inviting us, Harry."

Andy, who hadn't seen him yet over the summer, came up to him and gave him a gentle hug. He had grown some over the summer but was still a bit shorter than her, even if he was taller than the average thirteen-year-old. After all, she was a bit tall for her age as well.

Harry returned the hug with one of his own before gently pulling back. As if not to be outdone, the other two girls quickly came and gave him a hug as well, making Andie pout a bit. Harry, however, was a bit dense in this and didn't really notice any of it. "Well, then would you girls like the tour of the place?"

They each nodded, and Harry started leading them through the manor. There was a large library that had Lilly practically drooling over. He showed them the Ballroom and the formal and informal dining rooms. He explained the guest rooms but didn't really bother showing them that. Then was a gym, and there was an exit to a large indoor pool. From there, he showed them around the garden and explained the various creatures that lived in the woods around the home. Nothing in there was really bad. Some unicorns, gryphons, thestrals, and hippogriffs. Fairies and other woodland creatures were fairly common as well.

"Harry, what's that building over there?" Lilly asked him, pointing to a Roman Gothic looking building at the edge of the woods.

"Hmmm?" He asked, turning around. His face fell a bit when he saw what she meant. "Oh, that's the Pendragon crypts. It's the only structure that's left from the great castle of Camelot that once rested on these lands. Every Pendragon has been laid to rest there since King Arthur's father, Uther Pendragon. As one of our final requests to our elves, we ask them to return our bodies to these crypts upon our deaths. Even when no Pendragon lived in the isles, they would be returned here."

The girls looked down, realizing that his parents must be down there as well. Suddenly, they heard a fast slithering sound from behind them and turned to greet Larry. However, what they saw made them all freeze. Larry was there, alright, but so was another snake that was even longer than Larry. Whereas Larry was now twelve feet long, this one was around sixteen. It was a poisonous green with the same eyes as Larry. In fact, it looked just like Larry without the extra heads and a different color.

They froze, realizing that this was another Basilisk. They knew that Larry wouldn't hurt them, but would this serpent feel the same? Would it be friendly, or would it kill them? They watched as the two snakes shot past them and quickly twirled their way up around Harry. They watched in a stunned silence as the green snake started to rub her head against his cheek in an affectionate way.

Meanwhile Larry was hissing in his ear with all seven heads.

"Larry that tickles." He said leaning his head over a bit. "Now stop talking all at once whats going on?" They watched as he hissed back and forth between the two snakes for a while before he returned his attention to them. "Would you girls like to see something really special?"

They all looked at one another. "Sure but perhaps you would like to introduce us to this one?" Andie asked motioning to the new comber.

Harry rubbed the back of his head a bit. "Oh yeah sorry I almost forgot about that. Girls this is Laura and Laura these are my best friends Lilly, Andromeda and Amelia." He said causing all three to blush and look away a bit at being called his best friends.

"Hello bondmates mates!" Laura hissed out causing Harry to blush as well though the others didn't see it.

"No Laura just my friends." He hissed back.

Laura seemed to roll her eyes. "SSSSuuuurrree." Her and Larry both hissed.

Harry cleared his throat clearing the blush. "Anyway she wanted to form a familiar bond with me and I allowed her to."

"Wait so now you have two familiars?" Amelia asked.

He nodded. "Yeah I even got her papers all filled out so its all legal with the ICW. Cant imagine that Crouch will be happy when he finds out but oh well."

"Is she as friendly as Larry?" Lilly asked edging forward.

"Oh yes you can pet her if you want." The girls moved up and began rubbing the snakes scally head. "The only thing I ask is that you three don't tell anyone else about here. I will probably tell Remus but for now that's it."

"Why's that?" Andie asked as Harry started to lead them the way the two snakes came Larry leading him.

"Because I really don't want to start a hubbub on where I got here. You see I found her at hogwarts deep under the school." The three girls looked rather confused. "Have you three ever heard of the chamber of secrets?"

Andies eyes went wide. "Harry... are you saying that you have found the chamber of secrets?"

"Well technically Larry found it and should me. Anyway Larry found it and Laura here down in the chamber. Laura was once Salazar Slytherins familiar but since he is gone she was unbound. That is rather dangerous when you think about it as any parselmouth can command any snake if it is unbounded. So she asked me to kill her. However Larry here would have none of that and insisted that I bond to her so here we are."

"Wait but didn't Slytherin want to kill all muggleborns. He could have easily done so with Laura?" Lilly asked curiously looking around as Harry led them into the forest.

"He could have if that's what he really wanted. It wasn't Muggleborns that he hated Lills it was muggles. You have to remember the times that they lived in. Back then it wasn't a great time to be a witch or wizard. Many people didn't understand what was happening to be magic and they thought magic was all evil. So they would often times hurt even their own children for possessing it. Slytherin only wanted Laura to protect muggleborns and the school."

"Well that makes sense I suppose." Amelia said.

All conversations were stoppped though as they heard a soft grunting noise. As they came to a clearing they came across a beautiful light with in. There stood a mother Unicorn and at her feet was a small baby unicorn taking its first steps. Harry stopped them at the edge of the trees as the mother looked up at them and watched them.

After a long moment it put its head back down to watch its baby as it moved around. The girls all gained looks of awe at the cute creature that was before them. They each cooed at it when it stumbled over its on its knobbly knees. Harry for his part moved back to a respectful distance for the mother unicorn who bowed its head ever so slightly to him. The girls all patted the newborn with awe and wonderment. Harry couldn't help the large smile as he saw their eyes sparkle at the new experience. He loves seeing them happy and smiling.

Chapter 15: Chapter 15


Harry Potter fell through the veil of death in his fifth year in a desperate attempt to catch Sirius. However, he is given a second chance upon meeting death and learning a few truths about his life. However, rather than returning to his time, he will be reborn in the time of his parents as the heir to King Arthur Pendragon

Chapter Text

AN:// Thank you all for your support with comments and reads. I for one am also extremely happy that FFN has fixed their notification issues. As usual i own nothing but the plot bunnies and of course Larry. Thank you once again to AlphaFlash for his help.

Harry was on the train to Hogwarts with all his friends by his side except for Andie. While Arcturus had given his blessing to spend time with him, she figured it wouldn't be good to just start hanging out with him. Instead, she would start meeting him in the library and even talk to him outside of class along with their private meetings. If asked, she could then tell people that her head of the house wished for her to talk to him. It would give her an out if her father threw a fit. It was unlikely that anyone in Slytherin would say much to her face given that he was the lord of a most ancient and most noble house.

He was dragged from his thoughts by the compartment door opening and James, Sirius, and Pettigrew walking in. James looked around and sneered hard at Snape, who sneered back. He also gave Harry a hard sneer but was ignored once more. When his eyes landed on Remus, his face grew angry. “So now you're hanging out with the dark wizards, Lupin.” He spat. “I should have figured you would go running to them.”

“James enough,” Sirius said, trying to stick up for his friend just a bit.

James just shrugged. “Whatever.” He then turned to Lily with a large smile on his face. “Hiya Lils, how was your summer? Why don’t you come to our compartment where the air is a lot more... clean?”

Lily scrunched up her nose. “I think I would much rather remain where I am, thanks. I can't believe that you have the gall to come in here and talk to my friends like that just to ask me to come with you. You're disgusting, Potter, and don’t call me Lils; only my friends can call me that.”

James' face turned angry as she spoke. How dare she? Couldn’t she see he was trying to protect her from these dark wizards? He had talked to his father over the summer, and he had told him that the Pendragon line was not a light family. He claimed them in the grey faction since the dawn of their line. In his and his father's eyes, though, that meant that they were dark. If they didn’t follow the light and Dumbledore, then they were just as bad as the dark faction.

“Can't you see that they are tricking you?” He asked heatedly. “They are all dark wizards, you know? One of these days they will get you killed! You need to be hanging out with us. You know if you ask me nicely, I bet I can even get Dumbledore to let you get resorted so that you can be in Gryffindor. It’s the house of the light, you know?”

Harry had to will himself not to laugh. “I would rather not, thank you very much. I rather like the house that I am in. Now please leave before I make you,” Lily threatened.

“See, Lily, can't you see what you are saying? That’s something a dark wizard would say rather than just talking,” James called as Sirius pulled him from the compartment.

“Oh honestly, can't he just take a hint and leave me alone,” Lily huffed.

“That would be too easy, Lily. He is obsessed with you. You're all he can talk about in the common room,” Alice told her.

“He needs to leave you alone just like Pendragon,” Snape growled under his breath so that only Lily could hear. She gave him a strange look at his words and a small frown.

Harry just shook his head and went on to start reading his book on runes. “Well, just remember, Lils, you just need to tell me and I will help you if you need me to.”

Lily gave him a bright smile. “Thanks, Harry.”

“So what classes did you guys sign up for?” Alice asked.

“I signed up for Ancient Runes, Care, and Muggle Studies,” Amelia said. “I thought it would be good to know a little in all three if I want to be an Auror.”

“I signed up for Care, Ancient Runes, and Arithmancy,” Remus said with a small smile.

“Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, and Muggle Studies for me?” Lily said excitedly.

The others all looked at her a bit oddly, and Snape sneered a bit. “Why would you take Muggle Studies, Lily? You were raised by Muggles; wouldn't that be a bit redundant?” Marline asked.

Lily blushed a bit. “Well, it's just I don’t really have a desire to learn about creatures, and I wanted a full roster. Plus, I figured it would be a good way to see how the wizarding community sees Muggles.”

Harry shook his head with a fond smile. Lily reminded him somewhat of Hermione, just not as die-hard in the learning. She didn’t NEED to know everything, and she didn’t badger everyone about homework. “Well, as long as you are happy with it, then that’s all that matters, Lily. Just remember that you can always drop the subject if you find it not what you want. With your grades, Flitwick may just allow you to switch into Care if you change before the end of term.”

Lily beamed over at him for his support once more. “Thanks, Harry. So what are you taking?”

“Well, I went ahead and am taking the same classes as Remus, actually. I thought it would be a good idea to get a well-balanced understanding under all three of those classes to cover most anything I would want to take.” The others nodded at his words. The rest of the train ride consisted of what they thought the next year would be like.

A few weeks went by for Harry and his friends as they went through the beginning of their third year. Andie had started spending time with them now in the library but made sure that she sat next to Amelia and Harry so that people saw her making more effort to talk to the two purebloods. She had explained it in full to Lily before she did it and explained why she needed to. The Snake den was not a kind environment for non-Purebloods.

Lily had asked why Snape didn’t seem to have a problem talking to her, and Andie just said that he had special permission vaguely. Somehow Harry doubted that’s what it was. He was currently walking to lunch along the second floor corridor. He was by himself as Lily had to ask Flitwick something.

“Pendragon, Perhaps I could have a word with you,” he heard an oily voice say from up ahead. He looked up from his notes to see Lucius Malfoy standing by a door to an unused classroom. His eyes narrowed almost imperceptibly at the sight of the greasy-haired fifth year. “Perhaps here in private,” he drawled.

Harry's eyes narrowed more, and he subtly drew his wand and cast the human revealing charm. He then nodded as he didn’t see anyone else around. He followed the older boy into the classroom, his wand still in his hand. When he got into the classroom, he acted like he was completely relaxed and in control of the situation. He subtly looked around as Malfoy closed the door behind them.

“Well, what is it I can help you with, Mr. Malfoy?” He asked coolly.

The other blond gave him a sickly-sweet smile as he approached slowly. “Well, it would seem that you are interfering with one of my snake's possessions, Mr. Pendragon. A possession that has already been claimed by this individual, you see.”

Harry lifted his eyebrow in curiosity. “Oh, and what, per se, is this possession that I have seemed to have come into possession of, Mr. Malfoy?”

Malfoy started to walk around the room, running his finger over the dusty desk and inspecting it. “Well, that little Mudblood you have been friendly with.” Harry gritted his teeth, barely holding himself back from ripping the slimy bastard limb from limb. “She has already been claimed by my good friend Severus, you see. Now personally I don’t see much in her, I'm more of a blond man myself. However, he has his eyes set on the little whor*…”

Harry snapped at his words, and his magic lashed out of his control, slamming the pompous git against the wall and holding him there, his arms splayed out. Harry slowly walked toward him, his eyes glowing an ethereal electric blue. Malfoy couldn’t take his wide eyes off of him, fear showing behind them. He couldn’t scream or even whimper; he was now so scared. He didn’t understand what was going on. Pendragon was just some puny third year. How was he so powerful?

Larry lifted all seven of his heads, his body having grown to its full length and eyes glowing with the excess magic coming from Harry over the link. Lucius could have sworn he saw the visage of a huge Hibernian black staring down at him, its fangs bared in a snarl. The wind in the room seemed to pick up the closer Harry got to him, and desks and chairs began to float in the air and were picked up by the wind. Lucius couldn’t breathe; there was so much magic floating off the other blond.

Pendragon growled in a way that reminded Lucius of the beast at his back. “I shall give you one warning, Lucius Malfoy. You tell your snakes that if they come anywhere near anyone that I call friend, and that includes Amelia, Andromeda, and Lily, I shall tear your whole house apart piece by piece with my bare hands. I will make each of you beg for death if anything happens to those three girls, and I shall start with you. The only reason that Snape is getting a pass at the moment is because Lily still calls him a friend. But the moment he hurts her, he is through, Malfoy. Perhaps you should keep in mind that a dragon will kill anything in a hundred-mile radius to protect their loved ones.” He snarled.

With that said, Harry turned from the frightened blonde and stormed from the room, his robes billowing behind him. He tore open the door and slammed it shut behind him. As the door slammed with a resounding boom, everything, including Malfoy, fell to the cold stone floor. Lucius rolled himself over to his back painfully and lay there looking up to the ceiling above. He could feel the wet spot that had grown in the front of his robes and grimaced in embarrassment.

He had made a mistake he realized much too late. He had thought Pendragon was nothing but a weak little boy who could be cajoled into doing what he wanted him to. Someone who would bow before the Malfoy name like so many others had before. After all, Snape had told him he was nothing but a spoiled brat that thought himself god or something. However, he now knew he was anything but that. He shuddered a bit at the mere thought of the power that boy held at bay on a daily basis. Those cold blue glowing eyes burned into his retina.

After some time, he got up on sore legs and waved his wand to clean himself of his own mess. He looked around at all the overturned desks and shuddered again before he did his best to straighten up before leaving the room. He made his way down to the dungeons and to the Slytherin common room.

“Snakes are power,” he said the password, thinking to himself how wrong that was.

He made his way into the dim common room, doing his best to not show his current mental state. Various snakes of different years were spread over the room, chatting as if no one had just threatened to wipe them all from the face of the earth. Lucius envied them and their ignorance. He went over to the fire and sat down in a high back armchair with a light sigh.

His moment of peace was interrupted by a smooth voice that he honestly did not wish to hear at this time. “Well, how did it go?”

He turned to seeSnape take a seat next to him, looking expectant. “Deal with it yourself, Severus; I cannot be there to handle all of your problems,” Lucius said dismissively, looking back at the fire, hoping he would drop it.

“You said you would deal with it, Lucius!” He snarled.

“I said I would see what I could do, Severus, and I have. Now I am telling you to deal with it yourself and no, do not bring any other Slytherins into your little squabbles with Pendragon. Now, that is all we will say about this matter, Severus. Am I understood?” He snarled back, causing the younger boy to lean back a bit.

After a moment, Snape growled and got up. “Fine, I shall deal with the bastard myself then.”

Lucius watched him walk off in a huff toward the dorms. He went back to looking at the fire. He could still see those eyes staring at him even through the flames. He didn’t know much about Pendragon, admittedly, however, he could guarantee that he would never cross the boy's path again if he could ever help it.

A few days later, Harry found himself in the classroom sitting with Cyrus playing their weekly game of chess. “So I overheard an interesting conversation the other day,” Cyrus said casually.

“Oh?” Harry asked.

“Oh, yes. It was quite the interesting bit too. It would seem that Snape asked old Lucius to handle something for him. However, Lucius told him that he would have to handle it himself,” he said.

“Hmmm well, he should learn to be a big boy at some point,” Harry made a move.

“Oh, that seemed to be what he thought. He absolutely refused to let Snape have any help with this little problem of his,” Harry made a humming noise. “This problem seemed to have something to do with you, if memory serves.”

“Out with it, my friend; we do not have all evening, you know,” Harry told him.

Cyrus chuckled. “What the hell happened between you and Lucius? He seemed almost frightened.”

“Well, we had a pleasant little chat the other day. I thought it ended quite pleasantly, if I do say so myself,” he replied, making another move.

“Oh, come on Harry now who is stalling,” he said, chuckling.

Harry rolled his eyes and sighed. “He called Lily a Mudblood and a whor*, Cyrus.”

Cyrus stopped mid-move. He looked up at Harry for a moment to see if he was joking only to see he wasn’t. He finished his move and leaned back. “I see, what happened after that?”

Harry leaned back in his own chair. “I laid it out for him. I told him that if he or any other Slytherin so much as thought about touching her or any of the other people I spend time with, I would personally rip them limb from limb.”

Cyrus’s eyes bugged a bit at that. Harry was always such a kind and polite guy. He never saw him angry. Hell, he wasn’t sure he could get angry. “You must have been rather scary if you actually cowed Malfoy.”

“Let’s just say that the message got across to him, Cyrus, and leave it at that,” he replied.

“Well, either way you need to watch out now Harry. I don’t know what the hell Snape will do,” Cyrus told him.

“Thank you for your concern, Cyrus, but Snape is nothing but a petulant child. He can do what he wishes to me, but the moment that he touches one of my friends, he will be in a world of pain,” he told him.

Cyrus shook his head. He had never seen his friend so serious. “Well, now I feel I should wish him luck just for posterity’s sake.” Harry just chuckled at him.

Harry was sitting by the lake enjoying the last few days of fall before things went chilly. He felt someone sit down next to him and could smell lavender and peaches. He smiled as he heard Andromeda sigh next to him. “Hello Andie. Tough day today?” He asked, looking over at her beautiful violet eyes.

Andie huffed a bit. “Bella is going on about Muggleborns again. Her and Rodolphus are going on a diatribe about it down in the common room. How they shouldn’t be allowed in the school, or how they should all be wiped out. I just couldn’t take it anymore. If I didn’t leave I was going to curse them.”

“They're leaving you alone right?” He said in a harder voice than she had ever heard from him.

She was shocked but also a bit giddy that he showed concern for her. “Yes, for some reason Lucius has told everyone to leave me alone about spending time with you and your friends. Bella didn’t really listen until she got a letter back from grandfather telling her to back off. He gave me permission to spend time with you, so there isn’t anything she can do about it.”

He let out a breath. “Good, that’s good.”

She giggled a bit and lay her head on his shoulder. “What, getting all protective of me now?”

“Well, you are one of my precious people, Andie. So yes, I am a bit protective of you, I suppose,”

Chapter 16: Chapter 16

Chapter Text

AN:// Hello and sorry for the late update. There were technical difficulties. As usual I own nothing but the plot. Thank you all once again for your reads and reviews. They mean the world to me. Also thank you AlphaFlash for your assistance with coming up with ideas for this story.

Harry was excited; today was the first Hogsmeade trip, and he was planning on going with the three girls and Remus. He was sitting in the Great Hall as Flitwick went around picking up permission slips. When he got to Harry, he spoke. “Mr. Pendragon, do you have your slip?” He squeaked.

“I don’t need one, Professor. I am an emancipated adult. Technically, I could leave school for anything I needed. I can, of course, sign my own slip if you need one,” Harry told him.

“Hmmm, give me a moment, Mr. Pendragon. I will need to talk to the headmaster for this,” he said before making his way up to Dumbledore.

“Harry, what's going on? You're going to be able to go, right?” Lily asked concerned. He noticed both Andie and Amelia looking at him with the same concern.

A moment later, Flitwick called him up to the head table in front of Dumbledore. ‘This should be good,’ he thought to himself as he approached. “Yes, Professors?”

“Ah, Mr. Pendragon, I see that there is a problem with your Hogsmeade permission slip. You see, Mr. Pendragon, I cannot allow you to go into the village without your guardian's signature. As such, I'm afraid that you must remain behind today,” Dumbledore said with a small, fake sad frown.

“Actually, Professor, as I have explained to Professor Flitwick, I am an emancipated adult. As such, you have no say in how I spend my free time. You are more than welcome to make an inquiry to the Ministry if you feel it is necessary,” Harry said with a small smile. He still didn’t like the headmaster much after finding out he wanted him to die in his last life.

Dumbledore's frown was more pronounced and genuine now. He didn’t like that the boy was not simply bowing to his decision. He stood up from his place at the table. “Very well, Mr. Pendragon, I shall look into it. However, I must warn you that if you are, in fact, lying to me about this, it shall mean detention.”

Harry had to grit his teeth. “Are you suggesting that I would lie about the death of my parents, Professor?”

Many people were now watching them, though Dumbledore didn’t seem to notice or maybe he just didn’t care. “We shall see, Mr. Pendragon.”

Harry clenched his hands as he watched the headmaster and his head of the house leave the Great Hall. He walked back down to the Ravenclaw tables and took his seat once more next to Lily. The whole time Larry had stuck a few heads from his shirt and was hissing comfortingly in his ear. It wouldn’t do to have him blow a fuse here in the Great Hall.

“That was rather uncalled for on the headmaster's part,” Lily grumbled as she picked at her eggs.

Harry just grunted a bit at that and bit into a piece of bacon. He was brought out of his dark thoughts of strangling the old man by a soft hand grabbing his own. He looked down to see a smaller hand over his. He followed it up and to yellow-trimmed robes. Eventually, he came to the soft smiling face of Amelia.

“Don't worry, Harry, it will be okay,” she said softly.

Harry gave her a small smile. “Yeah, thanks, Melia.”

A few minutes later, Dumbledore came into the Great Hall once more, followed by Flitwick, who seemed to be frowning at the headmaster. Dumbledore stopped behind Harry but wouldn’t look him in the eye as he spoke. From his tone of voice, he was not happy with what he was about to say. “It would seem, Mr. Pendragon, that I owe you an... apology for my behavior. I was not aware that you were indeed emancipated. As such, you do, in fact, have the right to leave the school grounds. I would ask that you at least inform a professor if you do so choose to leave.”

Harry had to resist the urge to smile at the professor. It was obvious that he was not used to being told that he didn’t know something nor was it wrong to begin with. “Of course, Professor.”

He watched as the headmaster headed off to the head table not looking back. The old goat should just keep his crooked nose out of other people's business. He turned back to the girls only to notice Andie now sitting next to Amelia. “Well, are you girls ready? All we need to do is pick up Remus.”

They gave him a large smile each, and the four of them were off to the Gryffindor table, where Remus was talking to Frank and Alice, who were sitting rather close. When Remus spotted them, he said goodbye and hurried over to them. “Hey guys, ready to go?” They nodded their heads and went to catch a carriage. “So apparently, Frank is taking Alice to the village today,” Remus said slyly.

“Oh?” Harry asked, raising an eyebrow. “Well, good on them then. I'm happy for them and hope it works out.”

“Right, me too,” Remus said happily. It was good having so many friends and being able to talk about normal things.

The three girls were now looking a bit pouty at Harry. Couldn’t he tell that they wanted him to ask them out to Hogsmeade? Then they noticed the same look they were giving on the other two girls' faces and quickly blushed, looking away. They knew the other two liked Harry, but how could they all get the same guy? This was now a bit of a competition, at least for Amelia and Lily. Andie would be okay as long as she was at least his mistress.

The rest of the day was spent exploring the village together. They would laugh and jostle each other about. Harry bought the girls each something at Honeydukes, and Remus a book he had been looking at on magical creatures from France. All in all, even with the rough start, it had turned out to be a very good day.

A few weeks later, and Lily had been walking down the hall with Severus on their way to the library to study. As they walked, Lily couldn’t help but think about how strange her longtime friend was being lately. He was always making odd comments about Harry or Amelia. None of which was very nice. Then there was the comment he had made to Petunia over the summer that had her a bit worried. She didn’t understand what had changed in the nice boy she had met a few years back, but she didn’t really like it very much at all.

She was pulled from her thoughts as Severus started to speak. “You know, Lily, you really should stop letting that Pendragon and Bones hang about. They are a bad influence on you and are nothing but trouble,” he said smoothly.

She sighed; here we go again. “Sev, I like the both of them, okay. They are not a bad influence on me at all. Amelia is a great friend, and we get along splendidly. It is nice for a girl to have a little girl talk every now

and then, you know. And Harry... well, Harry is special, you know,” she said, getting a little faraway look in her emerald eyes that made him grit his teeth. “He is sweet and kind and caring and helps me out with anything I need. I don’t know, there is just something about him that I just love.”

Severus was now gritting his teeth so hard one may snap. “He is just using you, Lily. Why can’t you see that? He is nothing but a pompous, spoiled brat that doesn’t deserve your time. Besides, you should be spending it more with me anyhow. I can get you into the right crowds, you know. Pendragon is nothing and...”

“That is enough, Sev!” Lily said, turning on him, her emerald eyes ablaze. “I am sick and tired of hearing you always complaining about Harry and my other friends. They always try to include you, but you always glare at them, and I'm sick of it. It's not right, Sev. I... I don’t know what has gotten into you, but I think that you need some time to yourself for a while. I... I can't keep doing this. I can't keep having you get angry every time I hang out with someone else. Please just think about it for a while, okay Sev. For me.”

With that, she spun on her heel and marched back down the hall toward the Ravenclaw tower. Severus watched her retreating form with his fists clenched and his jaw tight. Couldn’t she see he was simply trying to protect her? Protect what was his. Pendragon was ruining everything before his very eyes.

The life he had pictured with Lily as his bride was slowly escaping his grasp. The children he pictured having with her. The nice little cottage they would share. Her screaming his name out as he pleased her. He wouldn’t let that happen, though. No, he wouldn’t let Pendragon ruin what was his by rights.

He twirled around on his heel and marched toward the library. He just needed to bide his time was all. Yes, that was it indeed. Lily would still be his soon. He just needed to think of the right time to enact a plan. Perhaps over the summer, he could go to her and tell her he had changed his mind. Work back into her life, and then perhaps he could arrange a little accident for Pendragon over the following year.

Harry was walking by a closed-off classroom on the fifth floor at the end of the last class when he suddenly found himself being dragged backward into the dark room. He quickly spun around and slapped the hand off his robes. However, what he found there was James Potter looking at him with hard brown eyes.

“What is the meaning of this, Potter?” Harry asked, keeping his voice calm.

“I'm going to tell you this once, Pendragon; you need to leave Lily alone,” James said threateningly.

“And why, may I ask, would I need to do that?” Harry asked, looking around him. He noticed a little movement behind him.

James started moving in front of the door, blocking his one egress from the room. This wasn’t good. “Because I said so, Pendragon. I am the only one that is worthy of her. To me, you are nothing but a stain on my boot. She deserves better than some magically lame bastard like you.”

“Now look, James, you don’t want to do this. No matter how this ends, it will not be good for anyone. You need to stop this obsession you have with Lily. Who she spends her time with is neither my nor your business,” Harry said, taking a few steps back to make distance between himself and the other boy. He also needed to keep an eye on the movement he had seen earlier.

James drew out his wand, and Peter came slinking out from the shadows by the door, wand already in hand. Harry could see the other boy's hand shaking. It was clear that he didn’t want to be doing this. He was also jumpy, and his eyes darted around the room. That was not a good combination.

Harry slowly drew his wand behind his back. He needed to do something, or this was going to get out of hand, and it would not end well for anyone. He decided on what he would do but now he only had to pray someone would hear it.

“Hope you enjoy the hospital ward, Pendragon,” James said, raising his wand up. “Reducto!”

James's spell flew toward him, and he dodged but barely. The desk behind him exploded as Peter tossed some low-powered Bombardas. They were already making a lot of noise, but Harry needed more. He let out a loud bang from his wand that seemed to be screaming at him to fight back. He continued to dodge spell after spell. Peter’s spells were low-powered and hardly had any bite to them. James, on the other hand, made it easy to tell why people said he was a powerful wizard. Neither were overly accurate with their casting, so quite a few missed, with Harry being able to analyze the trajectory of many. A couple of moments later, and the door to the classroom flew open, but the other two were too busy trying to get Harry for them to notice.

“Just hold still, Pendragon!” He shouted over the noise.

“What in Merlin's name is going on in here?” McGonagall's shrill voice carried over the explosions from the two boys.

Instantly, James spun around with a look of fear. Peter, on the other hand, let out a loud squeak and spun around, throwing another exploding hex. Flitwick moved faster than Harry could have thought for the little man and shielded both him and McGonagall. The older witch, on the other hand, disarmed both boys.

Harry dropped to his knees in exhaustion. Looking at his watch, he had been dodging for nearly fifteen minutes straight. He thanked the heavens for his usual workout routine. “I repeat. What. In. Merlin's. Name. Is. Going. On?” She asked through gritted teeth.

Neither boy would answer, so she turned to look at Harry, who was panting on the floor. “I was walking by the door when I got dragged in here, Professor. Potter told me to stay away from Lilly, and then he and Pettigrew attacked me. The only spell I have cast since Charms earlier is the noise-making spell. I am willing to provide my wand for inspection to Professor Flitwick as my head of house.”

She looked down at the little professor and bustled over to Harry, who offered his wand. With a quick check, he spoke. “He is correct, Minerva.”

Harry took back up the story. “I only used it as I wanted to gain someone's attention who could help me. I really didn’t want to hurt them and figured this was the best way.”

McGonagall nodded her head. “Well, that was a very good plan then, and I am sorry that we could not get here sooner. That being said, thirty points to Ravenclaw for avoiding a fight and for an amazing show of dodging in a magical fight.” She turned to scowl at the other two boys. “You two shall be coming with me to the headmaster's office. I am very disappointed in both of you."

Certainly! Here's a corrected version of the text:

James threw Harry a dirty look before he left his head of the house. Peter just walked out with his head down. Flitwick looked around before turning to Harry. “You know, Mr. Pendragon, that was, in fact, very good dodging. Against two opponents as well. You know you could do really well in the dueling championships.”

Harry had finally started catching his breath after the fight and explanation. “You think so, Professor?”

“Oh yes. You know, I was once a champion in the ring when I was a little younger,” he said while looking Harry up and down. “You know if you are interested, I wouldn’t mind sponsoring you for the upcoming league this summer. I have never done so before for anyone, but I think I am willing to do so for you. Not only are you an excellent student, but you have good reflexes, as shown here, and can think on your feet. Not only that, but you also showed control by not fighting Mr. Potter and Mr. Pettigrew back but held out for backup. That showed a good amount of maturity, Mr. Pendragon.”

Harry thought about it for a moment. This could be a good way to practice dueling for the upcoming war he knew would be coming before long. After a long moment, he nodded his head, still deep in thought. “Professor, could I accept but we maybe practice a bit before this summer, and you can judge my abilities more as the year goes on? I would feel more comfortable with you putting your name behind me if you've seen more than just my school work and dodging.”

Flitwick's smile only grew wider. “Now that right there is what I really wanted to hear. Again, it is a show of your maturity that you didn’t just jump on it, and you showed concern for others. I can agree to your terms, Mr. Pendragon. I shall expect you in my classroom on Saturdays at five, where we will start by going over the rules for a dueling competition. Until then, enjoy the rest of your day.” And with that, he watched the little Charms professor leave to go talk with the headmaster and Minerva.

Later that day, Harry found himself sitting at the lake's edge when he heard three sets of running footsteps behind him. He looked back only to see Andie, Amelia, and Lily running toward him. He stood up to greet them, but before he could say anything, he was knocked off his feet. Each girl started looking him over as if looking for any injuries.

“Ah, not that I am not happy to see you girls as well, but what's going on?” he asked, amused.

“Harry, they are saying that you were attacked earlier. No one is saying who did it, but McGonagall looks furious,” Amelia told him, giving him a hug.

“We have been looking all over for you, but you weren't in the hospital wing. Are you okay?” Andie asked him, hugging his other side.

Harry chuckled a bit. “Yeah, I'm just fine,” he said, returning the hug that all three were now giving him.

“Is it true that you were attacked then?” Lily asked from her place on his chest.

Harry grimaced a bit. “Yeah, I was. Potter and Pettigrew caught me by surprise and attacked me.” The three girls started to get up, but Harry held them down. “Hey, hey, where are you three going?”

“To hex those two idiots,” Andie said through gritted teeth, trying to get out of Harry's strong arms.

Harry felt a jolt in his heart seeing how protective they were of him. “Hey now, that won't do anyone any good. Besides, I would be devastated if any one of you got expelled for those two.”

The three girls stopped and looked at him for a moment. Finally, they reluctantly laid back down on him, none of them minding the compromising position. “So what happened anyway?” Amelia asked after a moment.

“They attacked me, and I didn’t want to harm them, so I sent off a noise jinx. It alerted McGonagall and Flitwick who stopped it, and after I explained, took them to the headmaster. Flitwick even offered to sponsor me in the upcoming dueling competition this summer.” He said offhandedly, thinking about how he liked feeling them in his arms.

Andie cuddled up to him more. “Really, that’s great, Harry.”

“Wait, but why aren't they expelled or even suspended then? We spotted them laughing with Black earlier,” Lily asked, confused.

Harry sighed. “Honestly, the headmaster probably made an excuse to give them a second chance. Though I am thinking that he doesn’t know when to stop giving second chances.”

The girls all looked up at him. “What do you mean, Harry?” Andie asked.

“Well, it seems there is a lot of bullying going on around the castle that, while getting reported, gets overlooked. I have heard from a few people that the headmaster calls them little mistakes of childhood. It's one thing to say that about a hurtful word or something but not an attack. One of these days that mentality could get someone really hurt,” he said, shaking his head.

The girls all nodded absently, thinking over his words. After a while, they pushed that to the side and lay there just enjoying each other's company. They devolved into talking about Harry possibly getting into a dueling competition. They were all excited to see that and promised him that they would be there to cheer him on. Harry couldn’t help the small smile that came to his lips as he sat by that lake with these three beautiful girls. It was shaping up to be an interesting third year.

Chapter 17: Chapter 17

Chapter Text

AN:// Thank you all once again for reading and reviewing this story. It really does mean a lot to know you all like it. As usual I own nothing.

Harry dodged the soft ball that was coming at him at a fast speed and quickly picked himself up off the floor. He and Professor Flitwick had been working on his dodging abilities for the last hour straight, and he was really feeling the burn, so to speak. Flitwick had insisted that he be able to dodge for at least an hour before they really started on spell work. He had given him an extremely hard and strict workout regimen and diet that he had to follow for the last two and a half months since they started training. Harry was not complaining though. His body was now very toned but not overly muscular. He was more like a competitive swimmer now rather than a bodybuilder.

He had just made it to the hour-long dodge practice this very day as Flitwick called an end to this portion of the day. The little professor had asked him to stay at school for the break to train even harder, and he had agreed. Though he felt bad that he had to turn down the Bones' offer to come for Christmas Eve. Amelia and the others understood though and wished him luck before they boarded the train. It was now the third day of the break and only a few days before Christmas itself.

“Come have a seat, Harry, and take a drink and a moment to rest,” Flitwick told him as he panted hard.

Harry nodded and plopped down in the offered chair. Flitwick had only been tossing soft conjured balls made of foam for the last two months so as not to hurt him. However, he was still sore from all the extra exercise. Plus, after the one hundredth ball struck, it became painful. He took a large sip of the glass he was offered and thanked the professor. “Thanks, Professor.”

“Please, Harry, call me Filius when we are working on your dueling,” he said with a smile. “Now then, you are doing fantastic, Harry. I honestly did not think you would get to an hour until February. As such, we are ahead of schedule, and that is an exceptionally good thing. Next, we will work on spell chains. I will have you go over various spells, and we shall set you up with no less than five chains to choose from. Remember that you should never overuse one chain and allow yourself to get into a rut. If you do that, you become predictable. If you wish to make a profession out of dueling once you graduate, you will want to have at least twenty chains to keep your opponent on their toes. If we can get more than five chains, that would be particularly good. However, five is the minimum you should have for the fifteen and under.”

Harry nodded his head, still catching his breath. “So perhaps something like the leg locker, knockback, Expelliarmus?”

Filius's smile grew. “Oh yes, that is an excellent chain. It is simple and quick yet effective. Now you could do more spells in a chain, but I would suggest keeping them below six spells. Too many, and you may lose focus and miss a dodge. Our goal will be to have all your chains down by the end of February. From there on, I would like you to fire the chains back at me while I fire spells at you to practice your skills in multitasking. By the time the end of term comes, you should be fine and ready for the competition. As such, I would like to add Tuesday and Thursday evening along with our usual Saturdays.”

“That works with me, Filius, and thank you again for helping me with this,” he said with a smile.

“Nonsense, Harry. You have wonderful potential to go far in this. I could not simply let such potential go so easily,” he said to his young student.

Harry smiled as they lapsed into silence, and Harry rested more. As he sat and thought about the last few months, his mind went wandering. James and Pettigrew did not, in fact, get into too much trouble for attacking him. In fact, they only lost a hundred points in total and received a month of detentions. McGonagall did not seem happy about it despite being so good at transfiguration.

However, the more he thought about his last few months, the more he thought about the three girls that were in his life. They were hanging around him even more than usual lately. They would touch his arms or sit closer than one may call appropriate between friends. The funny thing was though he did not mind at all. He knew what was going on… oh yes, he knew, all right. Harry Pendragon was falling in love.

Now this normally would not be much of a problem except for the fact that he was falling in love with all three of them. How would that even work? How could he even tell them how he felt? ‘I have started having feelings for you, but I need to tell you that I have started feeling the same thing for our other two friends. Hope you all feel the same and let me love them as well.’ Yes, like that would go over well.

Harry let out a soft sigh, drawing Filius’s attention. “Everything okay, Harry? You know sometimes it is well to talk about things.”

Harry looked over at the diminutive, little Professor and thought over his words. It would be nice to talk to someone about this. But he did not have anyone really to talk to. He doubted going to Edward or Robert would go over too well for this conversation. He let out another sigh. He felt like he could trust the professor. “Sir, let us say that you are in love with someone but also another person… or two more even… what should you do? It is not like you can tell them that you love them and two others. I doubt that it would go over very well.”

Filius chuckled a bit at that. “No, I imagine if you told them like that it would not go over well. No, I bet that you are also wondering how something like that could even work if these girls were okay with… said person… being with two others?” Harry blushed but nodded. “Well, while it is not as common nowadays, it is not uncommon either for one man to marry multiple women. Most will choose one woman to be the head wife or the main wife. This woman would be the lady of the house. The other two women would be mistresses. The main wife would have all control over the mistresses as far as when they lay with the husband or even when they can have children. On exceedingly rare occasions though, the man will marry all three as wives and none have control over the other.”

Harry thought this through for a moment. “And this is acceptable in our world?”

Filius nodded. “Oh yes, it is. Many times, it is in families like yours that are down to only a handful of members. The head of the house will either marry more women or contract his son with multiple girls.”

“I see,” Harry said, thinking about it did make some sense he supposed. But still, how do you ask someone to share you with two others?

Filius chuckled at his young apprentice's face. “I would not think too hard on it, Harry. Things like this tend to work out if they are meant to be. For now, just enjoy your time

with them and let it work itself out.”

Harry nodded absently before he realized what Filius said. His face turned beet red in an instant, and Filius fell off his stool from laughter. Shortly after this, Harry did not have much time to think about it as Filius got him working on his spell chains.

Andie was sitting at Black Moor for a small family dinner with her parents, grandparents, aunt, uncle, and cousins, picking at her food. She had not been having a great break so far. Her father had been drinking again and smacked her in the face again for not being Black enough for his taste. The only reason that she did not have a bruise was thanks to her mother.

“Andie, what are your plans for this break, dear?” Her grandmother asked her, and she felt hope.

“Well, I was invited to the Bones manor for Christmas Eve dinner,” she said, sending timid glances to her father.

“I will not be having a daughter of mine associating with those blood traitors!” Cygnus growled out with a cold look to her that promised pain if she continued to talk.

“First of all, Cygnus, look at my granddaughter like that again, and I swear I will skin you, boy. You are not the head of this house, and I think you would do well to remember that. The Bones family are not blood traitors, you ignorant fool. They are a respectable family and are powerful in the Wizengamot. As such, I shall allow Andromeda to go. This may just open an alliance between House Black and Bones,” Arcturus growled from the head of the table. Cygnus did not say anything but glared at his father. “You know I think I would like the five of your grandkids to stay here for the holidays now that I think about it. I am sure your grandmother would like to spend time with each of you as would I.”

Her heart soared at hearing that. She loved staying with her grandparents. One look at Sirius, one would think Christmas skipped a few days. “Oh indeed, I would. That is a wonderful idea, Arcturus.”

It was set then; she would be here for the rest of the break. It was the only place that was not at Harry's side that she felt safe. Her grandfather would never let anything hurt her just like Harry would not. She gave her grandfather her first real smile of the night as she agreed to come and stay. Though Bella would not be staying as she wished to go spend time with Rudolphus and the Lestrange's. Lady Lestrange had invited her to stay for the holiday. Arcturus was not pleased by this but allowed it. The rest of the meal was silent, and her father only glared at her in a way of saying goodbye. She could not wait to get back to the castle and see Harry again.

It was now Christmas Eve, and Andie found herself in the parlor of Bones Manor after a wonderful dinner. It was one of the best dinners she had ever had outside of Hogwarts. However, it was not the quality of the food that made it so. Instead, it was the company that made the night. Without her father and aunt there, things were so much more pleasant for her. No arguments, just laughter and fun conversation.

Now she was sitting, sipping on an after-dinner wine with Caroline, Rose, Petunia, Lily, and Amelia. The conversation had turned to school now. “So, Petunia, has there been any lucky boys that have caught your eye?” Caroline asked in a teasing voice.

Petunia blushed hard and glanced at Lily. “Um, not at my school,” she said softly.

Lily and the other two girls narrowed their eyes a bit. She was not talking about Harry, was she? “Oh my, and who is this lucky stud, hmm?”

Petunia blushed harder. “W-well, I have been writing to this boy named Remus at Hogwarts,” she said, glancing at the other girls. “P-please don’t tell him that I kind of like him!”

Lily shook her head as all three were a bit shocked. Remus had not said anything about writing to Lily's sister. “We will not tell anyone, Toony. Right, girls?” The other two shook their heads in agreement. “Out of curiosity, what do you talk about?”

Petunia’s blush remained. “Well, about potions or what you are learning in magical creatures. Sometimes we even talk about what I am doing in school.”

“Oh, that is so sweet!” Caroline and Rose squealed. “Oh dear, that is so good for you! He seemed like such a nice boy when he came over for summer.” Rose finished.

Caroline suddenly turned a predatory grin to the other three girls, making them gulp. “And what about you three, hmmmm. Who has caught your eye this year?”

All three looked at one another and then went away quickly, not wanting to admit it in front of the others. “No one!” They said at once.

“Oh my, are you saying that it's each other?” Caroline said with a mischievous smile.

“NO!” They said at once. “I LIKE HARRY ONLY!” Then they looked at one another. “I like him the most! NO, I DO!”

Caroline broke into laughter, drawing their attention and making them blush as they realized they had been played. “I see, so you all didn’t want to admit it to your rivals then.” They nodded with a blush. “And if I am guessing, you haven’t told him yet out of fear that he would pick one of the other two?”

“Yes…” They all mumbled. Petunia and Rose were now looking a bit shocked. They knew Lily liked him, but not the other girls.

“Why don’t you girls just share him then?” Caroline asked, drawing even more shocked looks from Rose, Petunia, and two of the girls.

Andie blushed a bit. “I… I would not mind being a mistress if I got to be with Harry. I just did not think the other two would be okay with it,” she said softly.

Now Amelia and Lily were looking at her in shock. Caroline just laughed. “Amelia, I do not know why you are acting so shocked; you know that is not out of the ordinary for someone like Harry. His house is pretty much extinct now.”

“Wait, it’s not out of the ordinary?” Rose asked, confused.

Caroline shook her head. “No, not really. If a house is dying out, the head or Heir of the house can marry more women. Most of the time they will choose one wife and have mistresses. The mistresses would be subservient to the wife. The wife can decide things such as who and when a mistress lays with the husband or even when they can have children.”

“That seems a bit barbaric,” Petunia said with a frown. “I don’t think Harry would be okay with that from what I know of him.”

Caroline smiled. “And neither do I, however, I could see him being okay with option two where he marries all three as wives and no one is over the others.”

Lilly and Amelia looked at one another for a long moment. "Would you be okay with this, Lilly?"

She seemed to think for a moment before looking at her mother, who just gave her a smile. "Honey, you are entering this new world, and it is up to you to decide what's right for you. No matter what you decide, your father and I will support you. Plus, I have a feeling that Harry would do anything to make you happy, dear, and I approve of him."

Lilly's face turned into a large smile. "What do you think, girls?" she asked, turning to the other two.

Amelia and Andie looked at one another with a large smile. “I think it is time for us to get our man,” Amelia said with a smile.

“Indeed, I think we should do it soon too,” Andie said, smiling as well.

“Oh yes, we cannot let him get away from us,” Lilly said.

Caroline, Petunia, and Rose watched as the three delved into planning the capture of a blond-haired wizard soon. The two mothers smiled as they watched their plan. Petunia just shook her head. “You know, I kind of feel bad for Harry.”

“Why is that dear?” Rose asked curiously.

“They seem like he may not have a choice,” she said with a giggle.

The other two women giggled at that as well. It would be interesting to see the boy's reaction. They could only imagine him stuttering about being told he would be dating all three of them. The rest of the night was spent laughing and having fun with one another.

A few days later, Andie had asked to speak with her grandfather in private and was now sitting in his study. Arcturus smiled over the desk at her. “Good morning, my dear. How did you sleep?”

Andie smiled at him. “I slept well, grandfather. Thank you for asking.”

Arcturus smiled and nodded. “So, my dear, what would you like to talk about today?”

Andie turned serious and collected her nerves. “Grandfather, I would like permission to seek a romantic relationship with Lord Harry Pendragon,” she said confidently.

Arcturus leaned back at her words and eyed her. Finally, he sighed. “I see. I take it that you are wishing to tell him of your feelings then.”

It was a statement more than a question, but Andie answered, nonetheless. “I do, grandfather. Two others and I plan to admit our feelings to him and seek a relationship with him. We believe that he would choose to marry all three of us.”

He watched her for a moment longer before a soft smile came to his lips. “Well then, my dear, I shall allow it. However, I have one condition that is non-negotiable.”

Andie frowned a bit but nodded. “And what would that be, grandfather?”

“I must meet this boy by the end of summer. If I do not, then I will rescind my blessing,” he told her.

Suddenly her face turned into a smile. “That actually really works. Harry will be competing in the under-fifteen dueling tournament this summer, and I would like to go watch him.”

Arcturus smiled at seeing his little princess smile. He did not see that enough anymore as the girls grew and his bastard of a son got crueler. He had been thinking for a while now that he should take the girls and even Sirius and Regulus into Black Moor. He should start this summer at least with Andie. He would not force the other two girls, but he would offer it. However, he knew that Narcissa was being courted by that little bastard Malfoy, and he doubted her, nor Bella would come.

“Then your grandmother and I shall take you. It has been a long time since I have seen a good duel so hopefully this boy of yours can provide,” he said with a smile. Andie squealed a bit and came around giving him a strong hug. Arcturus chuckled and hugged her back. “Now let us go down and get some of those cookies your grandmother was making, hmm?”

Andie nodded and led him from the office, acting like the child she was. Arcturus loved seeing this side of her and hoped that this boy could bring this out of her more. However, if he ever hurt her, he would tear him limb from limb.

The three girls were sitting in a compartment with their other friends on their way back to Hogwarts. They were giddy with excitement. They would wait until they got settled into their normal routine before asking Harry to go out with them to Hogsmeade. They could not wait to see what the future would bring.

Chapter 18: Chapter 18

Chapter Text

AN:// I own nothing!

A week had passed since the students had returned to Hogwarts. Harry was walking into the classroom he and his friends used to meet up, with a smile on his face. He was happy to have the girls back from break and couldn’t wait to spend time with them. He walked in to find all three sitting around the big desk, or in Andie's case, sitting on the desk. He couldn’t help the skip in his heartbeat from seeing them.

“Hey, girls, how are you today?” he asked.

They turned their attention to him and each gained a beautiful smile. “Hi, Harry,” they chorused.

They then looked at each other and smiled with a nod. Harry raised an eyebrow as Andie drew her wand and flicked it. “Colloportus!” The door behind him suddenly closed with a soft squelching sound.

“What's going on, girls?” he asked, tensing up a bit.

“We just need to talk to you in private, Harry. Please come and sit,” Amelia asked, indicating the chair in front of the desk.

Harry watched them warily as he moved to sit behind the desk. He knew it was them, but still, this was odd. Once he was sat down, the three turned to look at him. “Harry, we need to talk to you about something really important,” Lily started.

“You see, Harry, over the last year, we feel that things have changed between us,” Andie continued the story.

“Our feelings have changed for you, Harry,” Amelia said, getting up and moving a bit closer to him. His heart started beating faster as the other two girls did the same.

“You always seem to know what to say to make us feel better,” Lily said, taking another step.

“How to calm us down,” Andie said with a step.

“How to make us relax,” Amelia said.

“You make us feel welcome and cared for,” Lily said with yet another step.

By now, the three girls were right in front of him, looking down at him. His heart was hammering in his chest. “You make us feel safe,” Andie said, her eyes sparkling.

Amelia leaned forward a bit. “And that’s why we fell in love with you,” she said, planting a soft kiss on his cheek. Her action was quickly followed up by the other three girls.

Harry's brain was now in meltdown. His mouth was open, and his eyes wide. The girls giggled a bit at the look on his face before Andie stepped up to make the next declaration. “What we are trying to say, Harry, is, will you go out with us?”

That seemed to snap him out of whatever trance he was in. He looked up into their shining eyes that looked at him expectantly. “You... all three of you want to date me?”

“Of course, silly,” Lily said with her beautiful bright smile.

“We talked about it, and with our moms, and we decided that we were okay with sharing you, Harry. We all have been feeling this way since the end of last year, but we didn’t know that you could marry more than one woman and didn’t know if you would be okay with being shared. But we couldn’t wait any longer. So once my mother told us that we should share you and explained things, we decided to go for it,” Amelia explained.

“I even got permission from my grandfather to pursue a relationship with you,” Andie said.

Harry sat there for a long moment thinking over what they had just said. Slowly a smile crept across his face. It looked like the professor was right. These things do have a way of working themselves out.

“If you girls are positive that this is what you want, then I would gladly go out with you,” he said, standing up. “If you are positive that’s what you want.” They smiled and launched themselves into his open arms. He held them close as all four smiled widely. “Hey, would you girls do me the great honor of escorting me to Hogsmead for Valentine's Day?”

They all smiled widely. “Look at you getting the early jump on things,” Amelia teased him.

Harry blushed a bit. “Yeah, I suppose you are right. I should wait until it gets closer.”

Andie shook her head against his cheek. “Nonsense, it's good to have things set up in advance so you don’t have to worry later.”

“Exactly, we would love to go with you for Valentine's Day, Harry,” Lily said, smiling wider.

Harry just hugged them tighter. It was good knowing that they felt the same way for him as he did for them. “Then I can't wait.”

It didn’t take long for the rumor to spread that Harry Pendragon was no longer on the market. It was also not much of a secret as to who took him off it. It was now an even rarer sight to see him away from the three girls. They never showed public affection outside of hugs and holding hands. Truth was, though, that they had not yet kissed even in private. They were taking things slow and just enjoying their time together.

Before long, however, it was Valentine's Day, and Harry had a small bouquet of flowers delivered to each girl and set upon their nightstands by Trixie. Violets for Andie, Carnations for Amelia, and Tulips for Lily. He was currently nervously standing in front of a mirror, trying to make sure his outfit was perfect. This was his first date in this timeline and only his second total if you counted the disaster with Cho Chang in his fifth year.

Finally, he let out a sigh. This was as good as it was going to get, and if he wasted any more time, he would be late meeting them in the entrance hall. He walked over to Larry and held out his arm, letting the crimson snake slither up his arm.

“You look fine, Harry. They will love it no matter what you wear, you know?” Smart Larry said.

“I know that, Larry, but I want to make a good impression. You know, show them that I am serious about this dating thing. If I showed up not looking presentable, then it would look like I wasn’t taking things seriously. Like they weren't worth the effort,” Harry told his familiar as they made their way out of the common room. He turned a few female heads as he walked through to the door.

“Just relax, Harry, it will all work out. Just focus on having a good time and not what they think. They already love you,” Larry said.

“Yeah, you're right. I can't focus too hard on it,” Harry sighed.

They made their way down to the entrance hall to wait for them. The girls had gone to an unused classroom to get ready together, and he couldn’t wait to see them. He was nervously looking at an odd painting of a grassy field with nothing in it when he heard his name being called. He turned around, and his jaw felt as though it had fallen off.

Standing before him were the three most beautiful creatures he had ever laid eyes upon. Even Fleur Delacour had nothing on these three. Amelia was on the right, wearing an amazing yellow dress as the day was to be somewhat warm. It clung to her form, accentuating her budding chest. She had a light silk shawl over her shoulders, and her hair was pulled into a high ponytail and fell to just below her shoulders. Her blue eyes sparkled upon seeing him, drawing him in like a cool and calm pool.

Next to her in the middle stood Andie in a dark blue dress and a black shawl over her pale shoulders. Her long brown hair cascaded down like a chocolate waterfall down to her waist. The dress showed just enough of her modest breast to still be appropriate while also being slightly provocative. The dress flared a bit at the waist where her hips flared out slightly. Her violet eyes looked him over in appreciation.

On the right stood Lily in a dark red dress similar to the others with a red shawl over her shoulders. Her long crimson locks fell to her mid-back in soft ringlets. Her dress did much the same as Andie's, barely showing off her well-sized chest. Her long legs seemed to go on forever.

“Do you like what you see, Harry?” Lily asked with a giggle.

“Wow, just wow,” he stammered. “You girls look absolutely stunning.”

The three blushed at his words but smiled, nonetheless. They each moved over to him with Lilly and Amelia taking each arm. He looked at Andie apologetically, who simply giggled. “Don't worry, Harry, we know you only have two arms. So, we took it upon ourselves to come up with a schedule of sorts on who gets to hold onto you and when,” she said with a giggle.

Harry nodded his head in understanding as he started to lead them out of the castle. There were not many students out yet, as most liked eating breakfast in the great hall, but those that were stared. It was hard not to when three of the prettiest girls in the school were hanging off one guy. Many of the boys were sending him looks of jealousy. The girls were receiving the same looks from other females as Harry was seen as quite the catch.

Filch sneered at them as he checked their names off the list of students leaving. Harry held open the door to the carriage and helped each girl climb the steps. Once they were in and settled, he climbed in as well. He found himself sitting between Andie and Lily this time. He casually brought his arms up and behind them over the seat. It was a comfortable ride down to the village. They mainly talked about school for the ride.

Once there, Harry hopped out and helped each girl down. “So where would you girls like to go first?”

The girls looked at one another. “Well, I need to get some things from Scrivenshafts,” Lily said.

“I wouldn’t mind looking at Zonko's to get back at Edgar for his prank last week,” Amelia huffed.

“I wouldn’t mind going to the bookstore,” Andie chimed in.

Harry nodded in thought. “Well then, let's go to each, and then we can go down to the Three Broomsticks for lunch and then finish the day over at Honeydukes.” All three girls' eyes lit up at the mention of Honeydukes.

Harry laughed as he was pulled off by Andie and Amelia toward the first stop. A few hours went by as the quartet enjoyed their date. By the time they made it to the Three Broomsticks, they were red-faced from laughter. It had been a fantastic day so far.

They slid into a booth with Lilly sitting next to Harry and leaning her head against his shoulder as they continued to talk while looking at the menu. It didn’t take long before Madam Rosmerta made it to the table. “Well, hello there dears, what can I get you today?” she said with a smile.

“I will take the beef stew, please,” Amelia said with a smile.

“Can I have the fish and chips?” Andie asked.

“The corned beef for me, please,” Lily said.

“I will take the shepherd's pie, please,” Harry ordered with a smile.

“Of course dears, it will be out shortly. Can I get you anything to drink in the meantime?”

“Four Butterbeers, please,” Harry added for them. The girls gave him a large smile as the waitress left their table. The conversation had now turned to what they planned for the summer holidays.

“So, Harry, we know that you will be doing the tournament over break, but are you planning on going anywhere else this year?” Andie asked curiously.

Harry nodded. “Yeah, I’m planning on going down to Africa to study a few things. I’ve heard there are some tribes there that know some good transfigurations,” he said, not wanting to tell them the truth in a crowded location.

Lily's eyes sparkled at the mention of learning something new. “Oh, please, send me back a new book from there. It would be so cool to learn about the indigenous tribes and their views on magic.”

Harry laughed a bit at her enthusiasm and gave her a side-armed hug. “Yes, of course I will send you something back, Lills. I can promise that.” Lily smiled, as did the other two, knowing he would be sending something to them as well. “So what about you girls, what's your plans?”

Lily was about to say something when they heard a rather annoying voice behind them. “Lily, what are you doing sitting so close to Pendragon? You should be sitting next to me,” James Potter said petulantly, coming to their table.

“And why wouldn’t I be sitting so close to him, Potter? He is my boyfriend after all, or have you really not heard yet,” she asked, annoyed at the interruption to a perfect day.

“B-boyfriend!?” James all but shouted, drawing a few looks. “But you're supposed to go out with me. I’m the one that is the best option for you! I’m on the light side, not some Dark wizard! He will just use you as his sex slave or something. Come on, Lily, I’ll show you what a real man is like.”

He started to reach for her arm, and Harry had his wand ready if needed. However, it wasn’t needed, as Lily sent a freezing curse at the peak of his legs where they connected. Potter went to the ground screaming in pain. “Don’t you ever touch me, Potter. You are lucky that it was me cursing you because I can only imagine what Harry would have done. Now leave before you ruin our day anymore.”

Sirius rushed forward, dragging Pettigrew behind him, and picked up James. He looked back at Andie and gave a small smile. “Sorry, Andie. Have fun on your date.”

Andie just blushed and stuck her tongue out at him. They watched him drag Potter away crying to the hospital wing. With that little incident over with now, they started talking again as Rosmerta brought over their food.

They wrapped up the day with a trip into Honeydukes, where Harry bought them all some chocolate. The ride back to the castle had him sitting beside Andie and Amelia. All four were laughing and smiling as they entered the castle. They prepared to go their separate ways at the foot of the grand staircase.

“Well, ladies, I had a lot of fun today and hope that we can do this again soon,” Harry said with a smile.

The girls looked at each other and nodded. “We would love to, Harry,” Andie said.

"You know, girls, I think that he was quite the gentleman today, don’t you?” Amelia asked with a sly grin.

“Oh, yes indeed,” Lily said with a smile.

“Well, then, I think he deserves a little reward,” Andie said, leaning forward.

Before Harry knew what was going on, he felt Andie's soft pink lips pressed against his. The kiss wasn’t long, only lasting ten seconds, but he felt sparks going off in his mind and warmth spreading through his body. Andie pulled away, and the exact same process was repeated two more times, with sparks going off every time. The girls pulled back to see a goofy smile spread on his face and giggled.

“Good night, Harry,” Andie said, leaning in, leaving a kiss on his cheek.

“See you tomorrow, Harry,” Amelia said, kissing his other cheek.

“Sleep tight, Harry,” Lilly said, leaning up and planting one on his forehead.

The three giggling girls left a stunned Harry at the foot of the grand staircase as his mind processed what had happened. Minutes ticked by until Remus walked by from dinner. He stopped and stared at his friend for a long moment with a raised eyebrow at his goofy grin.

“Ah, Harry mate, you okay?” He asked.

“Yeah,” was the dreamy reply.

Remus smiled a bit as he remembered what his friend had done all day. “I take it that the date went good then?”

The smile only grew, and his eyes lost focus. “Absolutely wonderful...” He whispered.

Remus just chuckled and shook his head. “Come on, lover boy, let's get you upstairs before flies enter your mouth.”

Remus led him to the Ravenclaw dorms where he managed to stop Xeno Lovegood to help him in. Remus shook his head in amusem*nt of his friend as he made his way to his own common room. He had a letter to write and only hoped that Petunia liked the lilies he had sent her for Valentine's day. He hoped he wasn’t overstepping with her, but he really liked her.

Chapter 19: Chapter 19

Chapter Text

Days turned to weeks, and soon months flew by in a flash for the Hogwarts students. Harry and the girls grew even closer over the last several months, and life was good. They would spend their time in the classroom playing games and talking to their other friends. Or, when they were alone, they would share soft, sweet kisses. Harry would even take them on individual dates here and there, mainly picnics down by the lake, just him and one of the girls.

He had noticed that Remus seemed to be in higher spirits as of late and couldn’t help but wonder why. He would usually just shrug it off though and move on with his day. He was currently sitting with Cygnus, playing a game of chess.

“You know you sure like to stir sh*t up, right?” Cygnus said with a sigh as he watched Harry make a move.

“Oh?” He asked, raising a brow.

“Yeah, things are heating up down in the pit, Harry. Whatever you did to Malfoy has him telling the others to stay away from you and those three girls of yours and anyone you call friend. I'm not sure what's going on, but it has the older years in a tizzy. Bellatrix isn't your biggest fan, by the way. Says you are corrupting her sister. Lucky for you, she is too afraid of Andromeda, I think, to actually attack her,” he said.

Harry chuckled a bit. “Yes, well, my little spitfire does have a very good aim with a wand,” he said, thinking of the time Remus had tried teasing them a bit and ended up with a stinging hex to his bits.

“Well, either way, you may be in the clear for now, Harry, but I'm not sure how much longer that will be. In fact, I'm not so sure how much longer any of us will be in the clear,” he said.

“Well, all we can do for now is keep our eyes open,” Harry told him, making another move.

“It's not helping that Potter has ramped up his attacks again. He is being especially vindictive since you started dating Lily,” he told him.

Harry sighed. “Yeah, I know what you mean. He is aiming for anyone who associates with me as well. Remember when Frank came down the other day with his skin Slytherin green? Apparently, that was their first success.”

“I hope for his sake he doesn’t hit your girls or Alice. I don’t know if I want to see the outcome of that or not,” Cygnus said.

“Trust me when I tell you, you do not,” Harry said, sending a shiver down Cygnus’s spine.

“Well, I guess I can't blame you. I'm not sure what I would do if he hit Isobel with one,” he said, shaking it off.

A few days later found Harry and his friends all moving down and out of the castle after the final test of the day. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining, and the birds were chirping. A large crowd was forming around two individuals a little ways down the path. Harry groaned when he heard a voice.

“Give that back, Snivellus,” he heard James growl from within the throng of students.

Harry and them moved over to see what was going on, only to find Snape and Potter in the center of the crowd, wands drawn. Snape was holding a Snitch that the Gryffindors had won a few days prior. “I don’t think so, Potter. I think I'll just keep this,” Snape sneered.

Harry sat back, remembering something similar in Snape's mind during his botched Occlumency lessons in fifth year. However, this was happening much sooner than it had the last time around. He wondered if that had to do with him being here. He shrugged his shoulders as he continued to watch. He had thought of trying to save Lily's relationship with Snape, but now he was way beyond that. His first year, he thought Snape didn’t fully deserve what Potter put him through, but as time went on, he could see that Potter wasn’t the only one at fault. After hearing about Petunia's woes with the boy, it only grew worse.

“I said give it here,” Potter shouted like a five-year-old who had his candy taken.

“And I said piss off, Potter,” Snape said with a sneer.

Potter's wand moved fast, knocking the other boy off his feet. Lily watched on in horror as Snape shot a torrent of flame at Potter, who barely jumped out of the way. The students were now all backing up. “I'm going to end you, Potter!”

Severus Snape had finally snapped. He had been having the worst year at Hogwarts yet and he was livid. Potter had been tormenting him left and right all year long and he was fed up with it. Then Lucius had refused to help him with Pendragon and wouldn’t even explain why. When he tried to talk some sense into Lily, she had left him. Then he sees her kissing that f*cking Pendragon bastard. As if to add insult to injury, he finds out it is due to her dating the f*cker.

How dare she! Doesn’t she know that she is his! That she belongs to him and no one else? But he would show her over the summer. Oh yes, he will talk sense into her. She had given him an opening and he would take it. Then he would talk her into breaking up with Pendragon and she would be his at last. Maybe even by this time next year, she would be writhing under him in pure pleasure and screaming his name to the heavens. It just needed to start with Potter.

A sick smile came to Snape's lips as he shouted. “Sectumsempra!” He shouted.

Potter only had a moment to get out of the way, but the spell still grazed his cheek, opening a large gash. It soon welled up with blood. The first real blood in a fight between two schoolyard bullies, Harry thought. Before he could think to stop her, Lily ran out in front of Snape, holding her hands up.

“Please, Severus, you need to stop this. This isn't you,” she begged, holding her arms out. “Sev, you... you need to stop before you take this too far. You already hurt Potter; this needs to stop.”

Harry was on standby in case Snape just tried to curse through her. “How can you side with that worm!” Snape screamed. “How can you side with him and not me! How can you be with that f*cker Pendragon when you belong to me, Lily.”

Lily's face became red with anger. “I do not belong to anyone, Severus Snape. I am with Harry because I love him, thank you very much, and he loves me.”

“Oh, but does he?” Snape asked as he stood to his feet. “But whatever, I can get you back later, Lily. Right now, you need to get out of my way so I can kill Potter.”

“Severus, I am trying to help you!” Lily said, her face still red and tears streaming down her cheeks. Harry hated seeing her like this. “Can't you see that? If you continue to do this, you will get in trouble. You cannot hurt Potter


“I don’t need your f*cking help, you stupid Mudblood whor*!” Snape raising his wand. Harry was about to rush forward and push Lily out of the way, but he was stopped by what he heard next.


The smack echoed around the courtyard as silence filled the air. Snape was now back on the ground, holding his now extremely red cheek and staring up at Lily. Lily was now looking like a volcano ready to erupt, and tears flowed like the Nile down her cheeks. Harry stood at the edge of the ring, ready to move in if needed but letting her take care of her own battles. He would be there to clean up any damage after.

“I can't believe you, Severus Snape. I thought you were my friend. I thought you weren't anything like those other Slytherins you hang out with, but I guess I was wrong. You're nothing but a bigoted pig, Severus Snape, and I don’t ever want anything to do with you ever again,” she screamed at his stunned form.

She whirled around only to come face to face with Potter, who had a smug look on his face. “I knew you would come around one of these days, Lills. Now if you just lose that f*cker Pendragon, you and I can be togeth...”

He was instantly shut up by a very hard right hook to the nose that dropped him to the ground below. Before he could even register what was happening, a small fire charm was sent at his nethers, followed closely by a freezing charm. The pain seemed to be too much for the Potter heir, and he promptly passed out.

Lily stormed off back into the castle as everyone got out of her way after seeing what she had done to the two boys. Harry took off after her, and Amelia was about to, but Andie stopped her. She looked back a bit heatedly and with concern in her eyes.

“It would be best if he went to her alone for this, Melia. I know we are her friends and all, but right now she needs him more than she needs us. Don’t worry; we will have our time to comfort her, but right now, she needs the boy we all love over us,” she told her, holding up her hands.

Amelia thought about her words for a moment but finally nodded. “Okay, yeah, you're right,” she said, looking back the way they had gone. She just wished she could help her friend.

Harry ran through the halls after his green-eyed girlfriend. He dodged around the odd student and made his way up to the classroom. As he neared the door, he slowed down to a walk as he slowly pushed the door open to the sounds of sobbing. His heart broke as he came into the room proper and spotted Lily sitting on the floor with her knees to her chest and crying.

Harry didn’t say a word as he walked up and knelt down beside her. He gathered her up into his arms and held her against his chest. As he held her tight, he gently stroked her long red hair. The two of them sat there for a long time as Lily sobbed into his chest and held him close. Harry just whispered softly into her ear and rocked her.

After what seemed like ages, her sobs turned into soft hiccups but she never once let go of his shirt. They sat quietly for a while, and Harry just held her. Finally, with a shaky breath, she spoke. “Harry, why did he say that? Why did he act like that? I just don’t understand.”

Harry sighed a bit, not really sure what to say. He looked up to the ceiling as if asking for help. With none in sight, he did the best he could. “Lills, I won't lie to you and tell you that I know why he did it for sure. Honestly, I think he was obsessed with you. I think he has it in his head that you are like an object that belongs to him and only him. I don’t know why he thinks that way. Maybe that was how he was raised, or maybe his homelife was so bad that it has made him believe in certain things that are not true. In the end, though, Snape chose hatred over anything. I am sorry that I had any part in his hatred that was lashed out at you.”

She shook her head against him. “It wasn’t your fault, Harry. It wasn’t you that made him say those things. I knew he was jealous with the time I spend with you and Amelia and then Andie, but I wanted my own life and friends. It wasn’t like we outright shunned him, and he could have spent time with us. But he only wanted to ever be alone with me. Even when we were younger, he would always insist on us being alone. I remember him telling me that one day he would take me into his world and never come back. I thought he just meant to the Muggle world, but now I wonder if he meant to my parents. I don’t know why he hated you so much other than me spending time with you, but I got tired of it. I don’t love him, Harry. I love you, and I have since first year. You were always so nice to me and helped me to learn what our world is like. You spend time with me and never looked down on me. You also treated my family with the same kindness and respect. I just wish that Severus could understand that I only ever loved him like a brother,” she finished softly.

Harry didn’t want to give her false hope that Snape would ever change his ways, so he kept silent. After a long while, he sighed. “Who knows what the future will hold for anyone, Lily. Maybe one day he will see it, but I'm not sure I would get my hopes up. He doesn’t exactly run with the most open-minded of groups. But just remember that no matter what happens, I will always be here for you. So will Andie and Amelia. We will always support each other no matter what,” he said, placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

Despite her current feelings, she couldn’t help but smile at that and curled into his chest that much more. Harry always seemed to know the right things to say to make her feel better. “You know, I'm pretty sure you may have ended the Potter line today,” he said offhandedly.

Lily snorted at the reminder of Potter's screams as he held his bits. “Well, he deserved it for trying to get me to break up with the best boy in the school.”

Harry chuckled a bit and held her tighter. The two of them spent the next few hours alone in the room sharing small kisses as Harry did his best to make her feel better. Afterwards, they went off in search of Amelia and Andie. They found them by the Black Lake where they spent the remainder of their day laughing and talking, sharing small, sweet kisses with the man that each of them loved.

They were on the Hogwarts Express on their way down to London. The compartment seemed to be in the best mood yet as they trundled along the tracks. Harry wasn’t sure if it was because it was summer or Snape not being in the compartment this time. Either way, it was rather pleasant to see everyone smiling.

“So, Harry, where are you off to this year?” Frank asked.

Harry chuckled. "Well, this year I am headed to Africa. Then, as you know, I have a tournament to win."

Cheers went up at his declaration as Andie cuddled into his side and rolled her eyes. Amelia on his other side just smiled softly. The entire group was excited to hear how he would place in the tournament. Edward had invited the Evans to travel with them to see it, and everyone couldn't wait.

"What are you going to learn in Africa?" Remus asked in confusion.

Harry chuckled. "Oh, I'll be learning some Transfiguration; they have some of the best in the world."

"Really? I didn't know that," Alice exclaimed.

"Yeah, honestly, I wouldn't have either, but an ancestor of mine traveled there and wrote about it. I have been in contact with a tribe down there that has agreed to help me," he explained.

"That is so cool," Marlene said with a smile.

"Yeah, I wish I could go with you," Lily said.

"No, you and the other two just want to go and spend some alone time with him in a hotel," Alice said with a devious smile, nudging Lily.

"Alice!" The three girls shouted, blushing like mad.

Harry just chuckled as he watched their back and forth. He looked back out the window and thought about where he was at this time in his last life. He was a cranky and depressed teen who had lost his only salvation of hope when his godfather had to go back into hiding. He looked over each of his girlfriends and friends, and his smile grew. Now he was happy. He had three beautiful and wonderful girlfriends and a group of fantastic friends. What more could he possibly want?

Chapter 20: Chapter 20


AN:/ Hello and sorry for the lack of updates over the last while. Unfortunately technological difficulties and life in general has prevented us from updating. As usual i would like to thank each and every one of you for your reads and reviews and I hope you enjoy this new chapter. I would also like to thank AlphaFlash for his help in this story. I would also like to state again that I own nothing of HP.

Chapter Text

Harry and Larry found themselves landing in a remote section of the Congo in Africa. Tall trees surrounded them, along with about twenty men. A tall, muscular older man in his mid to late fifties walked up to them. In a deep voice, he spoke, "You must be Harry Pendragon. I am Aamadu, and I am the chief of this village. It is my pleasure to welcome you here."

Harry gave a slight bow of his head before responding, "Thank you, Chief Aamadu, for your gracious welcome and agreeing to teach me. It is a great honor indeed."

Aamadu smiled widely. It was not often that they agreed to teach outsiders their ways, but they knew of the Pendragons, and it was good to see that the boy was as righteous as his ancestors. Not many showed such respect for his people and their magic. "Well then, let us get you settled into your hut, and tonight we feast. Afterwards, though, you will not be eating for one week in order for us to see who you are."

Harry nodded his head and followed the chief through the village. He was greeted with kind smiles that he readily returned. That night, a feast was thrown for his arrival. Wild boar and other delicacies were served, and the party went into the wee hours of the morning. By the time it was all over, he crashed into his bunk, worn out from the tribal dances he was asked to participate in. All in all, though, it had been a fun evening with great food and even better company.

The next morning, he was roused early by Aamadu and taken to a clearing outside of the village. Larry removed himself from his shoulders to go and speak with some of the snakes that were lazing around the forest. The clearing they came to had many logs and stones along a small clear riverbed. He looked up to see the makings of a beautiful day. The early morning rays filtered through the canopy above. He could see the oranges and blues reflecting off the few clouds that floated above them.

"Now then, Harry, we shall start your training with advanced transfiguration. Now, this is not the normal transfigurations that you may perform in class but rather battle transfiguration. You will be using your surroundings to transfigure various creatures to attack your opponent and objects to defend yourself. It is a valuable bit of magic to know but it is also one of the hardest branches to learn."

Harry nodded as he listened intently to Aamadu's words. Hours passed as he was instructed on a few spells to make creatures like wolves and panthers. He was also instructed on a few spells to conjure stones of various sizes and makes, at one point even making a marble stone that Aamadu said would help against the Unforgivables.

By the end of the training, he was tired and sweaty. However, he was not allowed to eat, as he was told it would help with something else he would be learning later in the week. He opted to go down to the river with a few of the other men to bathe. The crystalline waters that they came up to were cool and refreshing in the humid day.

The men all stripped themselves naked, and Harry did the same. He waded into the river as the men chatted about this or that while swimming around. It was fun to watch them begin to wrestle in the water and relax along the shore. It was a bit awkward for him to be in the presence of so many naked people, his American and English upbringing unsure how to handle the openness of the body that they were showing. However, he had learned long ago that sometimes it is best just to go with the flow when in other countries.

After their swim, they went back to the village where everyone got ready for the night. Harry crawled into his cot, tired from the exertion of using such advanced spells. He lay awake for a time, wondering what the girls were doing as he looked up at the stars above. He missed them all dearly and could not

wait to see them in Germany in a few weeks' time. He drifted off to sleep with a small smile on his face as he thought about the girls.

(Lilly's POV)

Lilly was sitting in her back garden, looking up at the sky and thinking about how the year had brought so many wonderful changes in her life. She was now dating the boy of her dreams, she had wonderful friends, and she was loving school more and more by the day. However, with all the good things it had brought to her, it had also cost her her first and best friend in the form of Severus Snape.

She let out a tired and sad sigh as she thought of her one-time friend. She felt someone sit down next to her on the bench and looked over to see Petunia sitting next to her. She gave her a bit of a smile, but it didn't reach her green eyes. "What's the matter, Lilly?" Petunia asked softly.

Lilly sighed a bit. It was hard for her to lie to Petunia, as the other girl always seemed to be able to tell when she was. "I'm no longer friends with Sev... He... he called me a really bad name at the end of term, and I just couldn't take him talking about Harry the way he was anymore."

Petunia wanted to smile at hearing that, knowing it meant that she wouldn't have to deal with the boy again. However, seeing her sister sad made her not. She leaned over and wrapped an arm around Lilly. "I'm sorry to hear that, Lilly."

Lilly looked at her for a long moment as if judging her words. "Petunia, could you please tell me something?"

Petunia lifted an eyebrow. "And what would that be?"

"You didn't like Sev much... did you?" she asked.

Petunia could tell that it was simply a question and not an accusation. She sighed, not being able to lie to Lilly any more than she could lie to herself. "You're right, Lilly. I really didn't care for him much. He was always really mean to me when you weren't looking. He would tell me that I wasn't worth your time and that I would just hold you back if I tried to keep hanging around you. He said that I would never amount to anything and that I was a freak without magic." She said as small tears came to her eyes. "He said that one day he would take you away from us anyway, and we would never see you again. You would be with him where you belong. I never said anything because I didn't want you to hate me or think I was just being mean. I remember writing to Dumbledore begging to come to Hogwarts because I was so afraid I would lose you. But he said without magic I couldn't. If I'm being honest, Lilly, if it wasn't for Harry, I would probably hate everything about magic and... and maybe even you before long. He helped show me that not all magical people are mean. Not all of them look down on those of us that don't have magic. Even that professor that came to talk to Mum and Dad didn't even spare me a second glance, and it hurt. Everyone that I had met until then treated me like I was second class. Like I was nothing but a burden to you. But Harry showed me that I can still be a part of your world... a part of your life. I may not be able to do all the fancy spells, but I can still brew a decent potion and talk to you about things from your world. And that I wasn't useless. He then introduced us to Amelia and her family and then Remus and Andie, and it just continued to show me that not all magicals were the same as Snape."

Lilly was stunned into silence as she heard her sister tell her about all the things that Severus had done to her and made her feel. She was happy, though, that Harry had saved her from possibly losing her sister to hate. She reached over and gave her a large hug. "I'm glad that he helped you, Petunia. I am so sorry that Severus made you feel the way he did, but you should know I would never want to be away from you. You are my sister, and I love you so much."

Petunia smiled with small tears still in her eyes. "I love you too, Lilly." It was good to get this all off her chest, and both girls silently thanked Harry for helping them stay together.

(A week later with Harry)

Harry was now starving and sitting in the middle of the grassy clearing with his legs crossed and his eyes shut. He was to meditate until he saw something. He just wasn't sure what it was that he was supposed to be seeing.

Soon he lost track of time and feeling. The darkness surrounding him started to lighten up until he found himself in a dense humid forest much like the one he was currently in. However, he was not sitting on his backside but rather standing on all fours. He looked down to see himself standing on two large white paws. He wiggled his toes, and large sharp claws clicked out.

His ears perked up, and he heard the sound of rushing water. He made his way to the sound, hoping to find a way to see his reflection. When he came to the small stream, he bent his head over the clear water. What looked back at him was a huge white tiger with black stripes. It had his same azure eyes that stared back at him.

He studied it for a moment before he felt a pull. The scenery changed, and he was flying high in the air above what looked to be over the Scottish highlands. He could hear large, powerful wing beats as his body bobbed gently up and down in the air. He spotted a lake a little ways down and swooped down to get a closer look.

As he flew over the crystal-like surface, he could see exactly what it was he looked like now. Rather than a bird like he had originally suspected, he was in the form of a huge black dragon. He was easily able to recognize this massive beast. It was a Hibernian Black, the same creature that adorned his ring. He let out a terrifying bellow that sent birds soaring out of trees in fright from around the lake.

He felt the pull on his conscience once more, and the world went black. He slowly opened his eyes to see himself back in the clearing. Aamadu came out from the tree line with his patented smile on his features. "So, did you see what it is that is in your soul, young Pendragon?"

Harry shakily stood to his feet, and Aamadu offered him a plate of meats and fruit. He nodded as he scarfed down the food. When he was finished, he explained what he saw. "I saw two creatures. One was a large white tiger. I think it was a Siberian tiger. The other was a huge Hibernian Black dragon."

Aamadu nodded his head, and the smile only grew. "Then we will be working with both of them. By the end of your time here, you will transition between the two seamlessly. Now then, let us get some more food into that belly of yours."

Harry followed Aamadu back into the village still eating off his plate. He couldn't help but feel proud of his forms and couldn't wait to show the girls. A smile came to his face as he thought of what their reactions might be.

Andie sat in the solar of Black Moor looking out the windows over the gardens. She had a soft smile on her lips as she thought about Harry and how she was now officially moved into her grandparents' home.

Her father had been livid about his father's decision to have her move in with him. Narcissa had also decided to move in with her grandparents when her sister went. Sirius was also offered, along with Regulus. Sirius jumped at the offer to get away from his mother, but Regulus stayed behind. Bellatrix spent too much time with Rodulphus to care where she stayed, so she opted to stay with their parents.

She heard the door open and turned to see Narcissa stepping into the room and closing the door behind her. She watched her make her way over to Andie, who was smiling still. "Hi, Cissy."

"Hi, Andie," she said with a soft smile of her own. "Can I sit with you?"

Andie nodded her head and scooched over for her sister to sit. They sat looking out the large windows together for a time. After a little while, Narcissa spoke up. "Andie... can I ask you something?"

"Of course you can, Cissy," she said.

Narcissa seemed to think over what it was that she wanted to say to her older sister. After a few moments, she spoke up. "Andie... what is it that you see in the Pendragon boy?"

Andie looked over her sister for a moment. "Why do you ask, Cissy?"

"It's just that you always seem so much happier with him than I have ever seen you. You seem to have a glow about you. But it seems different from how Bella is with Rodulphus. With her, she seems like the whole thing is just a means to an end. She marries him and gets his money and status, and it's like that's all she needs." She said softly. Narcissa was always the shyer one of the three sisters and much more laid back.

"Is this about Lucius?" Andie asked.

Narcissa looked away and pulled her knees up. "I don't know... maybe," she said not looking at her. "I really like him... I do, but at the same time, I don't know how I like him. I feel that he would be a good match. He is rich, and I could live a good life... but is that all I want? I would like to become a healer, but I'm not sure he would let me. However, I also think he is really handsome and he treats me okay."

Andie sighed; she didn't like Lucius Malfoy at all, but she could also see her sister was in love with him. "To me, Harry is like a warm fire on a cold night. He makes me feel safe, warm, and protected. He is kind and caring and listens to my woes and sorrows. He doesn't judge me on my family or think about how he can gain from just knowing me much less dating me. Instead, he gets to know me for me, and he loves me for that. He is like... he is like a breath of fresh air Kind and gentle with his words and his touch, but at the same time, he is like a dragon protecting his lands when one of us is hurt. However, he is also willing to let us fight our own battles instead of pretending that we are weak and need his help constantly. To me, he is my friend, my boyfriend, my life, all wrapped into a handsome blond package."

Narcissa looked at her sister with wide eyes as she described the boy she was dating. "You feel that strongly about him?"

A small smile came to her lips. "That barely even scratches the surface, Cissy. I would do anything to be able to spend my life in his arms."

"Even though you have to share him with Evans and Bones?" Cissy didn't look deep into the Muggle-born thing just like Andie didn't. To her, a person was a person, no matter their blood. But like her

sister, she had to put on an act at school and at home. It was only due to her grandfather that she was allowed to be seen with Harry. The man didn't mind that the boy was with a Muggle-born girl if truth be told.

"Nope! We talked about it long and hard, and we are all friends. We hold no romantic or sexual feelings toward one another, but we also don't want to see each other hurt by not being with the man that we love. Plus, we all know that Harry would never treat us with anything less than the same amount of respect," she told her.

"You're lucky, Andie," Narcissa said, looking a bit sad.

"Oh, why is that?" Andie asked.

"I just don't know if Lucius feels the same way about me. I like to think that he does, but... I just don't know. Sometimes I just think he is doing it for my name," Narcissa told her. "But either way, I have chosen my path, and I'll have to continue with it."

Andie gave her a small frown and reached out, pulling her into her arms. "Just remember, Cissy, I am always here for you."

Narcissa leaned into her sister. "Thanks, Andie." The two sisters sat there together for a long while, just talking about more mundane things. It was nice being able to be together and not worry about their father.

(Five weeks later)

Harry stood across from Aamadu, both having their wands drawn. They circled one another, watching the other for any sign of attack. Aamadu jumped into action, transfiguring a log into a lion. The beast jumped at Harry, who transfigured it into a white Siberian tiger that lunged at Aamadu. The man jumped out of its swiping paw and changed it into a cheetah that ran for Harry. Back and forth, the two went, transfiguring various things into dangerous animals to attack the other.

The fight went on with only transfiguration as the branch of magic used. For one hour, they fought a high-intensity battle of will, concentration, and imagination. Finally, with both contestants winded and breathing hard, Aamadu called a stop to the fight. Around them, the villagers burst into loud applause for the two contestants. They were in awe that this young man could keep up with their leader, who was acclaimed to be the strongest caster in the village.

"Well done, Harry," Aamadu said after catching his breath. "I would say that you have learned very well to wield battle transfiguration. Your mind is also very sharp in taking advantage of your surroundings. I say keep up the good work, my boy."

The village cheered even louder at his words. They had all come to like the hardworking boy, who even after a hard day of training put in his own share of effort to help the village. Harry blushed a bit at the praise and gave a small bow to Aamadu. "Thank you for helping me learn, Aamadu."

Aamadu smiled widely at him. "Now then, there is only one more thing for you to show us that you have passed. You must transform and transition into your spirit animals. You may choose which one that you transform into first."

Harry smiled just as wide now. "Then you may want to step back, Aamadu."

Aamadu grinned as he made his people back away to the edge of the forest. Harry put only a thought into the creature that he wished to become. He felt his tailbone and neck grow and extend. He felt his body elongate and widen. Wings sprang from his back, and his teeth sharpened and grew. As the transformation finished, he lifted back his head and with an earth-quaking roar, let out a massive fireball above the trees.

He quickly thought of his next form and willed the magic in his body to change him once more. This time he shrunk down, and fur spread over his flesh. His teeth formed into fangs, and his nails sharpened into large and sharp claws that could tear through flesh with ease. He could feel his tail whip around a bit behind him. He let out a roar that made many flinch from the large predator before them.

Harry then easily shifted back to his human form with ease. Aamadu and the others looked at him in a form of awe. It was rare for anyone to have a magical or two forms. It was a little more common for people who completed the transformation as their tribe did to get a magical form, though. So having Harry having a magical form and a second form was amazing. Eventually, they got over their shock, and applause broke out amongst the crowd.

Aamadu walked over to him and drew his wand. "Take off your shirt, Young Dragon, and let me mark you with your right of passage."

Harry removed his shirt to reveal his well-toned upper body. Aamadu placed his wand upon his right shoulder. Black ink spread from the tip of his wand and formed a shape upon his shoulder. It curled into a circle, and within the circle formed the shapes of his dragon and tiger chasing each other's tails. It was intricately detailed and formed the yin and yang symbols.

The cheers grew louder as he was accepted as a full adult member of the tribe, even if it was only honorary. Aamadu's smile only grew wider, and he clapped Harry on the back and shouted to his people. "Let us feast to welcome Harry to the tribe!" The cheers only grew louder as people started to sing and dance as they moved back to the village. Harry was gathered into the crowd and ushered to follow.

His last night in the Congo was filled with song and dance. The next morning, he took a portkey back home. He would only rest there for a week before meeting Filius in the ministry to head to Berlin. But Harry really didn't care about the tournament. Nor did he care about going to Berlin. All that really mattered was the fact that he would soon be able to see his beautiful girls again.

Chapter 21: Chapter 21

Chapter Text

AN:// Hello everyone. I would like to begin by thanking everyone for your reads and reviews. It helps me both keep going on this story and it helps when days are kind of rough. Now a few things. For starters I own nothing. The next is that I have seen a lot of you want the other Black sisters to the pairing. I am sorry to inform you that I will not be adding more girls. I try and get pairings decided before I start writing so that I can easily form the pairing to the story and have a clear goal. I feel that adding any others, especially at this point, would feel too forced. For those that do want the other sisters I have other fics that are planned that would add all three. I am sorry if your heart was set upon the addition, but I just feel this best for me to keep things flowing. Again, thank you all for your reads and reviews and i hope you enjoy it!

Harry found himself and Flitwick finally making it to the hotel in Berlin after a long morning at the German Ministry of Magic. It had been the usual hullabaloo over Larry that caused them to be there for five hours. However, being an ICW country did help a little in getting things through faster.

“You were not kidding about how people react to your familiar, Harry. How do you put up with things like that?” Filius said, slightly grumpy. Not at Harry, of course, but at the MoM.

Harry reached up and scratched the back of his head. “Yeah, sorry about that, Filius. People tend to freak out for one reason or another when you tell them you have a Basilisk as a familiar. It's usually not this bad though. However, I think we can attribute it to Grindelwald. Most of the countries on the continent are very wary of anything that can be considered as dark. Part of me can't blame them, even if I don't agree with them.”

Filius sighed. “It's not your fault, Harry. Like you said your first year, many people misunderstand many magical creatures to be dark. Honestly, it is kind of interesting that they do not consider dragons to be dark creatures now that I think about it.”

“It's most likely due to them providing heartstrings for our wands. They are a common core, and if we started saying everyone with a dragon heartstring core is dark, it would blow up in our face. Half of the wizarding population would be dark if it were the case,” Harry said as the elevator opened to their floor.

Filius chuckled. “Very true indeed. Well, Harry, this is our stop. Why don’t we have ourselves set to meet in the dining hall at five in the morning? That way, we have plenty of time to get you registered.”

Harry nodded and entered his room. It was a decent room, nothing fancy by any means, but it was clean and seemed well-kept. He put his things up and took out his dueling robes. Filius had helped him to order them. They were well-fitted black robes with sapphire blue trim along the edges. Upon the left breast was his family crest. The back held large letters that read "Pendragon" with a Hyberion black roaring below it.

The next morning, Harry collected his bag with his robes in them and made his way down to the dining hall. Upon arrival, he found only himself and Filius situated within. He walked over to the small professor and took a seat across from him. Filius looked up from his morning addition of the local paper. The hotel they were at served both magical and mundane guests, so they provided the local magical papers.

“Good morning, Harry! Are you ready for today?” He asked.

“Yes, I believe that I am. A little nervous though. Not every day that I go around and perform in front of a large crowd and all,” he said as the waitress brought him his food that Filius had taken the liberty to order.

“Ah, yes, that is true, but I have faith in you, my boy. I feel you will do fantastic out there today,” Filius said, taking a bite from his own food.

Harry gave his mentor a smile. “Thank you again for doing this, Filius. It means a lot that you have put your faith in me.”

Filius waved him off. “Nonsense, Harry. I am a teacher, and it is my duty to support my students in any way I can.”

After eating breakfast, the two walked down the streets to the German version of Diagon Alley. The sound and smell of the city assaulted Harry's senses, disorienting him a bit. He had had a month to get used to this new heightened senses that came with his Animagus forms, but it was still a bit difficult at times. The way that he had achieved Animagus was different from the normal way a British or other European witch or wizard would do it. As such, it came with different things. The way he did it was more spiritual and less forced, as it is with the potion. What this meant was that you merged with your spirit animal soul for soul. It gives you their senses with this merger, and in some cases, as with magical creatures, you may be able to gain a few of their magics in human form. However, with the Pendragon family magic, all that Harry's dragon gave him was a higher affinity and more power behind the family spells. The interesting thing, however, was that his Siberian tiger form had given him a new affinity for ice magic, making said spells more powerful.

They entered the alley and passed many similar shops to the ones back home. He spotted the bookstore and made a mental note to take Lilly there when they went on their date later in the week. He also took notice of the sweets shop as all three girls had a sweet tooth. They walked to a large building near the end of the alley by the bank. The German version of Gringotts was just as spectacular as the British branch.

Upon entering, they found it to be much larger than it even seemed from the outside. They walked into a huge open room with bleachers on either side of a large, long platform. There was already a line of younger people and their own mentors in front of three people taking down information and checking wands. He and Filius made their way to the line.

When it came to their turn, they stepped up to the man and presented their papers. He looked them over and then looked at Harry with a slightly astonished expression on his face. Harry resisted the urge to roll his eyes at the man's behavior. “Ah yes, may I see your wand, please, Mr. Pendragon?”

Harry presented him his wand. “Here you are, sir,” he said in German to make the man more comfortable. His mother had always insisted that he learns other languages. Filius gave him a raised brow but said nothing yet.

The now slightly shocked man gave him a smile before looking over his wand. “Let's see here. Cherry and dragon heartstring. Slightly flexible. Very well maintained by the looks of it. A fine wand, Mr. Pendragon, and should serve you well in the tournament,” he said in German and handed his wand back.

“Thank you very much, sir,” he replied.

“Your changing room is room eighty-seven. I look forward to seeing you perform,” the man said with a smile as he and Filius walked away.

“Harry, I didn’t know that you knew other languages,” Filius said with a smile.

Harry gave a small far-away smile back as he thought of his mother. “Yes, my mother insisted that I learn more languages so that I could easily communicate with others. So far, I have learned French, German, Japanese, and Chinese.”

Filius chuckled, but his eyes showed his sorrow for the young man's loss. He could see it in his eyes how much he loved his parents and how much it hurt him that they were no longer amongst the living. “Well, I am sure that they would be very proud of you, Harry. I am also sure they would be proud of the fact you have taken their lessons to heart.”

“Thank you... Filius,” Harry said as they entered the changing room. It had a small couch along with a curtain he could use to change behind. He went to the curtain and changed into his new robes. Once he came back out, Filius was already sitting on the couch reading a magazine on dueling that had been left on the small coffee table. He looked over at Harry, and his smile widened.

“My, that fits even better than I thought it would. You look quite sharp if I do say so myself, Harry,” he said as Harry took a seat beside him.

“Thank you, sir,” he said, playing with the edges of his robes a bit in nervousness.

Filius chuckled and patted his knee. “Relax for a bit, Harry. You will do just fine out there.”

Harry’s girlfriends and their families found themselves with prime seats upon their arrival at the stadium. They were only two rows up from the floor, and all of them were able to sit together. Of the Blacks, it was Arcturus, Mellania, Andie, Sirius, and Narcissa that came to view the competition. They sat next to Andie, who had Lilly beside her and Amelia on the other side. The Evens followed with the Bones on the other end.

“This is quite the turnout this year. It seems that the under fifteen has grown in popularity in the last few years,” Arcturus said offhandedly looking about.

“True. I remember only a few years ago that hardly anyone would come to this competition,” Edward said, rubbing the goatee that he had recently grown out.

Arcturus looked over to the Evens family who were looking on in amazement. Other than when McGonagall had come to talk to them, they had not seen magic being used often. “You must be the Evens family. It is a pleasure to meet you,” he said, sticking his hand out to Robert who took it firmly.

“Yes, Mr. Black. I am Robert, and this is my wife Rose. Beside her is our eldest Petunia, and here in the middle is our youngest Lilly.”

Arcturus gave the girls each a small smile before turning back to the stage as the announcer came to the center. Many would have been surprised to see a Black being cordial to a Muggle. In fact, both Sirius and Narcissa were. However, what many didn’t know was that the Blacks had quite a few dealings in the Muggle world that they kept a secret. It was how they had managed to build their fortune to the extent it was. They didn’t exactly go out of their way to be around Muggles, but the head of the house would still be polite when around them. It was part of the reason that he didn’t want either Orion or Cygnus to be the head of the house. Cygnus wouldn’t be able to keep his mouth closed, and Orion would allow Walburga to do what she pleased.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I welcome you to the two hundredth annual under fifteen dueling competition!” Cheers filled the air. “Now then, let us start...”

They tuned him out as he began to call the names of the first contestants. They were only here to see one in particular, and while they would obviously watch the others, they didn’t much care if they won or lost. Soon the children were talking about various school-related things, and Arcturus smiled upon seeing even Narcissa participating. He had been worried that her father's bigoted ways would have already ruined her to being at the least civil with Muggles and Muggleborns.

“So Arcturus, how are things going on your end of the chambers?” Edward asked. While both were grey families, they did have a gap between them. While the Blacks tended more toward the dark faction and sat closer to it in the chambers, the Bones tended more toward the light and sat more that way within the grew faction.

Arcturus sighed. “Gods, don't get me started on that mess, Edward. The dark faction keeps trying to court many within our side of the chambers. I don't know what is going on, but I'm not liking where it is going.”

Edward nodded his head as the kids listened with one ear as they watched the duels being staged before them. “Yes, Dumbledore and his ilk have been doing the same on our side of the line. Many have even started to offer up contracts trying to get us to move to the light.”

Arcturus grunted a bit at that. “Yes, it is the same on our end. I feel something is coming, but I'm just not sure what it could be yet.”

“I'm sorry, but I'm a bit lost here. Do you mind if I ask what you mean?” Robert asked curiously not understanding what was being discussed.

Edward nodded. “It's fine, Rob. What we were discussing is the state of our current politics. The Wizengamot is set up similarly to your House of Lords in the Muggle world. It is mainly sat by the lords and ladies of houses such as myself being the lord of house Bones, or Arcturus here who is the Lord of house Black. The chamber is split into three groups. You have the conservatives or the Dark faction. This group consists of more bigoted individuals and people who tend to want to stay with old traditions. I am sorry to say but this group tends to not like Muggles and Muggleborns believing magic should only be kept in the old blood. On the opposite side, you have the light faction. These are the progressives. They tend to try to do more for Muggles and Muggleborns and don't mind if we lose our traditions in the process. Between them, you have the neutral faction or the grey faction. That is where myself and Arcturus are and where Harry tends to lean. We are more in the middle ground on things, trying to bring the Muggleborns into our world better and wish to have them understand our traditions. It is more as though we strive to walk a middle line that allows for both progress and tradition at the same time. However, our faction is smaller than the other two sides, but we tend to be the tie-breakers.”

Robert nodded his head in thought. “I see. I suppose I can understand what you mean. It is nice to have traditions but also good to bring new ideas to the table that could see an improvement to society and technology.”

Arcturus nodded a bit. “That is correct. Many don't know this, but that is how the Blacks have seen things for generations, but it tends to be a guarded secret. Most see us as being dark due to our family magic dealing in curses and hexes. Plus, we do try to keep with the old ways more than what would be considered light, so we are dark grey if you would. However, I do not have anything against Muggles or Muggleborns.” He added the last piece as the Evens all eyed him warily.

After a few rounds, it finally came time for Harry's turn. This would be the first time that Arcturus would be seeing the young man and was quite curious. He couldn’t help the small smirk as he watched the three girls getting excited upon hearing his name. ‘Ah, to be young and in love,’ he thought to himself, giving Mellania's hand a small squeeze as he noticed her smiling knowingly at their granddaughter.

The boy's opponent came marching out to his side with a look of co*ckiness about him. He was on the taller side and most likely almost fifteen but young enough to compete here today. He wore some garish-looking purple robes that glittered in the light of the room. His co*cky smirk was being flashed at any witch that looked at him. His black hair was greased back in a way that reminded Arcturus of a Malfoy.

The next young man to walk out didn’t so much march as many of his competitors had but more glided across the stage. He was rather tall for a fourteen-year-old, standing around five foot seven or so, closer to being a fifteen-year-old. He had shaggy straight blond hair that came down a few inches above his shoulders. The hair on his left side was longer and pulled into a braid that went over his shoulder. A few long strands on the right side came over the front of his forehead from the back. His dark sapphire blue eyes seemed to scream power and grace behind his half-frame glasses. His black robes trimmed with a similar blue to his eyes. His house crest sat upon his left breast. All and all, Arcturus thought he cut a fine figure for one so young. He showed grace and confidence without being co*cky. He could already tell who would win this round.

Harry stopped on the other side of the platform and listened to the ref give out the rules once again. The boy before him gave him a wicked and co*cky smirk, but he ignored it, choosing to focus on his fight. The ref ordered them to bow, and Harry did so without taking his eyes off his opponent. His opponent, on the other hand, bowed, showing his neck to him. It was an amateur move if this were not a friendly competition. If it weren't, he would be dead right now.

They took their stance, or at least the other boy did. Harry, on the other hand, relaxed his muscles and held his wand to his side and slightly forward. His left foot went back a touch. This seemed to confuse many and make even more think that the famous Pendragon was being co*cky and not taking this seriously. The boy before him snarled a bit under his breath at the perceived insult.

On the sidelines, Filius was smirking, having known better. This was Harry taking this seriously. He was relaxed so that he could better dodge incoming spells. It made his movements more fluid and not so stiff as taking a stance like his opponent would do.

The ref called for the match to begin, and his opponent fired off three quick spells. Harry barely moved, leaning his body just out of the way. The other boy's trajectory was easy to predict as he continued to cast chain after chain. However, rather than having five or more chains as Harry was made to learn, this boy seemed to only have two. He also had a bad habit of only switching from one chain to the next one right after the other and then going back to the first.

After a few moments of dodging, in which the crowd was dead silent, not thinking he would dodge a single one, Harry struck out. His wand was like lightning, coming up hard and fast upon his opponent. He fired five quick spells in a row: a bone breaker, the impediment jinx, an incarcerous, langlock, and finally an expelliarmus.

His opponent barely got out of the way of the bone breaker only to land into the impediment. It was as if Harry had perfectly anticipated the boy's every movement. As though he knew exactly which way he would jump and aimed his spells to strike along his path. The next to strike him was the incarcerous, then the langlock. Finally, he was hit with the expelliarmus as he hit the floor, and the boy's wand flew into Harry's hand. The stadium was silent as the audience was stunned by the speed at which the person they thought would lose won in the end. It was a perfect example of don’t judge a book by its cover. Three girls in the second row were the ones to start the loud cheering.

Harry, in a sign of good sportsmanship, walked to his opponent and released his spells. He offered the boy his wand before extending a hand to help him up. The boy scowled at the hand, feeling slighted, and slapped it away. He stormed off the stage, leaving the stadium in a huff. Harry just frowned slightly and shook his head. He gave the audience a friendly smile that had more than a few girls swooning, much to the displeasure of his three lovely ladies. They would have been upset if it wasn't obvious where that smile was directed. He gave a slight wave and left the stage.

"That was wonderfully done, Harry! You perfectly baited your opponent to show what they have and then took them down fast and clean," Filius exclaimed as they walked to their room. "Well done indeed."

"Thank you, sir. It was all due to your training," Harry replied with a smile.

Harry dueled two more times that day before the end was called, and they were asked to return the next day for the semi-finals. He and Filius changed into their Muggle wear before making their way out of the stadium. Upon arriving in the alley, they found the three families that had come to support him waiting for them.

"Harry!" Three voices squealed as he found himself almost being knocked over by three blurs.

He chuckled as he hugged the girls back before they let him go. He looked them over to see that they had gone through a bit of a growth spurt over the last month and a half. Andie was now closest to his height at five feet six. Her long brown hair had grown to her waist, and her bust had grown to a respectable C-cup. Her hips flared out a little more than before, giving her an hourglass figure.

Beside her, Lilly was now around five feet four. Her long red hair still hung to her mid-back. Her bust was getting near a C like Andie's but was on the larger side of a double B. Her hips were not quite as wide as the older girl's, but she still showed a nice heart-shaped rear in her tight jeans.

Amelia had her red hair cut to just below her shoulders for the summer and had gained a slight tan while he was away. She had the largest growth spurt in terms of her womanly wiles than the other two. Her bust was now closer to a large C, almost D, and her hips flared just slightly more than Andie's. Her own tight jeans showed off a very good view of her posterior for his viewing pleasure.

"Wow, you girls look as beautiful as ever before," he told them, causing each to blush lightly at his compliment. He then greeted the other Bones and Evens, giving Petunia a warm hug that she happily returned. Finally, he came before Arcturus and offered his hand to the older man. "Lord Black, it is a pleasure to meet you. Andie has told me much about you."

Arcturus took the offered limb and returned the firm handshake of the boy. "As I have heard much of you, Lord Pendragon."

Harry then kissed Mellania's and Narcissa's hands, gaining a small blush from the other blonde, though she hid it well. She wasn't interested in the boy, but it was hard not to get flustered when a handsome boy was around. After pleasantries were given, the group went to a pleasant little restaurant where they ate a fine dinner.

After dinner, they made their way back to the hotel. As it turned out, the others had managed to get rooms in the same one he and Filius were in. Before he was able to go up to his room, however, after saying his good nights, he was stopped by a gruff voice. "Lord Pendragon, may I have a word, please?" Arcturus said in a low tone.

Harry nodded his head, realizing that this would be a conversation between two lords. He followed the man to a meeting room set up in the wizarding section of the hotel. Upon entering, the two of them took a seat. "How can I help you, Lord Black?"

Arcturus stared at the boy for a long moment before speaking. "I would like to know how serious you are about my granddaughter, Lord Pendragon. As I am sure you are aware, it is not ordinary for a family of our standings to allow our children to casually date. Usually, such things would be done through a courting contract. So far, I have only allowed it for my granddaughter's sake. Thus, I would like to know how serious you are about her," he said, his voice hard and his eyes boring into the lad. He was doing his best to intimidate him to see what kind of man he really was.

Harry, for his part, gave him the same look his father had taught him. Slightly looking down his nose as the two locked eyes, neither looking away from the other. Finally, Harry spoke. "I can assure you, Lord Black, that I am quite in love with your granddaughter. I would die before I harmed her or let harm come to her in any way."

Arcturus's eyes narrowed at the boy before him. "Are you suggesting that you would even go as far as marrying her if it meant protecting her?"

"I would be more than honored if she chose to spend the rest of her life with me. And I would kill to protect her," Harry said back, his own eyes narrowing, not liking what was being implied.

Arcturus sat back in his chair and seemed to be thinking something over for a moment. Finally, he nodded his head a bit. "I will give you until Christmas to decide if you would still be willing to do such a thing. At which point, if you are still willing to, I will offer a marriage contract between the two of you. I will not lie to you, Lord Pendragon, this match will benefit the house of Black. However, Andromeda's father has been scheming for a while now, and I am mainly doing this to protect her from those schemes. She cares for you deeply, and I would rather her married to someone she loves than someone she cannot stand."

Harry was a bit taken aback by the offer of a contract so soon. However, he also knew that it really wasn't out of the question. Most marriages between houses set up contracts without even giving the participants a chance to see if they were compatible with one another. He slowly nodded his head. "I do not see myself changing my mind. However, I believe we should wait until then to see if Andie does not feel the same."

"And if she doesn't?" Arcturus asked curiously.

"While I would be saddened, though I would respect her wishes," Harry replied.

Arcturus looked him up and down for a moment before he nodded. "I can see why she likes you. Strong in both body, mind, and magic. Very well, Lord Pendragon, we shall revisit the subject in a few months' time."

With that said and done, the two went their separate ways. Harry lay awake on his bed for a time after he showered, thinking over what had been said between them. A small smile came across his lips at the thought of marrying the three girls. He was also happy to see that Arcturus seemed to care so deeply for his family. Though he did frown a bit at the thought of her father. He knew what he was talking about from his time with Sirius and couldn't help but worry for her. He pushed those thoughts aside for now and went to sleep.

The next few days flew by with the competition getting more and more intense. Harry had easily made it past his own fights with relative ease. He had not lost a single fight yet, and he had gained a following for his good sportsmanship and dueling prowess.

It was now the final match of the tournament, and Harry stood before his last opponent. If he won this one, he won the whole thing. The ref called for them to begin, and the spells started to fly fast and hard. His opponent was a boy from Japan, and he was not giving Harry any room.

Harry cast a glacial spell at his opponent's feet before firing the first chain he used in the competition. The boy barely managed to slip and slide out of harm's way, but it gave Harry a moment of respite to gather momentum. Now the fight was on the other foot, with the other boy on defense. With a round of a bone breaker, a light reducto along with an incarcerous and a disarming charm, the match came to a close with Harry on top.

The crowd went nuts at the five-minute-long match that had them all on the edge of their seats. Harry went and returned his opponent's wand with a small smile to the other boy. "That was a very good match, Gin. I thank you for the honor," he said, speaking in the boy's native tongue.

The other boy looked surprised for a moment before he smiled. "No worries, my friend. It was good to go up against someone as skilled as yourself. I hope to see you in the next tournament for a rematch," he said, taking Harry's hand.

"As do I," Harry said. The crowd cheered even louder at the show of sportsmanship between the two competitors. It was clear no hard feelings were had. Harry left Germany the following day with his first dueling win under his belt and a smile on his face. His girlfriends' families congratulated him with a wonderful dinner. Before they separated, he had invited the girls to come to Camelot Manor the following week for a picnic. All in all, it had shaped up to be a wonderful summer so far.

Chapter 22: Chapter 22

Chapter Text

AN:// I own nothing and thank you everyone for the reads and reveiws!

Harry sat upon the grass near a pond in the woods surrounding Camelot Manor. On either side of him lounged Andie and Amelia. Across from them was Lilly. They were all sitting under a large oak tree with a picnic basket before them, filled with various cold cuts and cheeses. Harry was listening to their sweet laughter as they talked to one another.

He hadn't said much since a little after they had arrived. Instead, he chose to sit and listen, just enjoying their presence. He studied each of the girls, their smiling faces, the way the sun glinted upon their hair, their laughter that tinkled through the trees like chimes. He let a smile come to his lips as he felt Amelia lean her head upon his shoulder.

"So, Harry, what kind of things did you learn in Africa? Was it something cool? Could you teach us to do it?" Lilly asked, turning to him. Her head was tilted slightly to the side in that way he found so cute and endearing.

"Well, I learned battle transfiguration, so I could maybe teach you a little about that if you like," he said with a small grin as their eyes lit up. "I may have also learned a little more about transfiguration if you'd like to try learning it."

Lilly's eyes were now aflame with curiosity. "Oh, what did you learn, Harry?"

Harry gently got up, much to Amelia's displeasure. "Why don't I just show you girls?"

Now thoroughly intrigued, the three girls got up and followed him. He led them into the clearing more so that he had plenty of room. He turned to face them with that gentle, lopsided grin that they all loved so much. Without warning, he winked at them before he began his transformation. He began to shift. His skin grew long white fur with black stripes. His canine teeth lengthened and grew into two wicked-looking fangs. A long tail grew behind him and swayed the hair playfully.

The three girls stood there in awe at the sight before them as their loving boyfriend changed from his handsome self into a mighty white Siberian tiger. They watched in fascination as he stepped up to each of them and sniffed them a bit. He then pressed his large nose into each of their stomachs, snapping them out of their stupor. Each one lifted their hand out and began to pet the large and dangerous beast before them. If not for knowing who it really was, they would be afraid. However, knowing it was Harry and he would never hurt them helped.

Suddenly, the large tiger got a mischievous glint in his bright blue eyes that made them all a bit wary. Suddenly, he leaned his body against theirs a bit, causing them to stumble onto their backsides. The large beast seemed to snicker at their reactions before it stalked up behind them. He flopped down on his side with his belly facing them. He reached out with one massive paw and pulled Andie to him, leaning her against his side. Andie giggled a bit as she reached out and gently petted the huge paw and studied his razor-sharp claws that could easily tear through flesh. The other two, getting the idea quickly, went to lay upon the soft fur, and Harry swished his long tail so it rested over them in a feline hug. They giggled again as they pet him, and he began to purr.

The girls all giggled. "Aw, you're so cuddly!" Lilly exclaimed, turning around and burying her head into his side.

"And yet, he is still just as dangerous," Andie said playfully, poking at his large claws.

"Hmm, but warm," Amelia said dreamily.

They lay upon his side for a while, just enjoying the comfortable position when he stirred under them. They leaned up and watched him walk back around to the front of them. He transformed back and smiled at them. "Now then, who wants to go for a ride?" He asked, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

The girls looked at one another and then back to Harry. Amelia tilted her head again. "What do you mean, Harry?"

"Just watch and trust me," he said as his body began to shift again. He could do it in an instant but chose to let them watch him as he slowed the process down some. Before long, a huge black dragon was curled up in front of them. Two large sapphire eyes stared down upon them.

Their mouths hung open, and their eyes were wide. Not only was Harry an Animagus, but he had not one but two forms. And for one of those forms to be a magical creature, and a dragon no less, was astonishing. They watched as he stretched his giant scaly body before them and then turned to his side. He lay down and then angled his front leg to form what looked like a large step to his back.

The three looked a bit nervously at one another. Finally, Andie spoke up. "Are... are you wanting us to get on?" She asked her draconic boyfriend. He nodded his massive head at her words, his eyes dancing with mirth.

Again, their eyes looked to one another before they nodded in determination. They would show Harry that they trusted him with their lives. Each girl slowly crawled up his giant leg and took a place upon his back, just behind his long neck. Andie was in front, with Lilly in the back.

Harry slowly got to his feet, and the girls all clung to the small spikes that lined the base of his neck. He stretched out his long black wings and, with a powerful downward thrust and his legs kicking them off the ground, he quickly rose into the air. Soon, they were soaring high into the late afternoon sky. The girls looked down upon the earth far below in amazement. They felt no fear, knowing that Harry would never let them get hurt. They wondered and exclaimed at the various sights below.

Harry had a smile on his large draconic face as he heard their voices exclaiming in wonder. He gently dipped down to a large lake that was unoccupied by humans. He skimmed the water and let one large front paw dip into the cool water. He then rose back to their cruising height and let out a large bellow, scaring the birds below. The girls all squealed in alarm before breaking into laughter.

After a time flying around, Harry brought them back to the clearing and landed where they took off. He repeated the process and let them slide off of his back. When they were off, he transformed back into his human form. He smiled upon seeing the joy in their eyes.

"Well, how did you like it?" He asked.

"Harry, that was so cool!" Lilly exclaimed, jumping at him and bringing him into a hug.

"Indeed, Harry, could you teach us how to do that?" Andie asked with a sweet smile she knew he couldn't refuse.

"Have you registered yet, Harry?" came Amelia's stern voice of reason.

Harry chuckled a bit. "Well, yes, I can train you if you like. And as to registering, no, I have not yet, but I plan to when we graduate."

Amelia put her hands on her hips and gave him her best stern look. "Damn right, you will, mister. I won't be having no boyfriend of mine going and getting shipped off to Azkaban for not registering."

Harry kissed Lilly on the head and then let go of her, making his way over to Amelia. He reached out and put his arms around her waist. She turned a bit pink as she looked up into his smoldering sapphire eyes. He leaned down to where his lips were only a mere two inches away from her own. He whispered in a husky voice that sent a shiver down her spine, "Well, I do need someone to keep me out of that place, you know?"

He then leaned in and placed a soft, loving kiss upon her lips, cutting off her next words. Her mind seemed to short-circuit a bit as he kissed her. She reached up and put one arm around his neck to stabilize herself and the other hand upon his toned chest. She moaned into the kiss as he gently deepened it, as if pouring every ounce of his love into it.

He pulled back a moment later, leaving a breathless redhead behind. He chuckled at the small blush and silly grin on her face as she reached up and touched her lips. He turned around to see two other annoyed girls behind him. He chuckled to himself as he went and repeated the process two more times. It soon turned into a make-out session as they resumed their places upon the blanket. Amelia and Andie on each side of him, as Lilly sat in his lap. Harry couldn't help but smile at what a wonderful day it was turning out to be.

The next week, he was invited over to Remus's house. He had instructed the girls on what needed to be done to make the transformation and told them they could work on it at school. It would be hard to explain to their parents why they were not eating. At school, though, they wouldn't have to worry as no one would notice if three students were not eating.

He came up the walkway to the Lupin house and knocked on the door. Pretty soon, Hope answered the door and gave him a large smile. "Harry dear, it's so good to see you again! Oh my, you sure have grown, haven't you!" she said with a large smile on her face.

Harry returned the smile as she gave him a motherly hug. "I'm doing very well, Hope. How are you?"

She pulled back and beamed at the boy who had made her son's childhood better. "I'm wonderful, dear. Now come in, Remus is in the sitting room."

Harry followed her into the house. Where she went off to the kitchen, he broke off and went to the sitting room where he found Remus. "Hiya, Remus."

"Hiya, Harry. How was your time in Africa?" Remus said, getting up and giving him a brotherly hug. Their relationship had grown to the point that the two were almost like brothers, much the same as it had been with the Marauders of his time.

"It was great, actually. I learned a lot while I was there," he told his friend as they sat down.

Remus raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah? What did you learn?"

Harry chuckled at his friend's curiosity. "I learned a lot about transfiguration and such. It was fun, and the parties they threw were wild."

They began their usual game of chess while talking about their summer vacations. "Congratulations, by the way, on winning the tournament. I read all about it in the paper."

"Thanks, it was a really fun experience, and I'm honored I got to participate," he said humbly.

Remus smiled and shook his head. "Yeah, they couldn't stop talking about how well you did. Not only in the tournament but also as a sportsman. They said you were very kind to your opponents. Even they had nothing but good to say about you, except for that first guy you fought."

Harry shook his head at the reminder of his first opponent. "Yeah, he was a bit arrogant. I'm pretty sure I bruised his ego by how fast I beat him. But that's what happens when you let your ego dictate you and your actions. Hubris is a bitch."

Remus chuckled as they finished their game and went to leave the house. "Mom, Harry and I are going for a walk!"

"Okay, dear, just be home by six for dinner, and you two be safe!" She called back to them.

"We will!" They chorused, then looked at each other and laughed.

It was a beautiful day as they made their way off into the nearby woods. It had become one of their favorite pastimes to wander through them on nice days. As they walked, Harry began to really think about something from his last timeline. In that timeline, the Marauders had become Animagi in order to help with Remus's transformations. Remus had told him once that, while it was really foolish of them to do it, he had appreciated what they had done for him. He had said that it had made his transformations much better and helped him not to go crazy. The Wolfsbane potion had not been invented yet and wouldn't be for a few more years if he remembered his history... or... well... future.

"Remus, what would you say if I knew of a way for me to be with you when you transformed? I read from one of my ancestors that having someone familiar with the person in their wolf form helped them," Harry asked.

Remus looked at him nervously, not even wanting to think about what could happen to his friend if he accepted such a thing from him. "Harry... while I appreciate the thought, there really isn't a way to do that. As far as I know, the only way for someone to survive around me while I'm in that form is if they become an Animagus, and I couldn't ask you to do that for me. That's an extremely dangerous bit of magic. One wrong move, and you could be stuck as a rabbit or something for the rest of your life. That's why so many witches and wizards don't do it."

Harry had a smile spread across his face at the sound of his friend's concern for him. "Come on, let's go to the clearing. I have something to show you," he said, leading a now confused Remus to their favorite spot.

Once there, they stood in the middle of it. Harry pulled out his wand and cast a small Muggle repelling charm around them. "What is it, Harry?"

Harry just smirked at him. He didn't say anything as his form began to change. The familiar white hair grew out, and his canines grew long and sharp. Before Remus could say anything further, he was face to face with a ten-foot-long, nine hundred pound white Siberian tiger. If he hadn't just watched his friend turn into the beast before him, he would have soiled himself and ran away screaming. Yes, Remus Lupin was no fool and man enough to admit that fact.

"Bloody hell..." he breathed out as he looked over the mighty beast before him. "Harry... when did you do this, mate? This is advanced magic that most adults couldn't achieve."

Harry changed back in a quick and fluid motion. "Over the summer while I was in Africa. It's a different process to the one Europeans and Americans use. This one is more of a spiritual change rather than a forced one. You have to starve yourself for a week before you meditate. You feel the animal calling to you, and you merge with it, spirit for spirit. You become the beast but also are the beast. Even in human form, my senses are changed. I can see better, hear better, and smell better. Even my taste is better. You also get this weird tingle when you feel a threat coming in the back of your mind."

Remus was now in full thinking cap mode as he took in this information. "That sounds kind of like me then. My senses are heightened by the wolf even in human form. Though they get more heightened close to a full moon."

Harry nodded. "So mate, what do you think? Want to go playing on the full moon with me?"

"... Harry?" Remus asked.

"Yes, Remus?" Harry replied.

"I would love to," he said with a large smile and his eyes slightly watery. "But do me a favor, Harry?"

Harry smiled. "Sure mate, anything."

"I don't think your girls would be happy hearing you hitting on me... so don't ever say it like that again, yeah?" Harry blanched, and Remus began to laugh hard at his friend's face. The two enjoyed the rest of the day, both looking forward to their first run together.

Chapter 23: Chapter 23


I own nothing

Chapter Text

(Dumbledore's POV)

It was the first day back at Hogwarts, and the spirits in the castle were high. The students were spread out across the hall, talking to friends from the different houses they hadn't seen all summer. Dumbledore sat upon his large throne-like chair at the head table, looking out at the smiling faces with a grandfatherly glint in his eyes. His blue eyes sparkled as he looked them over, thanks to a dandy little charm he had found many years ago.

He spotted his friend Fleamont's young boy, James, sitting at the Gryffindor table along with his two best friends, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew. However, he noticed the boy was not smiling like his peers around him. No, the young boy was staring across the hall with a very agitated look upon his face. Following his line of sight, he found him staring at the Pendragon boy, who was sitting at the Ravenclaw table. On either side of him sat two of the most beautiful girls that Hogwarts had to offer, or so he had been told. Honestly, Albus could care less about girls, or women in general for that matter.

However, he had plans for those two girls that were sat happily eating and conversing with the Pendragon boy, along with another beauty across from them. He mentally ground his teeth at the thought of his plans going down the toilet. He had planned to have the Potter boy get together with the damned Muggle-born. He had been told that she had excellent school records in the Muggle world. She had then come to Hogwarts and shown that she was in fact just as intelligent as he had hoped. On top of that, she was a beautiful girl. She was a fantastic poster girl for the light: a Muggle-born with brains and magical power. She would have made for a fantastic trophy wife for the Potter family.

It only helped his case that James was obsessed with the girl. Oh, he knew she had dreams of being something in the magical world, but that was just the way their world worked. Women were meant to be seen, not heard. At least that was his opinion and the opinion of many of the purebloods.

Many people saw him as the leader of the light, the purveyor of Muggle-born rights. However, what many didn't see was that he couldn't care less about the damn upstarts. All Muggle-borns wanted was to tear down their worldviews and plunge them into the Muggle world. Into the twentieth century.

Ha! What did the Muggle world have that the magical world could possibly want? He mentally shook his head. He had helped grease hands and line purses with gold in order to see certain Muggle rights bills be passed. However, he had also made sure that many did not. In fact, many that ran across his desk as the leader of the light would never see the light of day if he had anything to say about it.

So no, he did not need the unity girl getting any ideas on influencing her husband to pass certain laws. Once he had gotten her into the family, he would have slipped her a little potion making her into a meek and pliable wife. Well, he would have given her a year or two out of school. Just enough time to earn the trust of the wizarding world. Oh yes, it would be a fantastic thing indeed.

He glanced at the other girl sitting next to Pendragon, and again he was angered. Andromeda Black was sitting next to the dragon spawn. Her eloquent and beautiful face only accentuated by the bright smile that shone on her face. Just like her older sister in seventh year and her younger sister in fourth, she was seen as a beauty among swine to most.

She came from a high-class Pureblood family of good stock. She would make an absolutely wonderful Pureblood wife for someone. However, that was not the plan he had for her. Oh no, not at all. The Black family was a diehard neutral family. However, Arcturus had royally pissed him off in the last war against Albus's ex-lover, Grindelwald.

The man had fought with vigor and killed many from the opposition. He and many others had a kill or be killed attitude that did not sit well with Albus. Many in Grindelwald's army were purebloods and needed to help keep their world running the way it had been for centuries. It was why he always would fight for second chances.

He reached up and stroked his long beard in thought as he watched Pendragon and the girls. He had planned on Cygnus setting up a contract for his daughters. He knew that he had one for the oldest and was in the process of creating one for the youngest. He knew it was only a matter of time before he set one up for the middle girl, whether she liked it or not. He was counting on her not liking it and settling for some Muggle

-born. She would run away from her family to escape a horrible marriage contract to some stuck-up and most likely abusive Pureblood. It would start to tear the Black family apart.

Her running away with a Muggle-born would disgrace the entire family. He knew Arcturus would be devastated. The man loved his grandchildren more than anything, and having one run away would devastate him. He would be blinded to the goings-on in his own house and allow it to be torn apart from the inside.

He could tell that Sirius Black hated his parents and would do anything to embarrass them. He would only help in Albus's plan. He would end up running away and furthering the Blacks' demise. Oh yes, it was a wonderful plan.

But then that damned Pendragon had to ruin it all again. He had somehow won the Black girl's heart and now had her wrapped around his little finger. He knew it was only a matter of time before a contract was made between the two. With that contract, it would cement the Black family into a strong standing with that ally. Even if the other two girls were placed into Dark families, the Pendragons were an extremely influential family, being seen as the leaders of both the dark and light families. With them being firmly in the center of the Grey faction, it would allow the Blacks to stay just that, grey.

He had even heard from Fleamont that Arcturus had had his grandchildren move into his home over the summer. The only ones not staying there now were the youngest Black, a year below Sirius and Narcissa, Regulus. Along with him was Bellatrix, who was now more over at the Lestrange house rather than her own anyway. This threw everything off for him.

He was hoping that with him being treated horribly, it would send him to the Potters. There he would be under his influence even more than before. He would wait until he gained the Black lordship, as he figured Arcturus would keep him as the heir. With that, he would have the Black fortune at his disposal. But now… now it was all down the toilet.

He watched as Filius stood up on his chair next to him. He scowled even more internally now. He knew what he was about to announce, and it only pissed him off more. It would only add to the bloody boy's already substantial popularity. He didn’t think there was a single student that didn’t like him in three of the houses at this point. Slytherin, on the other hand, feared him for the most part, it would seem, as he had heard that Lucius had ordered no one to touch him or his friends. He sighed internally. There was nothing he could do if he didn’t want to look like he hated the boy. He would just have to rethink things.

(James's POV)

James watched as Lily laughed loudly at something Pendragon had said. He gritted his teeth and balled up his fists under the table. She was supposed to be his! It should be his jokes she was laughing at. It should be his shoulder she was resting her head on! He hated the boy so much that it almost hurt.

He growled as he watched her pull his chin to her and lay a sweet kiss upon his lips. He should be the one to kiss her. But no, it was some Yank who thought he could come here and take what was rightfully his. He hated it, but he would get her yet. It was only a matter of time before she woke up to reality.

Oh yes, he knew the truth about Pendragon, even if no one else could see it. He was a dark wizard, and it was obvious. He even had a f*cking snake as a pet! His father had ingrained in him that anything snake-related was dark. He had even agreed that the boy was most likely a dark wizard. He couldn’t understand why Dumbledore had not expelled him. When he asked, he was simply told that it was truly only a matter of time before the rest saw the truth they had seen and agreed with him.

He watched as Professor Flitwick stood up on his chair and called out for their attention. He scowled a bit as his attention was called from his wayward love. Couldn’t people realize he had to watch her to make sure she didn’t get hurt? After all, she would be his wife one day!

(Severus's POV)

Severus gritted his teeth and snarled as he watched Lily kiss that Pendragon bastard. He had thought of going over to her home over the break but had decided to give her a few weeks. However, every time that he had gone, he was either turned away at the door by her filthy Muggle father. Couldn't the fool see that Lily belonged to him?

He snarled again, causing many at the table of the snakes to look at him oddly. It was a well-known fact who it was that he was glowering at, as many had heard of his falling out with the mudblood girl in Ravenclaw. However, the real problem was that even within his own house, no one would go against the Pendragon boy.

The majority of the House of Snakes were either afraid of him for some reason, or they respected him for being a powerful pureblood and a rather smart one at that. The bastard had been the top of their year for the last three years running for the males anyway. Lily Evans and Amelia Bones were the top two females. They didn’t even care that he was dating a mudblood for the most part. It was overlooked due to him dating two respectable pureblood girls of good standing.

The only people that really had a problem with him were Bellatrix and her friends. Bellatrix because she didn’t feel he was good enough for her sister. The Lestranges only because Bellatrix told them not to like him. And a few others such as Nott, Bulstrode, and Parkinson because he was dating a mudblood whor*, as they would say. To them, anyone who associated with Mudbloods or Muggles were filth.

He looked across the table from him at Lucius Malfoy, who was talking with Narcissa Black, and gritted his teeth even more. Lucius still acted as his mentor and kept the others away from him for being a half-blood, but beyond that, he didn’t seem to care. Oh no, if anything, he was just as afraid of that f*cking Pendragon as everyone else. He still refused to help him get revenge or even let others help him, and it royally pissed Severus off. Couldn’t he see that he needed Lily? That he deserved her.

No matter, it was only a matter of time before he got exactly what he wanted. He would take her back from Pendragon and he would make her his. He could only imagine her naked form below him as he pumped in and out of her. She would be screaming his name and moaning in pleasure as he released himself within her. Even thinking of it turned him on, and his hate-filled sneer turned to a small perverse smile.

He would breed the bitch and make her give him their children. With them in the world, she would have no choice but to stay with him. Oh yes, one day she would be his, and all he had to do was figure out a way to get rid of Pendragon. He was no fool and knew that it would be hard for him to take him on magically. Perhaps he could figure out a way to slip him a potion or a poison. Hmm, yes, he would have to think about that indeed.

His thoughts of revenge and murder were interrupted by the charms professor standing up. He could care less what the little goblin could want. He had no love for charms and only feigned it for Lily. No, he was strictly in love with potions. Yes, he could kill or heal with nothing but his precious potions and would one day be known as the best potioneer in history. Nevertheless, he listened closely but would come to regret that decision very soon.

(Harry's POV)

Harry was laughing along with the girls when he heard Flitwick clear his throat and gain the attention of the hall. He looked up at the little professor, who smiled down at him. He lifted an eyebrow at his mischievous glint in his eyes. That wasn’t good. The last time he had seen that had meant he would be used as softball target practice for an hour.

“May I have your attention, please!” Flitwick called. “As some of you may have heard, the under fifteen dueling championships were held in Berlin over the summer. What some of you may not know is that I was once a dueling champion myself and had never taken on a student. However, that changed last year just after the start of the year. I had found that Harry Pendragon was more than up to my standards that I would look for to take on a student. I entered Mr. Pendragon into the tournament as his sponsor, and it is my immense pleasure to announce that he took first place within the division?”

Cheers erupted from around the hall for him. It had been a while since Britain had won anything under eighteen since Antonin Dolohov went into the big leagues. Harry looked around and was stunned that everyone was clapping excitedly for him. The girls were some of the loudest to clap along with his close friends.

Andie pushed him out of his seat. 'Go on, love, and give a bow,' she told him with a wide grin.

Harry stood up and did as he was told. He gave a slight bow and raised his arm to acknowledge the praise that was thrown at him. He gave a small smile to everyone before sitting back down, along with a nod to Fillius. The charms professor raised his glass to him and gave him a wink.

'That was nice of the Professor to acknowledge your win like that in front of everyone,' Lilly said. Fillius was her favorite professor and charms one of her favorite classes.

Harry smiled at her as they all got up to go their separate ways. He then leaned over and gave Andie a hug and a small kiss goodbye. 'I'll see you at lunch.'

'Of course,' she said with a smile, and he watched her walk away.

He turned back to Lilly and Amelia with a smile as he took their bags from them. They all had Transfiguration as their first class this morning. They started walking out of the hall, and Harry felt a tingle on his neck. Larry lifted a head up to hiss in his ear.

'The Potter boy and the Snape boy do not seem too pleased with you, Harry. They are both glaring at you pretty hard.' Harry glanced at the two boys, and sure enough, they were both drilling holes into the back of his head.

Harry sighed as he spotted this. It was an almost sure sign that something bad was bound to happen. 'Do me a favor, Larry, and keep an eye on those two for me. Let me know if anything is said that I may need to know.'

Larry nodded, and once they were in a secluded place, he slithered out of his robes without anyone noticing. He quickly slithered into a pipe door that Salazar had set up for Laura. They came out in many places around the castle. He could get into any one of the common rooms or private quarters using these tunnels.

(Full moon)

Harry may no longer have his invisibility cloak, but he had made sure to master both the silencing charm and the disillusionment charm. He had also learned a charm to hide his scent. He snuck down to the Whomping Willow after watching McGonagall leave. He froze the tree and rushed into the small hole under it. He made his way down the tunnel and finally came up in the familiar shrieking shack.

Remus was sitting there in a chair looking worse for wear. The place was not much better than it had been in his time, but it didn’t have as many claw marks around the walls. The drapes were shredded though. He slowly walked over to Remus prepared to change in a heartbeat.

'You doing okay, Remus?' he asked, eyeing his friend.

Remus snorted a bit painfully. 'I'm not sure I would say okay, Harry... but I'm here, I suppose.'

Harry nodded his head. 'How much longer?'

'Any minute. When I change, don’t move. Let me sniff your form to identify you as human. The... the wolf should recognize you,' he said in a gravelly voice. 'Now hurry, change... can't hold much longer.'

Harry didn’t need telling twice as he quickly changed into his tiger form. He watched with his now feline eyes as Remus began to change. His mouth elongated and large fangs extended. His fingernails lengthened and sharpened into claws. His back curving out and his limbs becoming long and gangly. His skin turned a sickly grey.

When he turned around, his amber eyes spotted the white beast before him. Harry held perfectly still, trying not to look like a threat despite his own size and powerful frame. The wolf stuck his nose in the air and sniffed a few times. It crept forward, sniffing as it went. It stuck its nose into his face and snuffled some more. He pulled back after a moment and... yipped?

Remus yipped again and started acting like a puppy as it pushed into him in a friendly manner. So Harry did the only sensible thing; he pushed back a bit. The wolf seemed overjoyed about the change in its new friend, and they started a shoving match between the two of them.

Before Harry knew what was happening, he was being chased around the old house by the werewolf in a game of tag. When one pounced upon the other, they would change who was chasing. Harry had to be careful with Remus though. Werewolves were strong and durable creatures, but Siberian tigers were no joking matter either. One wrong swipe of his massive claws could take his friend's head clean off.

Their back and forth went into the dead of night and the wee early morning hours. Harry curled up beside his friend as Remus slowly fell asleep in the living room. He waited until the beast was well and truly asleep and only an hour before the sun would rise before he got up. He waited a time to make sure that Remus wouldn’t be waking up and lightly padded out of the room. It still amazed him that despite how large he was he could still move as if completely silent for the most part when he wanted to be.

He made his way out of the room and saw his friend still asleep. He got to the trap door and quickly changed and slipped in. He locked it back just as the professors had. After a time, he came to the end of the tunnel and disillusioned himself once more. He applied the other charms and snuck out of the hole. He froze the large tree and made his way out and back to the Ravenclaw common room. It had been a fun night, and he could only hope that it was the same for Remus.

The next day, he was sitting at breakfast with the girls when Remus had come down. He had missed the day before to recover. He came over and sat with them with a good morning. Harry smiled at him, and he smiled back. When no one was watching, he mouthed, ‘Thank you.’ Harry just nodded with a smile. He could see the other boy's eyes watering a bit from the new experience he had. Never had the changes been as tolerable as they had the other night. And he had his best friend to thank for it.

Remus looked over at Lilly and frowned a bit. His brows scrunched up in thought. He had been considering asking Petunia out on a date over the Christmas holidays, but as he thought more about it, he wasn’t sure that would be a good idea. He was a monster after all. Then a memory came to him of him and Harry playing chess.


‘Have you ever killed someone just to kill someone?’ The blond asked, making a move.

Remus looked shocked and quickly shook his head. ‘No, of course not!’

‘Then tell me, Remus, how does that make you a monster? To me, a monster is a mindless beast that doesn’t care if he harms others and will kill anything or anyone without remorse. I’m not going to tell you that everyone will love you or want to be your friend as there are too many that are

bigots. But the ones that are truly your friends. The ones that will truly love you for you and nothing else. Those people will not care that you are a werewolf, Remus. All they will care about is that you make them happy and that they make you happy. Life is a risk and you either take it and possibly get the best thing you could ever hope for. Or you ignore it and let it pass you by. Option one may bring you sadness, but wouldn’t it be better to have tried and lost than never have tried at all?’ Harry asked him.

(End flashback)

Remus sat in silence as he took in his words. Maybe... maybe he had been right. Maybe he should take the risk and tell Petunia what he was. He really liked her, and he hoped she liked him back. He looked back at Lilly and the other two girls. They had been some of the best friends he had ever had. If Harry trusted them... then perhaps he could too. It would also be a good way to see if Petunia would hate him or not... Yeah, maybe he should show some trust in his friends.

Chapter 24: Chapter 24

Chapter Text

It was a few weeks before Christmas break, and Harry, along with the girls, met up with Remus in the old classroom they often used. Harry let out a bit of a sigh as he thought about the last time he had been there. Cyrus and he had been playing chess here last week as was their routine. He had even met his girls and was finally introduced officially to Isobell. However, this was not a social game that they were playing on the day that he was thinking.


The girls hadn't come with them on this day, leaving it to just the two of them. Harry had just finished his move before Cyrus spoke up. “Harry, something is coming, and I am not sure what.”

“What do you mean?” Harry asked.

“There are odd whisperings going around the common room lately. Nothing large or outright saying what is going on, but they say a champion of purebloods has risen. I fear a new dark lord may be rising in the shadows,” Cyrus said, making a move.

Harry froze for a second. This was the first time that Voldemort had been brought up since coming back to this time. It was suddenly becoming more real that one day soon the dark lord would rise. He needed to come up with a way to protect his family. He had to stop again at realizing he already considered the girls to be his family. He had talked to them a week ago after receiving a letter from Arcturus reminding him about the contract.

Andie had immediately jumped upon him upon hearing he wanted her opinion on whether to proceed. She was the first to enthusiastically agree to it. Next was Amelia, stating she would be writing to her father immediately as she wouldn’t be left out. Lilly had taken a moment or two as she needed to be explained what a contract was and why they needed one. It was explained to her that it was basically the wizarding world's prenupt, keeping the families' wealth to themselves and preventing things like lineage theft or people from backing out just because. In order to back out of a marriage after the contract was signed, you would need a good reason and it usually came with having to pay the other party a sum of money. They also told her it wasn’t needed since she was a muggle-born. She then insisted that she gets her own contract to show the wizarding world that she understood and respected traditions. It hadn't taken long for them to receive a letter agreeing to it. Neither girl told him what was said, but both had blushed furiously upon their arrival.

He shook those thoughts from his mind and focused back on his friend. “Keep an ear to the ground then, Cyrus, and be careful. If it is being talked about here, then chances are good that he may try to recruit from Hogwarts as well.”

“Why do you say that, Harry?” He asked, sounding a bit more tense.

“Think about it, Cyrus. A place full of young and impressionable minds like Hogwarts would be an excellent recruiting place. Especially in the pit. Too many snakes are seen as evil already, and many have no contact with muggles or muggle-borns. They are shunned by the other houses for the large majority. A good number of your housemates have chips on their shoulders, Cyrus, and would be a good target for a dark lord. Think about it. There really hasn’t been a dark lord that was a muggle-born to my knowledge. A few half-bloods and mainly purebloods, so that would be their demographic,” Harry explained to him.

Cyrus stared at him for a long moment with his mouth slightly open. He shook his head, going to make his move. “You know, Harry, you can be rather scary sometimes. I feel that you are much older than I am half the time.”

(End flashback)

Harry let out an inaudible sigh as he felt Amelia pull slightly on his arm. He looked down at her to see her blue eyes sparkling up at him. He smiled slightly and leaned down to give her a peck on the lips. She smiled into the kiss, and they continued into the classroom.

Remus was seated upon a desk looking out the window. Harry couldn’t help but notice the worry in his eyes before he looked over at them. He gave a small smile before he spoke. “Hey, guys, good to see you.”

“Hi, Remus!” They all chorused.

“So what's up, Remus? Why call us all here?” Harry asked, tilting his head.

They all took a seat and watched as his face darkened a bit. “I want to tell them my secret, Harry.”

“I see... well, Remus, that’s up to you. I'm sure it will be alright either way,” Harry said with a small smile to the three confused girls.

“What secret, Remus?” Lilly asked, concerned.

Remus felt a small pang at hearing and seeing their concern for him. He really hoped they didn’t hate him for this. He took a deep breath. “When I was a kid, I was attacked. You see, my father wasn’t on the good side of a certain man. He had helped get this man locked up, and when he got out, he went for revenge. This man was Greyback, a werewolf who is known as a vicious killer. His favorite kill is children. He made sure that when the full moon came, he was by our house. I was outside that night playing in the yard when he attacked. If it wasn’t for my father, I would have been dead, but he chased him off. However, it wasn’t without consequence. I was bitten by him and forever cursed.”

The girls had their hands clasped to their mouths. Their eyes filled with horror and an emotion he wasn't expecting... sorrow for their friend's pain. “Is that how you got the scars?” Amelia asked.

Remus nodded a bit. “Yes and no. I have a few scars from that night. But a good lot of these are from the nights since. You see, the transformation is extremely painful. To top it off, I lose my mind a bit while I transform. I can still see what happens, but I can't really control things. They are usually some of the worst nights of my life.” He looked over at Harry and smiled a bit. “Well, until recently.”

“What do you mean?” Andie said, looking suspiciously between the two of them.

He looked at Harry again, who just nodded. “You see, the only way for people to be around me safely during the full moon is if they are animagus. Harry, as I am sure you know, is an animagus. He has been joining me during the full moon and plays with the wolf.”

The girls looked over at Harry with raised brows. “Oh well, that’s good then,” Lilly said with a smile.

Remus blinked. “Uh, what?”

“It's good to know you have someone while you go through that. In fact, he is planning on teaching us how to shift too. Could we join you when we get it?” Amelia asked with a smile as well.

Remus was dumbfounded as Harry just smiled at his girls. “Really?”

Andie nodded her head. “You're our friend too, so we want to help you.”

Remus’s eyes started to water. He got up and took them all into a large hug. “

Thank you...” He whispered softly.

“Anything for a friend,” Lilly said. “Though you should tell Patunia if you plan on dating her, you know?” Lilly said with a teasing tone.

Remus blushed furiously before he nodded. “I... I think I will.” He said as they all smiled and laughed.

The weeks leading up to Christmas were busy for the gang as they went about their school work. Harry was now home though and waiting in the foyer of Camelot for his guests to arrive. Today would be the day that they signed the contracts between him and the girls. They had decided to do it at his manor as it was a good neutral ground.

The fire flashed three times, and Arcturus, along with Milania and Andie, stepped from the fire. Harry stepped forward. “Lord and Lady Black, I would like to welcome you to Camelot Manor,” he said, greeting Arcturus with a handshake and Milania with a kiss to the knuckles. He greeted Andie in the same formal manner as was proper for these sorts of meetings.

“It is our pleasure to be here, Lord Pendragon,” Arcturus said a little stiffly. He really hated all this pomp and posh.

“If you would follow my elf Trixie here, she shall take you into the dining room where we shall be having our meeting,” he said as Trixie popped into the room.

The Blacks nodded and followed the elf out. The next time the fire flared, six people stepped from the green flames. He greeted the Bones and Evans families as he had the Blacks. The Evans parents were a bit put out seeing Harry acting like a lord rather than the polite and kind young man they knew and loved. However, they were tutored in how to act in this meeting by Caroline before coming.

Harry led them into the large formal dining room of the manor where the Blacks were already seated with a drink each. They all got up, and formal introductions were made and exchanged before seats were taken once more. The formal dining table was not like any other they had been to. Rather than one long table, this one was round. It was also extremely old. Before each of them lay a triangular pattern that angled toward the center. At the wider end were what seemed to be a rectangular spot. Once they sat down, their names displayed upon them. The girls had never been in this room in the times they had visited but were fascinated by it. All around the hall were tapestries depicting epic battles of old.

Harry took out his wand and placed it in the middle of his triangle. “Before we start, I ask that all present who hold a wand please place it in the center of your triangle.” They all did as asked of them, and Harry spoke again. “Dracones nihil timent.” A golden shield enveloped each of their wands, blocking access to them. “This is to ensure that no harm comes to those at these talks. If anyone had any other weapons upon their person, the wards would have informed me, and they would have been confiscated to be returned at the conclusion of the meeting,” he told them upon receiving questioning looks. The other two lords looked impressed. “A little history before we start. This table was once the table sat upon by King Arthur Pendragon and his knights of the round. It is enchanted to display the true name of every person who is sitting upon it despite charms or potions.”

The others looked down in a bit of awe. To think they were sitting at such a historic table. Arcturus cleared his throat to start the meeting. “Thank you for the history, Lord Pendragon, along with the assurance of protection under your roof.”

Harry tilted his head. “Of course, Lord Black. Now then, should we start the negotiations between myself and these three lovely girls?”

The other men nodded, and off it started. First came the bride price where Harry offered a hundred thousand galleons for each of the girls. This came as a bit of a surprise to the others as it was usually only around fifty. When asked why, he stated that in truth, there was no placing a monetary figure upon these three girls and what they meant to him.

The next subject came to children. It was agreed that each girl would give him at least two children each. When it came time for deciding who would be the main wife, he spoke again. “I will not be choosing any of them as mistresses or main wives. They will all be of equal standing.” The three girls smiled at each other, as did their mother and grandmother. The men all shared a small smile upon hearing that as well.

The dates for the wedding were a bit more difficult to decide. “It is a little unusual for a man to be marrying an older woman in our world. As such, it is usually once the husband graduates that they are to be wed, and the woman will drop from school,” Arcturus explained but held a hand to prevent protest from Robert. “I understand that this is not pleasant in the muggle world. However, it is how it is usually done but not always. What I am saying, however, is in most pureblood homes a woman should be married no later than six months after she graduates. I know that that is not as such with most light families, but most grey and dark families do. However, I am curious as to when you would like to marry.”

Harry looked to the girls, and they all nodded. “I have talked to the girls about this and was outvoted a bit,” he said, resisting the urge to rub the back of his head. “They would like to be married at the end of Andromeda's seventh year. We would be allowed access to the married quarters at Hogwarts, and as a lord, I would be allowed to come back and forth from the castle. I would be spending every other night with Andromeda either here in Camelot or if she chooses to stay with you and it is agreeable then with you at Blackmoor until graduation.”

The adults looked at each girl who nodded. It was added to be this way into each of the contracts. Harry also insisted on adding that he would not be able to take another lover in any form outside of the three girls, and it was also added. For the next few hours, they went back and forth adding or removing this or that.

Finally, it was finished, and the contracts were signed in blood, much to Robert's chagrin, and official. They would be filing them at Gringotts with their own account managers the following day. The ministry, on the other hand, would be filed near the end of summer, and a formal announcement would be printed in the Prophet at the same time. Harry, for his part, had already gone into his vault and picked out three engagement rings for each girl with similar protections to his head of house ring.

He presented each with their ring. The gem in them matched their eyes perfectly. He then explained to the teary-eyed girls what it was that the rings did. He was given appreciative nods from the adults and tight hugs from the girls. While they could wear them freely here or at home, they had to put concealment charms on them at school. At least until after the official announcement.

Harry then had Trixie produce their food after taking down their wand wards. The rest of the night was spent in laughter and excitement. He was congratulated by the adults and welcomed to the family. All in all, it was a wonderful evening, and Harry couldn’t wait to see what the future might hold for him and his three wonderful women. He sat and smiled as he watched them and the other girls admire the rings with their mothers.

He also absently wondered how Remus’s date with Petunia was going. The other boy had asked her out this evening since she wasn’t able to come to this meeting. He had lent him Kurt to get him back and forth for the night to his home. He hoped it worked out for him. He had apparently told her about his condition over a letter, and while it had taken a week to return, she had said that she didn’t mind and would love to go out with him. Harry couldn’t help the small smile at that. It was good to know that maybe the girl would be getting a better shake of things this time around.

Chapter 25: Chapter 25

Chapter Text

AN:// Sorry for the wait but here is chapter 25 thank you all once again for you reads and reviews they to mean a lot. Once again I own nothing but the idea all characters and setting belongs to J.K. Rowling.

Harry and Remus were sitting in the abandoned classroom playing chess once again. Every so often, he would glance over at his three beautiful fiancées, who were sitting in the middle of the room in a meditative state. It was Easter break, and the group of friends had decided to remain in the castle for it. The main reason being that the girls still wanted to learn to become Animagi. It was much easier to hide the fact they were not eating when at the castle. Harry, not wanting to make them suffer by watching him eat, chose not to eat for the week as well.

He spotted Andie slowly opening her eyes and immediately got up with a sandwich, the game forgotten. He walked over to her and offered her a hand and a smile. She looked up with her violet eyes and smiled back, taking his offered hand. He led her over to a small set of desks and eased her into the chair. She took the offered sandwich and scarfed it down.

“Did you see it?” He asked her gently, pushing a strand of her beautiful hair from her face.

Her smile widened as her eyes sparkled. “I did! I can't wait to try and transform!”

Harry smiled down at her before leaning in and placing a small peck on her lips. “As soon as the others are ready, we will.”

She smiled up at him. A small groan from the center of the room drew their attention to where Amelia was waking up. Harry quickly did the same for her and gave her one of the sandwiches he had procured for this. He smiled at her when she excitedly told him that she had seen her creature as well. Soon enough, Lily was waking up as well, and the procedure was repeated.

Once they were all awake and ready to go, Harry stood up. “Come on, I know a better place for us to do this,” he said with a grin that made them all wonder what they were about to see.

Harry led them up to the seventh floor and stood before a tapestry of a tap-dancing troll. They looked around but found nothing but two statues on the opposite wall. They were all confused as Harry walked to one of the statues and paced three times before the wall between them. Their mouths dropped as a door suddenly appeared on the once blank wall. Harry looked back at them as he placed a hand on the doorknob and smirked.

“Welcome to the Room of Requirement!” he said, opening the door.

They walked in, and their eyes bugged out. The room was huge. It was easily big enough to fit Harry in his dragon form. “What is this place?” Lily asked in awe.

“This is a room that will grant you anything you can think of when you require it. All you need to do is pace three times before the wall and think of the place you need. The only limitation is that it cannot be an outside place. Like, I cannot imagine us to be in a forest, and suddenly we are. But that is not what we are here for. I didn’t know what your forms could be or how large, so I just figured one that would fit me should be sufficient,” he explained.

The girls nodded as their awed faces quickly turned to excitement. “So what do we do now?” Amelia asked, coming over to him and draping her arms around his neck.

Harry put his hands upon her waist, and Remus rolled his eyes but smiled. “All you need to do is capture how you felt while you were the creature. Its emotions, its wants, its needs, what makes it... well, it. Then channel your magic into that thought. Feel it in your soul.”

The girls nodded, and Amelia gave him a peck before she moved off to a side, away from the others a bit. Harry and Remus watched as the girls took on looks of concentration. Suddenly, Andie started to change. Her body grew in size, and her mouth extended into a muzzle. Brown fur sprouted over her arms and face. Before long, a large grizzly bear stood in her place. It came over to Harry and nudged him a bit with her head. He chuckled and gave her a scratch. Then she changed back, however, before Harry could speak, she gave him a mischievous smile and changed again. This time the form was still a bear, but this one was slightly smaller and white as newly fallen snow.

As Andie changed back, Amelia made her first. She grew a long, swishy tail. Golden fur sprouted from her exposed flesh. Her teeth elongated and sharpened. Large sharp claws sprang from her fingers. Where she stood now held a large lion with almost golden fur. It pranced over to Harry, and he looked into her blue eyes with a smile. He started petting her, causing her to purr softly. Before long, however, she changed back and smiled at

him. Before long, however, she changed back and smiled at him.

It was now Lily's turn as they all watched her. Her form shrank to the size of a large dog. However, it soon became clear that it was not what her form was. Instead of one tail, nine bushy ones appeared. When she stopped, a fox-like creature came bounding over to them and leaped onto Harry, knocking him to the ground. She licked his face, causing him to chuckle. She quickly transformed back right on top of him with a large beaming smile and gave him a kiss before hopping off.

“Your four and PDA,” Remus grumbled from the side with a small smile.

“Oh hush, you, or should we talk about how I walked in on you and Tonks sucking each other's faces off before we came back?” Lily said in a teasing voice. Remus suddenly turned as red as a beet and looked away.

Harry chuckled at his friend, happy that he had found someone and happy that Petunia may have a better life this time around. He turned to the girls with a smile. “Well, Andie here looks like she is both a grizzly and a polar bear. Congratulations, love. Amelia, you appear to be a Nemean lion, the magical lion from Greek myths. Just as fierce as you yourself. And Lily here seems to be a kitsune, a creature from Japanese folklore. If I remember correctly, they tend to have a disposition to fire. Its cuteness definitely matches you, my dear.” All three girls blushed at what he had said to them and drew him into a hug he happily returned.

The next full moon was upon them, and the friends had all met at the Shrieking Shack after the professors had left. The girls were watching Remus in sorrow at his pained expressions. It hurt to see their mild-mannered friend in so much pain.

“You lot should probably change, and quick,” he said, fighting the curse.

The four of them quickly changed and held perfectly still as they had been told. Remus screamed as the change finally overcame him. They watched in a mix of horror and fascination as his bones rearranged and his shape changed. The sickening sounds they made as they did filled the air.

Before long, the wolf stood before them. He stalked over and sniffed at the air in front of each of them. Seemingly accepting them as part of his family, he yipped and hopped around. Harry, in his tiger form, smiled inwardly as he watched them start to play around. Seeing as the house was too small for them, he carefully led them out and into the forest. They spent the evening looping through the forest, chasing one another beneath the full moonlight.

At the end, they led the now tired wolf back to the shack. Harry put him to bed before leading them all out. The next day found the five of them in the classroom once more. “Thank you, guys, for the other night. It means a lot that you are willing to help me with the change,” Remus told them softly.

“Any time, Remus. You're our friend,” they replied.

They turned to Harry, who seemed to be deep in thought. “What's the matter, Harry?” Lily asked in concern.

Harry looked over at them and smiled. “I think I want to make a map...”

The school year was over, and Harry was getting off the train with his friends and the girls. It had been a relatively quiet year, with not much of interest going on. The only thing that really was a bit concerning was Bellatrix and her friends glaring at them in the Great Hall while they ate. However, that wasn’t really new. Plus, she would be leaving school after this year anyway, so he wasn’t too concerned. Plus, it wasn’t like stares were uncommon for the group. Hell, both Snape and Potter were constantly glaring at him.

Andie tugged him over to where her grandparents were standing, along with the Bones and Evans families. After a quick hello to each and then a goodbye to the Bones and Evans with farewell kisses from his two girls, he was left with the Blacks. Regulus, who was a year younger than them, stood quietly by his grandmother's side, watching what was going on. He had finally decided to go live with them, even if he was a bit afraid of what his mother would say.

Narcissa stood on the other side of Melania with her usual cold mask in place. She had spent a little time with the group over the last few months, and usually, she was rather fun to be around. However, her father had beaten it into her that in public, this is how one is to act. She watched curiously what was going on, having no idea about the contracts and only that her grandfather had given Andie permission to court Pendragon.

Sirius too watched curiously from his place behind them all, he didn’t hate Pendragon but had to stick with his friend. James hated the boy for stealing Lily from him. While he couldn’t blame him, as Lily was extremely pretty, he was starting to get concerned for his friend. From what he had talked to Remus about the other boy, he was a good guy, but you didn’t want to see him if you hurt someone close to him. He had been talking to Remus in secret for a few months now, trying to repair the friendship he had lost. He liked Remus and his calm demeanor.

“Ah, Lord Pendragon, how are you this fine day?” Arcturus asked, taking the young man's hand.

“I am fine, Lord Black. Lady Black, you are looking as lovely as ever,” he said, taking her hand and kissing it.

Milania smiled over at her granddaughter with a knowing look. Andie blushed lightly before pushing it down. “Why thank you, Lord Pendragon.”

“Lord Pendragon, I would like to invite you to Blackmoor at the beginning of August month for dinner. As I am sure you are aware, I have an announcement to make and would like it if you come,” Arcturus said, as his other three grandchildren looked at him confused.

“Of course, Lord Black, it would be my honor,” Harry returned. He hated talking like this. He and Arcturus got along and usually used first names, but in public, until they announced the contracts, they needed to be more professional for now... he hated politics sometimes.

“Very well then, we look forward to your arrival on the first of August,” Arcturus said with a slight bow of the head. With that, Harry said his goodbyes with a small kiss to Andromeda's cheek before leaving.

Harry had only been at home for a quick minute to grab his packed bags before he was once again in the Ministry and being whisked away to his next destination. Now, however, he was walking down a very hot desert towards a Pyramid along with a group of other men and women. He had managed to snag a spot in a summer internship with Gringotts curse breakers. Granted, he had to sign waivers in blood that he would not steal anything at the cost of life. Along with other forms that said they were not responsible for any loss of life. But it was a good thing nonetheless.

Once they arrived at the dig site, a tall man with grey hair and green eyes stepped to the front. He was an older man in his mid to late fifties but carried himself as though he was twenty years younger. “Now then, listen up. You five are going to be learning from the pros this month. Everything from detection charms to how to dispel some of the worst curses known to wizardkind. I encourage you to NOT touch anything you may find without asking one of us first. If you have any questions, please be sure to come to us and ask.” It went on for a long time as they stood sweltering under the hot sun.

Two weeks later found Harry in the main research tent reading over a large stack of books he needed to learn. However, as he read, he came across a word, Horcruxes. He suddenly had a flashback to his time with death so many years ago now. That was something he had said that Voldemort had created. He read further into it.

Horcruxes are a hideous piece of magic that is banned in most magical communities to even think about. However, due to their nature and the nature of those who create them, curse breakers tend to be the only ones to know much about the vile things. To create these disgusting artifacts, one must commit some of the worst things imaginable to another human. This may include but is not limited to rape, torture, murder, and more. From there, they must split their souls and place the half they split off into a suitable container. It would not be recommended for anyone to split their soul more than once, and one would have to be utterly mad to do so.

“Ah, I see you have found that book already, huh?” He heard a voice behind him ask. He jumped a bit and whirled around only to find Garry, the man leading the expedition there with a small smile. “Easy, Pendragon, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he teased lightly.

“Sorry, sir, I was just so into reading I guess you spooked me,” Harry said, rubbing the back of his head.

Garry nodded and sat down next to him. He looked at the book and then back at the boy. “Not thinking about making one of those, I hope?”

Harry could hear the small edge in the man's voice. He shook his head slowly. “Gods no. I have three wonderful women in my life, and I know for a fact none of

them would do anything like this. If I can't live in this world with them, then I would much rather move to the next and be with them for eternity.”

Garry regarded him for a moment before he nodded. “That is a very wise and mature way to view it. I must also say that those girls of yours must be something special then. Many would give anything for immortality.”

Harry sighed, thinking of Voldemort. The man had indeed given up much for that exact thing. “I can imagine, but there are so much more important things than living forever. Love is one of those things, in my personal opinion, and I would rather not give that up.”

Garry smiled at him. “Well, any questions then?”

Harry nodded. “If you ever come across these, is there anything that can destroy them without harming the object they are in? I mean, I can't imagine they would be putting a piece of them into something like an old boot or tin can like a Portkey. Can't have your soul be thrown in the dustbin, you know?”

Garry chuckled. It was clear the boy was smart, and he found himself respecting him for his views on life. “You are quite right there. The ancient Egyptians would tend to place them into things such as golden idols and jade scarabs. There is a way to cleanse the items, though, as many people would like to keep them for historical value. I can show you if you like?”

Harry raised an eyebrow. “You can?”

Garry nodded and stood up, motioning him to follow. “Oh yes. We actually found one here in this tomb, to be exact. Pretty much every tomb in the old Egyptian world had one or two laying around. Not always from the tomb's occupant, though, strangely enough. Witches and wizards would place them here for safekeeping at the time. In a way, it's ironic that it would be in a place of death that they placed their containers for life in.”

Harry nodded, following the man to a different tent. Upon entering, they found a golden statue sitting on a pedestal in the center of the room. Garry walked up to it and bent over to examine it. Harry could hear a faint whisper coming from it. It called to him to take it and run. He pushed those thoughts away as Garry pulled his wand.

“Okay, kid, pay close attention. I doubt you will ever come across something like this outside of a dig, but hey, you never know when this could come in handy,” the man said as he started waving his wand and chanting in Latin.

Harry paid extra close attention to his words and wand movements. Silently, he was moving his hand in time with him and chanting them in his own head. After thirty minutes, a bright flash lit up the tent. A smokey and gooey substance rose from the statue and screamed bloody murder before it vanished in another wave of light.

Harry was panting heavily as he leaned in and looked at the statue once more. The whispers had stopped, and the tent was silent. After a time, he nodded. “Very good! It's done, and the spirit is gone,” he said happily, turning to Harry. “Were you able to get all that, kid?”

Harry nodded. “Yes, I believe so.”

“Well, why don’t you show me then, just to see?” Garry asked.

Harry nodded and drew out his wand. He began to chant for the next thirty minutes while not channeling his magic. Garry watched him the entire time to make sure he was doing it right. After a time, the man smiled widely.

“Well done, Harry! You know, you could make a fantastic curse breaker one day if you wanted,” the man said.

Harry smiled but shook his head. “Naw, I'm not sure this is for me. Too much time away from my girls. I found some books on enchanting, though, in the village, and that’s kind of caught my eye.”

“Enchanting, you say? Well, that would be a good profession indeed. Not many enchanters around these days. Some who create brooms or trunks claim to be enchanters, but that’s not really true. That’s more just placing a permanent charm on them. Here, come look at this statue now. It was enchanted back in the day to give off light. Maybe it will help you in your future,” he said, motioning to the statue that had once contained a soul.

The next few weeks were fantastic after that. Harry had found many more enchanted items that he was allowed to study under supervision. Some things were made to give light, some to harm, and some to heal. It truly was amazing what one could make with the right runes. While he was enjoying his time of learning in Egypt, and as it came to an end, things in Britain were changing for the worse.

In a small village north of London a man in a black cloak stood atop a hill over looking the sleeping village. A group of cloaked figures in masks stood behind him. there numbers in the fifties. They watched him waiting for the signal. 

He raised his hand before bringing it forward. The group made their way past him and into the village below. Bright flashes lit up the night and small explosions were heard as doors were blown from their hinges. The man on the hill looked on with cold red glowing eyes and a smirk upon thin pale lips. 

A house was set on fire by two of the cloaked men before they stood back and watched it burn. Their skull like masks glowed before the flames. Screams emitted from within as the occupants tried desperately to get out. The two cackled as they watched a little boy trying in vain to break a window before succumbing to inhalation. 

Another man caught a woman who was trying to flee and slammed her against a house. He fumbled with his trousers before he ripped her night dress away and began thrusting in an out of her roughly. The woman’s pained and scared screams filled the night as more men lined up to have their way with her. Others to were doing the same with other woman and even a few girls no older then thirteen. 

It was a despicable sight however the man on the hill watched with the smile still on his face. Watching as they f*cked and then killed these filthy muggle whor*s. He could care less what his men did as long as people started to fear him as they should. After all it was his plans that have lead to this night. His eyes glowed brighter as he watched the village burn and heard the screams and laughter of his men. A giant serpent came up beside him to watch the horror going on. The man threw back his head an let out a long, cold, high-pitched laugh that sent chills down the spines of those that heard it.  

Harry Pendragon - BigJ0893 - Harry Potter (2024)


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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.