Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of July 17, 2024 (2024)

Restored Republic via a GCR:Update as of July 17, 2024

JudyNote: QClearanceofficials have released the classified JFK documents. These intelligencereports have been documenting intelligence reports since the days of Lincolnand his creation of the Secret Service.

Thedocuments revealed the relationship between the CIA, Central Banks, the FederalReserve and their control of the Mockingbird Mainstream Media, Medical Healthindustries and the CIA indoctrination of the US education system.

Thedocuments also revealed that the first Director of the CIA Allen Dulles and CIA operative George Bush took orders from the UKCrown, Israel, Chinese Communist Party and the Khazarian Mafia Rothschild/Rockefeller bankers.

·Tues. 16 July 2024: Breaking! Head of SecretService Confesses toOrdering Stand down At Trump Pennsylvania Assassination Attempt.

·Mon. 15 July 2024: Leaked RFK Jr. call withTrump, talking aboutvaccines doing harm to children. This conversation took place after theassassination attempt on Trump. Trump also mentioned Biden's stupid questionabout how he knew to turn his head when the bullet struck.

·A reminder why I have been held in prison allthese years: Wikileaksreleased the Collateral Murder video. The footage shows Reuters journalistsSaeed Chmagh and Namir Noor-Eldeen being gunned down by a US Apache helicopter.Several others were killed while the US pilots laughed. George Bush & TonyBlair have never been accused whilst I’ve spent years in prison. …WikileaksTruths (Julian Assange) on Telegram 15July 2024

·Tues.16 July 2024: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: GreenLight Given By President Trump. Global Military Alliance in Motion. GlobalAlliance to Takeover Fake Mainstream Media. . .

·Mon.15 July 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN SITUATION UPDATE7/15/24 “TRUMP PICKS JD VANCE FOR VP”

·Tues.16 July 2024: BQQQQM!!! SKY EVENT: The Project BlueBeam: Perfect Storm Is Coming! How Do You Fool the Entire Earth? You FakeReality Itself!

·Tues.16 July 2024: BQQQM!!! Q Has Released a Huge Set ofFiles that it Calls “Year Zero” and Which Mark the Biggest Exposure of CIASpying Secrets Ever

·Mon.15 July 2024: Bombshell Report! Sniper for CanadianMilitary: Trump Shooter Had “Inside” Help

·Mon.15 July 2024: BOOOM!!! An Entire Army of ServiceMembers Will Be Deployed to the RNC in a Massive Show of Protection forPresident Trump – Patriots on Wheels, National Guard, and Support Forces:Protecting the Commander-in-Chief

A. Suspected Timing:

·Timing of a pending Internet Shutdown and Ten Days of Darknessthroughout the World will be determined by a QuantumComputer’s analysis of the entire international situation. The Mainstream Media will closedown while people will be asked to stay indoors to watch documentariesexplaining what was going on. Meanwhile Military troops stationed across theGlobe will arrest anyone who has cooperated with the New World Order and theircreation of the Virus and Vaccines – an operation that could start any time this week.

·OnThurs. 11 July 2024 the financialcapitols of the World in Zurich, London, Toronto and Renoactivated a GlobalCurrency Reset of 209 countries to gold/asset-backed currencies. On that same Thurs. 11 July 2024the Three Gorges Dam in China broke. Three Gorges was the first of 34 Satanicsites to be destroyed. It held the Chinese Communist Party’s Child SexTrafficking Ring Headquarters and Bio Weapon Labs.

·On Sat. 13 July 2024 Reno started GCR payments toWhales and according to Q Codez VII on Telegram, wasalso the date for start of aScare Event – which turned out to be an inside job of an attemptedassassination on Trump.

·OnMon. 15 July 2024 GCR payments to upper levels began,asdid the start of the Republican National Convention, which was the end of the Scare Event.

·Tues. 16 July

·Wed.17 July 2024: The World Day For International Justice:

·Thurs.25 July 2024: End of Lockdown. Christmas in July. …Q Codez VII on Telegram

B.Global Currency Reset:

Tues.16 July 2024 Bruce:

·Sourcesaretalking of this going by Thurs. 18 July.

·Weshould be notified to set appointments sometime between now and Thurs.18 July.

·Moneyis moving and Bond Holders are to receive email tomorrow Wed. 17 July for access totheir monies on Thurs. 18 July.

·Astrong contact in Iraq is in touch with high people inErbil – that are saying the budget and rate will be published in tomorrow’s Gazette Wed. 17 July.

·Gesaraisto be announced.

·Ifyou are a Zim or Currency Holder you should receive theR&R at the time of your exchange.

·Ifyou are not a currency holder you should receive yourR&R by the end of July.

·Tues. 16 July 2024 MarkZ: “Some of the Zim charity platforms may gofirst – is what I am suddenly hearing. Maybe even before some of the Historicbonds. So I am hearing positive things for those who aggregated Zim forhumanitarian reasons. That being said…..I heard that the initial releases ofmoney are being pushed very hard for humanitarians. That is the priority. Butthis does not mean there is a delay for us currency holders, just thathumanitarian projects are the priority. I am getting that from bunches ofsources. I have also had a number of sources from groups reach out over thelast 12-14 hours that if we have projects to submit- be sure to get thosedusted off and prepared and ready.”

·Tues.16 July 2024: GESARA: The Hands Of God! This Is WealthCreation!

·Mon.15 July 2024: UPDATE: New List of Banks That areConnected to The QFS System or are Being Connected – QFS + RTGS Trust The Plan!,BOOM! A New List of Banks That areConnected to the QFS System or are Being Connected - QFS + RTGS Trust the Plan!

C.Global Financial Crisis:

·Tues.16 July 2024: It's a done deal! We're about to take asignificant leap forward. While things may get tougher before they improve, theQuantum Leap is now fully underway! …US Debt Clock on Telegram

·Tues.16 July 2024: BRICS to use Crypto for its new paymentsystem, Chairman of the Russian Federation Council says.


·Tues.16 July 2024 Japan: It is getting sad in Japan. Japan iswarning that the country is ready to take all possible measures in the currencymarket. This is what desperation looks like.

·Tues.16 July 2024 Australia Guy: “ATMs still down today. I needed 50cash and had to buy something from the shop so they would let me get cash out.They gave me nearly all they had left. Cash is running out and ATMs don'twork.”

D.Restored Republic: Tues. 16 July 2024 Why did Joe Biden Block the CLASSIFIEDdocuments of JFK ASSASSINATION coming out? … Steve Bannon onTelegram

·Theclassified documents of the JFK assassination have beenreleased by QClearance officials who have been documenting theintelligence reports since the days of Lincoln and his creation of the SecretService.

·INSIDEthe files not released in 2017 is the Truth: Who created theCIA and why then the Director of CIA Allen Dulles and CIA operative George Bushtook orders from UK Majesty, Israel, China CCP and the Rothschild Rockefellerbanks.

·Theclassified files connect the CIA operations and their full extentof how to use Mockingbird operations to control the news.

·Inkilling JFK they used psychological trauma to see theresponse of the Nation and to test Mockingbird operations, to test the militaryresponse, weed out the White Hat operates that were part of the Q Clearanceoperations and sleepers who were connected to the highest Intel classifieddocument Operations, and Military Special Forces.

·Thereare several reasons for JFK ASSASSINATION and the ongoingWARS created by the CIA and implementation of Central World Banks in everycountry around the world.

·Themost disturbing of the classified JFK documents(updated 1999) was the relationship of the CIA, Central Banks and the FederalReserve to the controlled Mockingbird Media, medical health Industries and indoctrinationof the education system.

·Allthese branches of CIA controlled system created DARPA(The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) who went on to createMicrosoft, Google, Google Maps, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, the World HealthOrganization, NIH, WEF, GPMB, Big Pharma, Big Tech and the Vaccine industry.

E.The Real News for Tues. 16 July 2024:

·Tues. 16 July 2024 Poland has started using military force against illegalimmigrants who have been trying to invade their country. A new law allows soldiers,border guards, and police officers to use deadly force to prevent an invasion.Will the United States do something similar following recent public revelationsabout Joe Biden's administration assisting child traffickers?

·Mon.15 July 2024: Shocking Exposés: CERN – Gateway to Hell!Scientists and the Elite Hide the Truth About CERN, Demonic Entities, and ExtraDimensions

·Tues. 16 July 2024 Texas Heat Wave Power Outagecontinues for thousands:

·Tues. 16 July 2024 How Clarence Thomas helpedthwart prosecution of Trump in classified documents case.

·Tues. 16 July 2024 Amazon Founder Jeff Bezos justsold 403,974 Amazon shares worth $80.8 million. He's now sold $10.25 Billion worth of sharesthis year!

·Only two months before 9/11, the World Trade Center was privatized & soldto Larry Silverstein. Every single morning he ate breakfast in North Tower onthe 91st floor, but not on 9/11, his wife made him an emergency doctorappointment that day. He also had bought an insurance plan that 'fortunately'covered terrorism. After the attack, he took the insurance company to court.Silverstein won & was paid double, being awarded a total of $4.55B. Thismay be the largest insurance fraud in history & he is still a free man.

·Tues.16 July 2024: BREAKING! Media Silence on TrumpAssassination Attempt: Morning Joe & Daily Show Cancel Coverage

·Mon.15 July 2024: US Marines Arrest Jack Smith for Treason:

·Tues.16 July 2024: BREAKING! Media Silence on TrumpAssassination Attempt: Morning Joe & Daily Show Cancel Coverage

·Tues.16 July 2024: Bombshell Report: Trump’s ExplosiveConversation with RFK Jr. After Assassination Attempt!

F. International Child Sex Trafficking, Organ andAdrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican and housed in China’s ThreeGorges Dam in a 1500 mile tunnel that also runs between the Vatican andJerusalem:

·Mon.15 July 2024: ALERT ALERT ALERT! BOHEMIAN GROVEExclusive! Epic New Bohemian Grove Ritual Footage Leaked – List of the SecretCamps, Members and Key to Camp Locations

·Tues.16 July 2024 An Instagram influencer and former Brazilian model who went fromliving in poverty to partying with Leonardo DiCaprio, has been sentenced toeight years in prison for human trafficking and slavery of women.Katiuscia “Kat” Torres was convicted on June 28 in Rio de Janeiro after beingcaught in Maine and deported to Brazil where she was arrested in November 2022.The investigation began when two Brazilian women vanished in early 2022,causing the FBI to launch a search in the US based on information that theywere living with the wellness influencer.

G. Covid/Vax/Ebola/ SwineFlu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/ Zika/ Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/ H1N1/ GrapheneOxide/ Chem trails/ Fluoride, Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoaxes:

·Coronaviruslevels spiking in wastewater in California, Florida and Texas as cases rise:

·BillGates and his fundings: $4.3 billion to World HealthOrganization; $3 billion to GAVI The Vaccine Alliance (Global healthpartnership with the goal of increasing immunization in poor countries); $870million to Johns Hopkins University (Provides data, statistics, maps and Covidresources); $280 million to Imperial College London (Created the computermodels which predicted & miscalculated the spread, impact and death rate ofthe pandemic); $243 million to University of Oxford (Vaccine research anddevelopment); $153 million to CDC; $53 million to BBC Media Action (Supportsmedia and communication efforts that strengthen governance, advises on health issues);$40 million to Prof. Chris Witty (England’s Chief Medical Officer); $18 millionto National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)

H.Wars and Rumors of Wars:

·Tues.16 July 2024 Iran: "Western Union has ceased operationsin Iraq following instructions from the US Federal Reserve Board. The US hasbegun to abandon Iraq by restricting the use of dollars and abandoningpurchases of Iraqi oil.” Jalil Al Rami: “Tampering with electronic platformshas had a negative impact on the parallel market.” …Jalil Al Rami - EconomicExpert

·Tues.16 July 2024 Iran: Iran says it's ready to supply oil andgas to all BRICS countries. "Iran can provide oil and gas to BRICScountries to meet their energy needs, and in return, other member states cantake steps to meet Iran's needs in various banking and trade exchangesectors."

I.Satan Worshipping Illuminati Zionist Deep State Cabal Globalist DepopulationAgenda 2030:

·The Illuminati New World Order’sDepopulation Agenda 21 was agreed upon and signed by 179 nations. Covid wascreated and released as a means to further this agenda.

J.Judy Note: WhatWe Think We Know about the Trump Assassination Attempt as of Tues. 16 July 2024:

·ThomasMatthew Crooks, (whatever their name was – left wing extremists Thomas MatthewCrooks, Mark Violet or Maxwell Yearik), who tried to kill Donald Trump, wasspotted on a roof nearly 30 minutes before the shooting. Oneofficer at the rally took a photo of Crooks at 5:45 p.m. and called it in as asuspicious person, according to WPXI-TV.

·JonathonWillis, the sniper who took out Trump’s would-be assassinsaid he was ordered not to shoot, was arrested by the FBI afterward and losthis job because he did – obviously pointing out that this shooting was aninside job.

·Theamount of time Secret Service and Law Enforcement had to neutralize this threatis ridiculous. Rally attendees noticed this guy wayahead of time, informed law enforcement, and still they didn't take this guyout before a shot was taken? Extremely concerning.

·Whatwas the likelihood that Thomas Matthew Crooks,at the ripe old age of 20 years, and absolutely no formal weapons training, wasable to acquire a rifle, unload the rifle inconspicuously from his vehicle,find, carry and climb a ladder with said rifle, onto a sheet metal roof (noise)adjacent to the rally complex and draw no attention, bear crawl himself forwardon said roof, to a spot where a clear line of sight for POTUS Donald Trump wasavailable, sight in the rifle and fire off enough shots to injure Trump, andkill a rally attendee, before being neutralized by a USSS sniper (who also hada clear shot/line of sight for the shooter’s rooftop position in the firstplace).

·TheCIA Mind Controlled Lee Harvey Oswald was said to have killedPresident John F. Kennedy who was cutting off the CIA money supply. Now did theCIA play a part in controlling Thomas Matthew Crooks to kill Donald Trump whowas destroying their Black Budget funding by supporting the Global CurrencyReset?

K.Tues. 16 July 2024: The Obama False Flag, John F. Kennedy Jr. on Telegram

·An event so sinister that it must disruptthe 2024 elections. Some will call it a Black Swan Event.

1. Assassination attempt on Trump.2. Lindsey Graham iswarning about a new 9/11 style attack. False Flag attacks to blame Russia.3.Nationwide cyberattacks to disrupt the power grid.4. A new pandemic

L.Tues. 16 July 2024: Q, The Storm Rider on Telegram

·TheCIA Globalist Deep State was planning a False Flag realassassination attempt on Trump that would be blamed on Iran. They would dropMilitary FBI files confirming Iran was considering detonation of bombs, explosionsto Assassinate Trump.

·Thiswas why the White Hats staged the assassination attempt onTrump.

·TheGlobalist CIA Pentagon want to go to War with Iran Russia.That way the Epstein pedophilia operations won't be exposed and the creation ofthe virus can be covered up and forgotten with a new placed president and theplandemic operations would be covered up along with world money launderingoperations to Israel and Ukraine.

·TheWhite Hats ( Military operations) created the fake Assassinationattempt to bring down the DEEP STATE operators around Trump and theinfiltration of the Biden administration Secret Service that is being used toprotect Trump at the rallies.

·Trumpis trying to get open military protection and remove theBidens Secret Service from him (many of the Secret Service agents are Black Hats,including the intelligence that is given to the security around Trump and theintelligence given to the police departments and to the Secret Service).

·Documentsare being filled by Trump and military advisorsand are engaging with the U.S.government and letting them know they lost confidence in the SecretService and the intelligence coming through from the FBI, CIA and certainsectors of the Pentagon Intelligence.

·NowTrump wants protection from the US Special Operation command and true SpecialForces.

·WhiteHats(military alliance ops) had to stage the first assassination attempt to give aCLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER warming to the people of the United States because thenext Assassination Attempt is going to be bigger, real and could lead to full war with Iran as theDeep State is planning.

·TheDeep State is planning to kill Joe Biden and blame MAGA for theassassination at the same time they want to kill Trump and blame Iran.

·Theyhope these events will create Martial Law in the US– and bring in an Emergency President that will use the DEEP STATE MILITARYOPERATIONS (OPERATORS) to control U.S. citizens and arrest hundreds of thousandsof Patriots including killing Carlson, Musk, Patel plus arrest the military whosupported Trump the past years.

·Inshort the Deep State is trying to fully take over the UnitedStates in OVERT Deep State MILITARY COUP OPERATIONS through the Assassinationof TRUMP & BIDEN and creating a FULL AUTHORITARIAN DICTATORSHIP over U.S.citizens and government (meaning more vaccines, Pandemics, full censorship, andarrest of anyone who goes against the Globalist CIA Deep State regime.

·NOWyou should understand why the Alliance White Hats Military ops STAGEDthe first Trump Assassination attempt!

·Itwas a very IMPORTANT EVENT to EXPOSE the Military COUP,bring in congressional hearings and get the Military involved in OVERTOPERATIONS to Protect Trump (because when the military is overtly protectingTrump with Special Forces, any attack on Trump is attack on the Military and isan ACT OF WAR AND MILITARY PROTOCOLS.

M.Trump’s surprise pick for Vice President JD Vancewas controversial since he was a protégée of Peter Thiel who ran Paypal as wellas a blood company called Ambrosia – the first company to harvest blood of theyoung.

·JDVANCE is very important to having Trump capture severalblue States.

·JDVANCE & VIVEK RAMASWAMY are going after BILL GATES and theyare going to restore power to the Farmers of the United States! Trump and Vivekwere working together and even though Trump and Vivek had a small publicdebacle, it was all for show and they world unite. And they did.

·VANCEAND VIVEK are going to go after The GLOBALIST and Bill Gatesand recapture the Farm lands and insure protection for the Great American U.S.Farmers!

·TrumpJr. is in talks with JD Vance to run together for theUS Presidency in 2028. They are making the way for the future presidential seatfor Barron Trump.

·JDVANCE KNOWS ALL THE INS AND OUTS OF THE SKULL ANDBONES SOCIETY. He knows where she the bodies are buried. This means he knowsthe full corrupt system of the cabal operations from first hand perspective andhas the Intel and Data and recipes.

N.Mon. 15 July The Event – White Hat Trump Assassination Attempt What Happened?,White Hat Intel

·(Ihave mentioned several times this was coming. But the lastweek's I gave you the full Intel that this event was going to happen). So whatreally happened?

·Firstyou must understand the Secret Service always scoutsthe location days and weeks before the president's arrival the building fromwhich to shooter took the shots was an obvious location and #1 priority to lockdown and have police there and secret service use that building to surveillancethe perimeter. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO WAY THAT WHITE BUILDING TOP ROOF WOULDHAVE BEEN LEFT UNATTENDED.

·(Itwas the closest #1 building rooftop for a shooter to use andthe police. Secret Service. Military intelligence surveying the area would havenoticed days before. Even Secret Servicetrained snipers who shoot up to 1000 yards knew that building was only 130yards away and was the perfect place for a sniper to be )

·Sohow did 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks crawl thebuilding with hundreds of people watching him. Video him. Calling police.Screaming to Secret Service that a man on the building has a gun

·Howdid drones, helicopters and thousands of police officersstationed near by not see the sniper in the 5 minutes he crawled the buildingand set up for the shot.

·Thisincludes news helicopters, secret service counter snipers,hundreds of contract Military guards with Intel and over 3200 Militarysatellites including USSF sats monitoring the event did not see Thomas Crooks ?

·Welllike I told you and the recent weeks the white hats were planning to Stage the EVENT for several reasons. Thisincluded beating the CIA in a time frame for a real assassination event.

·(Theevents UNFOLDING of the assassination attempt WILL lead tointelligence CIA agencies operations, connected to Military COUP operationsthat helped the police and Secret Service stand down and several agencies givenorders not to secure the top perimeter of the building )

·ThomasMatthew Crooks was already dead before the assassination attempt.White Hats already knew Thomas Crooks was a loner and was already being handledby CIA operations MK ULTRA ( Just Like Stephen Paddock the Las Vegas shooter///

·Ithas been proven since the 1960s the CIA created mind controlprograms to create super killers that kill opposition. From several hearingsincluding Rockefeller committee hearings, The Church Committee hearings andsenators and direct CIA testimony that the CIA had mind control operations thatstarted in the 1953.)

·WhiteHat Intel were aware that ThomasCrooks was already being used by MK ultra Operations and was going to be placedto help assassinate Trump in the late fall real CIA ops assassination attempt (Crookswould have been used just like Lee Harvey Oswald and placed the blame on him asa single shooter)

·TheCIA knew White Hats intelligence operations were trackingThomas Crooks. So CIA killed Crooks and tried distance themselves from the Mkultra Ops with Crooks.

·TheWhite Hats got a hold of Thomas Matthews Crooks real body.

·Onthe day of the shooting White Hats intentionally had thesecret service. Police and intelligence operations monitoring the building tostand down.

·Atthis moment a fake ACTOR was placed to crawl the building and the STAGED EVENTcontinued As snipers MOCKED the killlig of CROOKS<

·(Onlya few agents part of the military PLANned operations tended the body double ofCROOKS and in a few seconds the bodies were switched )

·Thenext part of the story is highly classified information andoperations taking place for decades and the operations began in Russia and theU.S. copying the Russian operations in the 1960s... These importantintelligence operations created families of spies that included children whoturn into teenagers and go into CIA Junior Training academy's and trained inrural areas and villages.

·Alot of these completed family spy operations setsbecome SLEEPERS and hold normal jobs and academic success and activities butmost of these full fictional Spy agent families don't have a strong familylineage and descendents and often have a very common name OR a unique unknownfamily name .... Just like the highly uncommon name of the"Comperatore" family name.

·Thename Comperatore comes from Argentina. After world war 11 the Nazis fled to South America and severalfamilies took up this name of Comperator. Since the last century there areonly 156 people in the world named Comperatore and most live in Argentina andonly a few live in the United States and their families can be tracked to otherdescendants.

·Theperson who was shot at the Trump rally was Corey "Comperatore"who had 2 daughters a wife and a sister who posted on his behalf.

·But you must remember the CIA. Fbi. DOD homeland security. NSA + all have classifiedoperations that creates full families of spys, agents and actors that are usedin vital moments to pull off some the most miraculous operations in history. This includes white hats operations and black hats operations. Remember theCIA. Pentagon has Junior Agent Academy where young teens are used for severaloperations.


·Youare watching game theory operations taking place.

·Howdid I tell you the STAGEDTrump assassination was going to happen just a few weeks ago and I told youTrump WILL survive The Assassination attempt because the white hats wereStaging the EVENT. ( It's all for a very VERY important purpose)

·Nowdo you understand why I told you the 2020 rigged election was actually a military white hats operation(the election was not stolen it was given to Biden) to bring down the globaldeep state CABAL.

·Behind the scenes>]; The military needed 2020 election EVENT totrigger the coming 11.3 Laws of Wars operations

·(TheEVENT is not a single event... But a secession of events. And inthe future when people look back in the 10 year time frame from 2017 _ 2027..they will call it the time the Great EVENT happened.)

O.Tues. 16 July Wolverine: History of the Global Financial System by ElizabethRodriguez:

·King Solomon accumulatedwealth, which was handed over to his successor King David and later to KingPhilip.

·Backing a newglobal financial system was an estimated 2 Million metric tons of GOLD, heldby a group of Royal Asian Families, whichis also known as the Dragon Family.

·In the 1930’s, the royal Asianfamilies had seen that some of their gold and silver holdings in Southeast Asiawere being plundered by the Japanese and needed to do something about it.

·In 1938, theChinese Koumintang government sent seven warships loaded with gold and silverto theUS FEDERAL RESERVE for safekeeping.In return, the Chinese were given 60year gold bonds.

·A few years laterin 1944, the infamousBretton Woods Conference took placein which the US, France and Britain weregiven a 50 year mandate to modernize and transform the world for the better.

·By August 17th, 1945, PresidentSoekarno of Indonesia had been elected “M1”or Monetary Controller of this large cache of assets, granted under United Nations Resolution MISA 81704, Operation Heavy Freedom. Theseassets are better known as the GLOBALCOLLATERAL ACCOUNTS and were originally intended to be used for themodernization of the world through several Humanitarian Projects.

·The Dragon Family are thelegitimate Depositors of these accounts.

·By 1955, it was shown thatthe International Monetary Fund (IMF),which was also created at Bretton Woods,was not living up to its word and was instead serving only the interest of thebanking and political elite. It was at this time that a growing alliance beganto see that these funds were being used to fuel the COLD War tension and decided to strongly oppose the shady banking CABAL.

·By 1963, this alliancepooled their financial resources together to create the Green Hilton Memorial Agreement, which was signed by John F. Kennedy and President Soekarno and was finished on November 14, 1963.

·This agreement wasto utilize theGLOBAL COLLATERAL ACCOUNTS forglobal development and Humanitarian projects (along with a new US TreasuryNote, a new supernational/international note backed by gold and would bring anend to the Federal Reserve System andthe C.I.A.) Just 8 days later, JFK was assassinated.

·On November 22nd1963US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. Kennedystrongly opposed the military-industrial complex, which included the FederalReserve and CIA. Kennedy had signedExecutive Order 11110 into law on June4th, 1963 which gave the president the right to issueGOLD-backed currency, and completely without permission from The FederalReserve.

·A short timefollowing Kennedy’s passing, President Soekarno and then President Marcos was left to continue the GREENHILTON MEMORIAL AGREEMENT. But, Soekarno was driven from power by way of COUP.

·By 1968, the BUSH,KISSINGER, ROCKEFELLER and other influential families created a FAKE heir tothe rights of the GLOBAL COLLATERAL ACCOUNTS. Up until the writing of thisarticle in November of 2015, these accounts have been illegally andfraudulently used by the central banking system.

·By 1978, PresidentMarcos announced the ABL program along with other ASEAN Nation leaders in ameeting at Toronto, Canada. These programs will be backed by gold to freehumanity from cabalist. But, just like President Soekarno President Marcos was compelled from his work byway of people power.

·The 9/11Connection: In 1998,60 years after the Federal Reserve Board and the Chinese swapped gold for goldbonds, the Chinese requested their gold back. After refusal from the FED, the Chinese Koumintang governmentfollowed with a lawsuit. The International Court of Justice ruled that the FEDneeded to return the gold, which was later agreed upon by the FED.

·The first paymentwas scheduled to be delivered 12 Sept. 2001, but two days prior on 10 Sept. 2001 former defense SecretaryDonald Rumsfeld announced that 2.3Trillion dollars went missing from the Pentagon defense budget.

·Even more conspicuous, CANTOR FITZGERALD SECURITIES, thecompany that was handling the paper work for the gold to be delivered back tothe Chinese, was inside One World TradeCenter on floors 101-105. All 658 of their employees were murdered on thatday as the towers fell and the gold was not returned to the Chinese.

·GOBAL COLLATERALACCOUNTS havedevout keepers who watch over them and protect them as Humanity’s assets, not their own. These “keepers” exist all over the world, and go unknown to the generalpublic, again for obvious security reasons. These Global Collateral Accountsunderwrite every sovereign bond, currency, debt instrument in our modernbanking system without exception regardless of the amount of debt instrumentsproduced, as they can cover any man made debt. These Global Collateral Accountshave an advanced control system which has been under constant attack since thelate 1700’s.

·The currentWestern Banking Elite(Eastern Europe, USA, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Ukraine, Turkey , Israel, etc.-a.k.a. “ Cabal Governments”) have attempted to both steal and replace theGlobal Collateral Accounts system through means of WAR, Treachery, Murder and Corruption.

·The AsianInvestment and Infrastructure Bank (AIIB) is a Chinese Elder creation, with exclusiveoversight privileges separate from any government, including the China andRussia.

·However, the BRICSAlliancewas also created to publicly acknowledge the collection of sovereign nationstates committed to following the financial principals of the Chinese Eldersand European Sovereigns, who in return for this pledge, get to leveragegenerations of social benefit loans/funds against the hard-asset base of theGlobal Collateral Accounts.

·Any sovereignnation not abiding by these Chinese Elder/European Sovereign financialprinciples simply is not allowed to join the AIIB, and thus excluded from accessing Global Collateral Asset Wealth. No sovereign nation may trade orcommence in banking activities with any nation not a good standing member ofthe AIIB. Nations are either in withthe Chinese Elders or they’re out.

·There are no morein-between games being played after what’s gone on these last 70 years. All 2008, 2015 and 2016 turbulent marketcrashes were attempts by existing Western Banking System families to retain theillusion of financial dominance and control which they technically never had.

·The effort hasfailed. Thus all conflicts, be Financial or Military are now being publiclyresolved by the Chinese Elders/European Sovereigns as to reset humanity and allcultures, back onto a moral fundamental platform backed in tangible assets,still underwritten by the GlobalCollateral Accounts or GCR.

·Nowis the time, our time that everything is happening according to his plan. 11 Nov. 2018 was the date the worldstarted to transform from a fiat currency to a gold backed currency thus freehumanity from slavery over cabalist once the new financial system was fullyoperational.

·TheQUANTUM FINANCIAL SYSYTEM will bethe system in transforming the world through Humanitarian Projects as overseeby the Chinese Elders with the keepers to promote equality amongst Nation for agenerally peaceful world.

·Once the new QUANTUM FINANCIAL SYSTEM is in placethe Philippine Peso (PHP) is set to significantly increase in value.

·The PHILIPPINESstill holds a significant amount of GOLD from Japanese occupation duringWWII. This Gold has been keeping the PHP from rising/falling over decades.

·The new QUANTUM FINANCIAL SYSTEM (QFS) has beenannounced along with the RV in aSpanish by CNN but with noexplanation yet.

·AllHUMANITARIAN, INFRASTRUCTURE, AND JOBPRODUCING projects has been given a green light with funds on a holdingbank which cannot be disclosed as of this time.

·It’sso interesting what’s going on absolutely PHENOMENAL.TR says he is working directly with the SOVEREIGN COMMITTEE which is the grandfather CHINESE and they control most of the assets of the world that arepart of this, let’s say, new system. Code name MEI-HUA is one of these groups representing these historical andinherited assets in the IQP.

·“As the sovereigncommittee, we have our own SOVEREIGN BANK and we’re doing these transactionsright now. We’re telling this C C, “ You show us how you got this, and we’llfund this deal by the end of the week. “That’s how things work.

·The innocentcountry like thePHILIPPINES must be given allowancefor retribution for all the destruction that’s been done.

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of July 17, 2024 (2024)


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Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.